Convert AVI, Xvid, DivX to DVD

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by koola, Nov 15, 2003.

  1. permatex

    permatex Regular member

    May 4, 2003
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    convertxtodvd works fairly well for converting avi files to dvd but i prefer 1-click dvd movie,picture quality is about the same and 1-click dvd mivie software is twice as fast from start to finish.
  2. amtchef

    amtchef Guest

    Hi is there any software to download for the Archos player to put dvd movies onto it and without that big feeto pay, any help would be great, thanks
  3. cfowler

    cfowler Guest

    I have an AMAZING set of video files in .avi format that are 7.6gb in total, which will fit nicely on a dual layer dvd+r. I tried using cucusoft to encode the avi files to dvd files, the only problem is the total size of the new files will not even come close to fitting onto my blank dvd! Is there any way to take the original 7.6GB of avi video files and encode them into a playable format for my Denon DVD-900 player without increasing the size? I'm pretty certain my player will not play avi files directly from a dvd. Some of the new dvd players will play divX directly from disc so does that mean that avi would play too? Back to the task at hand.. I'm also concerned about losing quality. Currently the avi files have amazing picture and sound and I don't want to lose any of that. Please forgive me, I'm new and learning. Thanks a bunch,

  4. ryanmc14

    ryanmc14 Member

    Oct 30, 2006
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    please can any1 help i am wanting to play a WMV file but dont know how too...please can some1 help... I have media player classic!!!!!!
  5. digitilos

    digitilos Guest

    i agree with you, convertdivxtodvd is not that bad but have a look on SPAM.
    i's a new video file converting and burning software with a good looking interface. And you can get it for free.
    So try it at:
    google for SPAM
    and let me know about the high seped conversion and quality
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 12, 2009
  6. lapinou

    lapinou Member

    Nov 6, 2004
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    I just tried kibisoft on a vista computer, and it converted something but it failed a the burn part,
    it looks like a reskined version of convertxtodvd but with much less features, no menu, no merge , no subtitle management...
    About the speed, it seems 30% slower than ConvertXtoDVD

    By the way ConvertXtoDVD current version is with this change log

  7. greginky

    greginky Member

    Jun 20, 2008
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    I just downloaded and used convertxtodvd and it worked well , I then used the program to burn the DVD, I was very impressed. I know computers fairly well but am totally new to the video stuff. This program made a beautiful animated menu without me telling it to.It took a while to convert it, about an hour, but I am happy with it.
  8. digitilos

    digitilos Guest

    You are partly right guys with convert X which offers more option that SPAM.I'm personnaly running with Vista and i've had no worries neither with the conversion part nor the burning part using SPAM.

    i don't know where you get the figure of 30% slower speed cause i've run the both app and i didn't notice that much difference.
    But let me remind you that SPAM is 100% free compared to the major video converter software on the market.
    Because SPAM is a very handy and easy to use software for free, i keep one using it and i recommand it to begginers like me.
    There should be a place for everybody in this world.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 12, 2009
  9. azranp

    azranp Guest


    the best way to convert your avi to dvd is using TMPGEnc but its must be synchronize with a codec software. We also can add our subtitles. I have write a simple guide at my blog, pls visit
    SPAM removed

    sure its very useful...
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 2, 2008
  10. hpf84

    hpf84 Guest

    There is a new video converter to dvd that does a great job with a high dvd quality at the end :

    dvdcoach express from Kibisoft

    Why don't you add it to your list

  11. lapinou

    lapinou Member

    Nov 6, 2004
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    a free video converter to DVD that's impossible. it is legally imcompatible with the DVD licensing patent. you can check on
    so for sure, there are freeware, like you can pirate it too, but such program requires a lot of ressources, how it could be free then ? because of advertisements? short term strategy to make a shareware later ( as VSO did with DivxToDVD despite it was incompatible with the MPEG LA rules ? )
  12. gobble412

    gobble412 Member

    May 25, 2008
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    I don't know if anyone has any knowledge on this guide or program, but I've been trying to convert a few episodes of a TV show from avi to DVD using Avi2DVD, and it seems to go great until after it finishes Demuxing the audio. It goes to start theMp3 to Ac3 conversion, but it stops and says "File Access Denied". This is the guide:

    I appreciate any help.
  13. gobble412

    gobble412 Member

    May 25, 2008
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    Now I tried to use DVDCoach Express, and it appears to be working, but it keeps saying "Invalid and Inefficient vfw-avi packed B frames detected" I'm gonna take a wild guess, and say that that is probably bad? Anyone kno what I can do to fix this, supposed, problem?
  14. hereigo

    hereigo Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    Hi gobble 412

    nice to see that you've tried dvdcoach express with good results.

    Do not worry about the message you've had.
    As you said it is not really a problem except that such message should occur to users .
    I've had myself this messasge that I sent to the support team of Kibisoft (I wanted to check how long it would take to get an answer !!).
    I had an answer within 2 days saying that this message shouldn't appear to users and that it would desepaer soon in the next version of dvdcoach.
  15. lililou

    lililou Member

    Jul 24, 2008
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    I tried DVD coach and also had the weird message, so I switched to ConvertXtoDVD and I'm not going back !!
    ConvertXtoDVD is really easy to use and has some cool features like menu creation and subtitle management. By far the best video converter on the market , trust me !
  16. varnull

    varnull Guest

    can't compare to dvd flick when it comes to value for money.. convertx still has troubles with subtitles.

    dvdstyler is probably the best all round dvd authoring application, but it takes time and patience to get the best from it.
  17. digitilos

    digitilos Guest

    Difficult to compare SPAM, a freeware to convertx, a shareware.
    There are so many options in convertx that I won't never use.
    You can't even create your own menu with your favorite picture!

    With SPAM, it is so simple that it works for free.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 12, 2009
  18. hpf84

    hpf84 Guest

    I've heard dvdcoach thanks to your forum

    I appreciate its ease of use.
    dvdcoach is so simple to use but you can't compare it with convertx which does good job as well. But does it worth the money ?
  19. bilvihur

    bilvihur Member

    Aug 6, 2008
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    I was using AVI2DVD to create DVD movies, but it's lack of support finally made me give up in frustration. Reading this forum, I downloaded and started using DVDCoach Express. So far I've been very satisfied with it's speed and quality. It has even handled .avi files which AVI2DVD couldn't. I'm disappointed that AVI2DVD couldn't be maintained, but DVDCoach Express is now my only DVD converter.
  20. bilvihur

    bilvihur Member

    Aug 6, 2008
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    Update - I tried DVDFlick, and find it more versatile than DVDCoach Express! It accepts multiple .avi files, with different frame and bit rates, and fits them onto a DVD. No need to join files manually, or rename them. DVDFlick has my vote!

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