Convert AVI, Xvid, DivX to DVD

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by koola, Nov 15, 2003.

  1. gates_2

    gates_2 Member

    Mar 25, 2005
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    Hey guys- i'm having a probelm

    the tag to my show is


    but i can't get the picture

    the audio works. I have all divx +Xvid codecs installed

    Gspot tells me its not a valid avi file.. i've tried using core player to open it and i still only get sound..

    Any soultion to this probelm?

  2. blomman

    blomman Member

    Mar 24, 2005
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    Hi there. My problem is that my movie is 1:36:48h but when I try to decompress it with TMPGEnc it shows that it is 242 min, which makes it impossible to make it less than 100,38% of an 4.7 GB DVD disc. What's the problem? according to Gspot I've got the required codec installed.

  3. RizzoMato

    RizzoMato Member

    Mar 25, 2005
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    any one knows how to convert an mkv file to dvd and keep the subtitles?

    I know how to convert to .mpeg but it doesn't keep the subtitles
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2005
  4. bigapples

    bigapples Member

    Dec 21, 2004
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  5. CaneToad

    CaneToad Guest

    I have had a little experience and a lot of success at making dvd's for home use but have had the same problem reported by a few here...
    I have a Divx AVI file with a mp3 soundtrack.
    When I convert using TMPGenc i get an mpg with no sound
    From what I can gather it is because it has the MP3 soundtrack and I need to separate them using VirtualDub to convert the MP3 into PCM
    So far so good??
    My question is when I have done all this am I gonna have probs with lipsynch - I have read a few people have had such probs. I don't want this it will make it all a waste of time
    I will be converting to PAL DVD format 360X576(I think)
    I am not keen on the one stop programs that convert from divx to DVD's as I want to greate the menus to look how I like em - I use DVD Author to do this.
    Can I convert from Divx(with MP3 audio) to Mpeg any other way without having to split video from audio?
  6. daemonzx6

    daemonzx6 Regular member

    Jun 29, 2004
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    A way I have found is to use one of the one-step programs to convert it to VOBs. Then get Xmuxer to demux the VOBs into m2v and ac3 streams. You can them mux them into an mpg file, and then if you need to you can get an mpeg joiner to make them one file again.
  7. nos_

    nos_ Guest

    the fastest way i have found is to use DVDSanta to convert ur avi files to dvd and then use clonedvd to burn and voila....took me about 2 hours to do a full length avi movie. hope this helps.
  8. rrbtheman

    rrbtheman Guest

    ok i have fallowed the to convert divx to dvd meg and when i went to test it half of it nurned green and it sounds like its play in a hallway please help.
  9. nos_

    nos_ Guest

    make sure you have the proper codecs installed...the same thing happened to me when i first used dvd santa to convert divx avi to dvd...after installing the divx codecs and ac3 ogg etc no more problems.
  10. rrbtheman

    rrbtheman Guest

    Ok where can i download these codes i clicked on the ac but i didn't see anywhere i can download it.
  11. nos_

    nos_ Guest

    i don't think I'm allowed to talk about hackin/crackin,warez etc here so just look around the p2p scene
  12. IPswichcs

    IPswichcs Member

    Apr 17, 2005
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    thanks for the guides, very useful, bookmarked for sure :D
  13. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    I've been useing DVDSanta here of late,It's quite a program,it converts Divx,AVI's straight to DVD then burns it to.It has been quite a stapple program with decent quality to the conversions.You can download & try at to try.Get a Divx file their too,to try.I tried it on Sahara,& Amityville Horor
  14. Arnold2

    Arnold2 Regular member

    Jun 5, 2003
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    was not impressed with DVD Santa, sent them a e-mail for support and no reply, ask to please reply even if they didn't know the answer.

    was needing more info. about the program.
    sent my receipt along with the question just in case. made no difference.

    don't use the program much if at all.
  15. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    Hello there Arnold2...What was your problem w/DVDSanta? I've only been useing it for about 2 weeks,but so far it seem to be the best I can find to convert DIVX & AVI's to DVD compliant video.It takes a little while,but it does the job.With I might AD decent QUALITY.I'd appreciate any type of feed back...Many Thanks rick5446

    PALToNTSC Regular member

    Apr 28, 2005
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    hi guys..i opened this tread here cuz i was converting a divx movie to dvd..the problem is there no perfect programe for everyhting..u need more than 1 programe.

