no i did not.... now i have this file i jus downloaded: <filename removed by dela> when i try 2 open it wid windows media player im not seeing anything but a black screen....plzzzzzz help me
I removed the filename for obvious reasons mate, now i'm seriously baffled here. Ok what exact encoding did you try??
Nah not really mate, just be carefulo about what u post, like if u are downloading something like a movie, dont post the name etc etc!!
im at work on a network setup d pc im downloadin on its os is win 98...what do i have 2 do 2 c d movie???
make sure u have the codecs u need first, make sure its not a fake aswell and have a reliable player!
WinDVD is my favourite player and programs like gspot and avicodec will tell you if the file is fake!
when i ran gspot it found video but no audio what do i use 2 play i tried DivX it said file contain unknown video data....what can i do now
use something reliable probably lol, like emule has lots of websites that post links to files so you know they are real!
sorry dont kno what emule is im from d caribbean so xcuse me.....if u wish u cud email d info 2 me <email removed by mod>...hope i did not break anyrules there...
I would presume you have heard of Kazaaa...if you havnt then i apologize for mentioning its name to you... if you have, the eMule "philosophy" is completely the reverse of Kazaa's: eMule focuses on reliability as opposed to speed. With Kazaa you can get a file at a bazillion kbits/s but you will never really be certain of its reliability. With eMule you wont get those kinds of speeds but you can bet on the fact that you will get what you downloaded and not have to get it again. For more info on eMule, drop by http://www.emule-project.com_X_X_X_X_X_[small]ASUS A7V8X-X, AMD2500+ Samsung 1024MB, PC2700 360GB [3x120GB, 7200, 8MB] MSI Starforce, GeForce4 Ti4400 128MB AFTERDAWN IRC:, #ad_buddies COME SAY HI![/small]
I removed the email address, its against the rules to post them, little emule tutorial -