convert PAL to NTSC

Discussion in 'Video - Software discussion' started by fireboy24, Jun 9, 2004.

  1. wmaudio

    wmaudio Member

    Jun 29, 2004
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    Minion...I didn't mean to be disrespectful, and I don't feel that I was. However, I CAN see, and I would notice a flicker if there was one present, which there isn't. And, I compared the video quality to the original PAL copy, and to be honest it almost looks better (which I know isn't possible, but it doesn't have that "wierd" look to it like PAL does).

    In any event, a person doesn't have to go to school for years and years and work at a video studio to see flicker in a video stream. So, unless you've tried it my way and witnessed the results yourself, you shouldn't knock my way, no matter what the technical reasons are.
  2. VLJ

    VLJ Member

    May 29, 2004
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    Thanks vurbal! No more addys in post. I'll knock it down to 9800 and give it a try. Just need to delete if not good is all, then retry a bit lower. Getting to be quite a lengthy thread considering the possibities of major reworking a video from PAL to NTSC. I was just intersted in case I bought a German DVD to watch in "English" subtitles to improve what I know of German language. Thought that might be kind of intersting.

    I'm surprised that someone hasn't figgured out a package (give them time!!!) to do a PAL to NTSC conversion or other way arround.

    Anyone ever have any luck with the Pinnacles Studio 9 for video editing and quality?

  3. replayed

    replayed Member

    Jul 7, 2004
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    All of these cookbooks are great. And I really appreciate the time and effort that went into them. Thanks folks.

    My concern is that none of them seems to take [bold]subtitles[/bold] into consideration. As best as I can tell, all the approaches above will leave the subtitles behind in the process of doing the conversion from PAL to NTSC.

    If I am wrong in thinking that, then I'd appreciate if anyone could confirm which of the above approaches they *know for a fact* retain(s) subtitles. If none of them do (as I suspect), then I'd appreciate some advice on that front.
  4. pastyboyz

    pastyboyz Guest

    Perhaps the best solution is a DVD player that plays both. If don't one of those, (like me), you con convert a PAL to NSTC movie easily with Roxio 7. I have tried and works well.
  5. wmaudio

    wmaudio Member

    Jun 29, 2004
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    You could always follow my guide except immediately after ripping the DVD, run through DVD2One (movie only) and pick one of the subtitles. Then run the resulting vobset through DVD2AVI, then through TMPGEnc then author the DVD.
  6. joshf

    joshf Member

    Jul 12, 2004
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    This question is directed towards Minion, but help from anybody would be appreciated.

    I want to convert from (NTSC 29.97 interlaced) to (PAL 25 interlaced). This is video I have shot myself, not DVD format.

    I would like to change the speed of the NTSC video to convert it to PAL, not remove or duplicate frames.

    This seems like it should be pretty simple, since I am not dealing with progressive, and I don't need to reencode.

    How can I use AVISynth to do this?

  7. vurbal

    vurbal Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    You should be able to do this in AviSynth with this line:


    If you load both the video and audio and want to change the audio with AviSynth as well (which will also change the pitch significantly with this big a speed change) change the line to this:


    I have doubts about whether the result will be acceptable, but if it's fine with you then that's all you need. I would recommend using a separate audio editor to convert the audio since you should be able to get much better results that way.
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.
    Basic DVD Rebuilder Guide:
    Advanced DVD Rebuilder Guide: http:[/small]
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2004
  8. VLJ

    VLJ Member

    May 29, 2004
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    Vurbal: I gave the 9800 KBs a try last night getting the 8mm video movie from my camcorder into my computer (via Leadtek WinFast 2000 Xpert) I had it set for optimal video and 9800. Increased the color saturation, contrast, brightness just a wee bit. VBR setting and 29.97 fps . Turned out outstanding with Nero Vision Express . Only thing is that the background pictures that are normally (or at least were last time) there are not. Only one was this goofy sunset scene of an island with a palm tree. Wonder where the rest of the images went to??

    Anyway, it did go quite well! I did notic something with this 10bit encoding card. I can capture as NTSC, PAL or SECAM. Looks to me like I could do the very same thing of playing the DVD and taking it into the computer via the S-Video cable and stereo inputs, choose PAL and it would save it in PAL format. Just a though. This is throught he WinFast 2000 Xpert capture card.
  9. joshf

    joshf Member

    Jul 12, 2004
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    If using AssumeFPS(25)by itself will not give good results, then what should I do to convert 29.97i-NTSC to 25i-PAL ?

    Also, what should I do about the difference in resolution?