    for exemple u can use AVS video converter or virtual dub or TMPEG..etc..some divx files open on the first and some open on the second you know??it's always like that cuz not all the divx and xvid movies are the same

    to convert from AVI to dvd u can use Pinnacle give you a professional quality..u can convert first to mpeg 2 or directly to dvd..also you can add menu and titles you like

    from xvid or divx to dvd you can't open the files on pinnale or adobe so you can use AVS video convert the movie directly and don't need to make audio and video convert the xvid or divx movie in a folder than copie it directly to the dvd

    it's my message for tonight to u later cuz this object never finish..always something new and better
  17. Arnold2

    Arnold2 Regular member

    Jun 5, 2003
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    Hi, rick5446

    After reading all the praising of DVD Santa guess just expected better quality video.
    not all that good at figuring things out not knowing much about the whole process.

    Not knocking it, just couldn't play the video from the dvd after burning, then one had no sound.
    I'm spoiled with TMPGEnc and Nero I guess. If it were not for the logo you can hardly tell it was made form a AVI or Mpg

    Found a tut to get rid of the logs, going to try it out soon.

    Like trying new programs.

    Usually always e-mail support for something before the 30 days is up.
    support of program means a lot, for me anyway.
    Hate the Buy it and shut up cold shoulder...

    The program will come in handy some time I'm sure.
    Everyone has thier favorit, mine is the one that does the best job, newbe friendly and plenty of support. both of the programs mentioned above always send me an answer e-mail, no matter how ridicules the question. It has been a year or more sense purchas and they still answer a support question. That should shout this is a good program.
    A program no matter how good or bad should have support.
  18. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    Hello their Arnold2...I agree with what u say 100%..but I've had no problem w/DVDsanta it does a good job at converting DivX 2 DVD..the video & sound qualiy is there..i don't know what they use behind their logo to convert..but it works!! I just tried VSO DivxToDVD it work very good & sound v/good..What i found strange is no matter what u convert dvdsanta converts to gigs while divxToDVD converts to something around 1.5 gigs..very strange to me..also I found that dvdsanta when u play their dvd u have problems w/the fast forward & chapter skipping on your dvd has a tendency to skip a lot farther then u want..u just can't control it..where as divxToDvd works great..This conversion is all new to me..i've just now taken to downloading files from torrents..i find quite a few good movies i've never heard of like Samhain & layer cake..their pretty good movies..i just don't like watching them on a small screen..i'm spoiled with my 60" sitting in a movie theatre..i've just learned that they make a Divx DVD player & thought i might give it a try..gotta find one reasonable though..just tried best buy so far..they have a discontinued yamaha for 150.00..but don't much like the word i'll shop around & see if these type of players are still made or if they went the way of the bets max did against the vhs..bought 2 of them bastards when they were newly out 300.00 a pop..2 yrs later they were if I can find a Divx player at a reasonable price..50.00to75.00 i won't care if it is obselete..just throw it away when it breaks..Divx,Avi looks real good on small screen..never seen it on a TV looking forward though..hope i'm not burning your ears off with all this chatter..oh well thats what these forums are for..HaHa..thanks though keep in's been nice talking to u..your very polite i appreciate that u did'nt interrupt me once while i was talking!!
    One last thought..DivxToDVD does'nt make the ISO files for the DVD player to reconize the VOB's so u have to use IfoEdit..which i use a lot
    Last edited by a moderator: May 7, 2005
  19. Arnold2

    Arnold2 Regular member

    Jun 5, 2003
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    greetings rick5446
    Do a google for the Divx player, may find the price range you are looking for.
    Divx site will give you a lot of info.
    Bought their programs as well, excellent product and support.
    Guess Nero is the over all do most everything program.
    Can't touch that for the price, and excellent support.
    The divx avi. files are just some time trouble.
    It all depends on who and how they were made or put into the box so to speak.
    Depends on how much time involved chasing down the codec's an plugins for what program being used to convert what file.
    free program from divx was great VSO DivxToDVD
    could not join files in the free ver. Will prob get upgrade one as well.
    So much fun trying the new programs out, learning alot here at AfterDawn.
    Some programs AfterDawn is the only support found. Thank you all at AfterDawn, Great people, Great Site.
  20. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    Thanks Arnold2....Avi2DVD will join will dvTools
    I don't think I had any problems joining with VSO..but I'll have to recheck

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