    I'm not concerned about the audio. I can take care of it with Cool Edit.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2004
  10. vurbal

    vurbal Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    Unfortunately I can't help too much with how to convert interlaced material to PAL correctly because I'm mostly just familiar with the problems and not the solutions. This thread from Doom9's AviSynth forum may help:
    If I'm remembering correctly that should do what you want, just with some additional functions you don't need because you have pure interlaced instead of hybrid (mixed film and video). It should also cover the resolution issue, but if it doesn't, let me know and I can help with that.
  11. weezal

    weezal Member

    Apr 12, 2004
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    PLEASE i need help IMMEDIATELY!!!

    I have a video with AWESOME quality though its in PAL and I want to convert it to NTSC (Without losing the magnificant quality). What is a easy (or hard) way to convert this file (Without losing the magnificant quality)? And how, exactly, do I go about converting this file (what are the steps/methods)? I dont know who to listen to! Everyone has different opinions! Please help!!!!
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2004
  12. VLJ

    VLJ Member

    May 29, 2004
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    Why does one need help Immediately? Obviously, the answers are not clear and well defined. Pick and choose, and best guess. Trial and error will go a long way toward education.
  13. weezal

    weezal Member

    Apr 12, 2004
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    Hey everybody, I think this might work, I'm still working on it though. I converted the first 5 mins. of my video with Canopus Procoder then used Mpeg Video Wizard to join the old PAL video and the new NTSC video (Make sure you add the audio that came with the NTSC video.). Then when you hit the Export button, give it a name, then as soon as the new window pops up, click the abort button (it will ask "Delete partially recorder file, click "yes"), click the "Video" tab and where it says "Reference you should see a little rectangle with a file name on it, make sure its the first one (the NTSC video from Procoder). The hit "Select". You should see some things below it change, dont worry about that. Then click the "Monitor" tab, then click "Start". Tell me if my method was horrible cuz i was just fooling around with it last night and thought it may work.
  14. weezal

    weezal Member

    Apr 12, 2004
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    Just so you all know, my idea worked. So dont fret. Its a perfect plan. You will love the outcome. Just test it out, tweak a couple of things (whatever you want), but be sure to stick to the method and keep the framerate at 29.97fps. Tell me if you dont like my idea. Or if you have anything to add to it.
  15. fireboy24

    fireboy24 Guest

    hey, thanx for everyone's suggestion for me ... i'll try my best to do it ... anyway thanx ...
    take k ....

    fireboy24 .....
  16. Reetou

    Reetou Guest


    I will personally thank you for your contribution. Those combinations of utils you suggested worked great, as I myself have a few projects to convert. Some old PAL VHS tapes (Home video from relatives) which I can pull off the ol' PAL VCR into Nero and convert to NTSC DVD.

    I didn't opt to use the VOBmerge for anything yet, but will probably find it useful in the future.

  17. tgunn2760

    tgunn2760 Member

    Jun 8, 2014
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    Barben wrote:

    This is how I did my conversion and so far haven't encounter any problem with good video and sound.

    Converting PAL Dvd to NTSC Dvd Format ( summarize procedure ).
    I'm going to convert a music video concert from PAL to NTSC but only the movie which
    is what I need anyway.

    DVD2ONE v 1.40
    VOBMERGE v 2.50

    Length of Movie * 8.3Gig

    Barben, is it possible to use shrink to rip the movie rather than Decrypter, then follow all the other steps?

  18. barben

    barben Guest

    Yeah, you can use Shrink to rip and compress the files. And in that case, you don't need to use Decrypter and DvD20ne. You can proceed converting it afterwards.
  19. tgunn2760

    tgunn2760 Member

    Jun 8, 2014
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    So which program does the conversion? VOB merge? Shrink gives you two TS folders, one audio, which is empty, and one video.

    If Nerovision does the conversion, I may be ok, since I can use Nerovision. I cannot use Nero 6, although I have it. Can Nerovision encode the VOBs to NSTC, and then use Decrypter to burn them rather than Nero 6?

    How about this scenario:

    Rip the PAL DVD to AVI;

    Use Cucusoft to convert AVI to DVD in NTSC;

    ( I have played some with Cucusoft, and you can choose between PAL and NTSC and it automatically adjusts the length and width of the video.)

    Burn the output, which I guess would be VOB files, with Image Tool and Decrypter.

    My concern is the quality of the AVI ripped. Would it be as good as the original? What size would it be? Does smartripper offer options as to size of AVI output files?

    Thanks in advance if you have any answers.
  20. cs92563

    cs92563 Member

    Aug 2, 2004
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    Do I need a PAL VCR to get a PAL format VHS tape into my computer?
    I bought a PAL VHS tape and sent it out to be converted to NTSC DVD.
    I got back a piece of crap with terrible color, the audio was out of sync with the actors ... etc, etc.
    I figured instead of spending more time and money trying to find someone to do a good job,
    I'd just see if I could do it myself!
    Any suggestions or advise? Thanks.

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