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Converting .aa files to mp3's

Discussion in 'Audio' started by marcpod, Aug 24, 2004.

  1. ms55571

    ms55571 Member

    Nov 6, 2005
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    The only problem so far with the AVOne has been that the batched conversion doesn't seem to work with large aa-files.
  2. noushina

    noushina Member

    Nov 5, 2005
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    I'm anxious to try it. Downloaded it. MIght look for a hack. I assume that it will at least do 1 large file at a time.

    Thanks for the info
  3. ms55571

    ms55571 Member

    Nov 6, 2005
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    I converted all the files I had and the program worked fine. With one large file there was an error message at the end but the file turned out ok anyway.
  4. nerys

    nerys Member

    Feb 13, 2004
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    no one has yet found a way to strip out the DRM without having to reencode the file (since it is an mp3 for quality level 4 files)??

    Chris Taylor
  5. jeglinger

    jeglinger Guest

    Looking to download the media player filter for audiable.com. the link on there web site has been dead for week. any help would be great

  6. bricklay

    bricklay Member

    Oct 4, 2004
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    jeglinger, are you referring to Audible Manager 3.5? I'm looking for it too. Does anyone know if later versions of Audible Manager will work with GoldWave?
  7. jeglinger

    jeglinger Guest

    Well I have the latest version of audible manager and it works gold wave worked for 8 out of 9 conversions. The one issue i had was where it put the end of the book like 5 seconds in the begining of the .mp3. All the rest worked fine as far as I know. I did it as one large file no spilts for chapters and broke it down after I mearge them all into 1 mp3 file. I was looking for the Audiable media player filter because I have another program that might get around the last book I want to convert, but it needs to filter to do it. Well I guess I will use Itunes instead. It is called tunebite. Haven't tried it yet but will as soon as I am done uploading to a friend

  8. rsguy

    rsguy Member

    Feb 14, 2006
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    I can confirm that audible manager 5.0 works just fine with goldwave 5.12. I can do single pass conversions to MP3 or VOGG. The only thing I cannot do is batch conversions and that is probably due to a timeout with the audible server (authentication). Depending on segment length I can only do 1 or 2 segments in batch before I have to restart goldwave.

    I figure I will have my library converted by week's end.

  9. TDF

    TDF Member

    Oct 6, 2005
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    I'm using dBpowerAMP Converter to convert the new Ricky Gervais podcast from .aa to .mp3. I bought the podcast off Audible.com But I get this error messgae:

    "The CODEC required to decompress 'C:\Ricky Gervais Show_ Season 2, Episo 2.aa' could not be opened.
    DirectShow filter for '.aa' not installed, or Audio File Corrupt."

    I have edited the Configure DirectShow Decoder in notepad to add .aa

  10. jeglinger

    jeglinger Guest

    Download the Audiable Media Player Filter. Think I spelt that right. Get it from http://www.audible.com/. In the software secton

  11. TDF

    TDF Member

    Oct 6, 2005
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    I D/L'ed Audiable Media Player Filter but when I try to install it I get htis error message:

    "Thi application has failed to start because MSVCI70.dll was not found."

    Not sure what this is.

    Any more help would be ace!!!
  12. TDF

    TDF Member

    Oct 6, 2005
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    It's all good, I fixed it. Just did a search for the .dll file and found this site:


    pretty helpful for any .dll you may need. I'm converting away!

  13. tristenf

    tristenf Member

    Mar 2, 2006
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    I've been reading this thread (very good by the way) when I came across a web site called CoolUtils.com that has a converter called "Total Autio Converter". They clam that they can convert almost any audio file to any other type, including .AA files to .PM3 without going to .WAV first!

    Does any one know anything about their converter? Here is the link http://www.coolutils.com/TotalAudioConverter

  14. nerys

    nerys Member

    Feb 13, 2004
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    SO has anyone found a way to make Format 4 an open mp3 WITHOUT transcoding ?

    Chris Taylor
  15. kenleven

    kenleven Member

    Mar 3, 2006
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    I am having real difficulties getting any converter to convert .aa to mp3. I have followed the directions for DBpower Amp Music Converter (both files from Audible.com and adding .aa to the configure direct show converter and running the DBPA Configuration) and from the previous post tried the program Total Audio Converter just today. With both of these I am having the same issue as posted above. I always get the error about no Audible Codec found or bad .aa file - no matter which converter I use. I have installed the Audible MediaPlayer Filter a bunch of times. The first time I had to install 2 additional .dll files which I found at dll sites then the filter installed. I have also tried something on the Total Audio Converter forum which worked for someone else having the same problem which was to move the .dll's into the actual folders of the programs that use the codec (so now I have them in the windows\system and system32 folders as well as Media player, DBPoweramp, and all around Total Audio Converter folders) but I still get the same error when I try to play or convert it. When I try to convert it or play it I need to give a username and pass for for Audible Activation - is this correct? When I try play or convert it I enter the username and pass and it says activation complete. Media Player immediately gives me the error at this point. When I am attempting a conversion it requests a second round of username and pass which it also says activation complete. After this second round I get the Codec Error. Any ideas? This is very frustrating. Thanks in advance for any input.
  16. nerys

    nerys Member

    Feb 13, 2004
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    Very easy - install audible

    MAKE SURE the file PLAYS in audible (reqind to the beginning when yoru done)

    Now download and install and run GOLDWAVE (any version works fine AFAIK) goto file open and change to all files find your AA file and open it.

    it will deflash to the disk and off you go.

    THE ONLY problem I have had (random) is with REALLY short AA files (minutes instead of hours) some of them wont deflash right not sure why eventually it just works.

    I just wish I did not have to reencode them. music is one thing but these are HEAVILY compressed.


    If you want to make MP3 CD's MAKE NOTE of the MINIMUM spec MP3 your Player is able to read !! I tried making 11khz 32kbit mono mp3's and the mp3 cd player would not TOUCH THEM

    Find out what the limitations of your MP3 CD player are and work from there IF in doubt 32kbit stereo 44.1khz is safe most of the time.

    Chris Taylor
  17. unopost

    unopost Guest

    I think I worked out all the kinks. I've been suffering from all or most of the symptoms in other posts. Here's the GOLDWAVE procedures I use to get a properly positioned transcoding of an audible book. PLEASE ONLY USE AUDIBLE FILES IF YOU OWN THEM. STEALING AIN'T COOL...

    - Make sure you have the Windows Media Player filter installed correctly. If you get a 'LoadLibrary() failed' error it means that your missing some DLLs. The only one I was missing (on one PC) was the 'MSVCI70.dll'. My other PC was missing more but I decided not to track them down yet. 'Google' the file names to find them for download. VIRUS SCAN before you copy to your 'System32' folder (probably located at C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 or C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32 depending on your OS version). You may be able to get away with putting them in any PATH specified directory (if this doesn't make sense, just put in your 'System32' directory).

    - OK, here was my missing link. I tried everything but the audio appeared to be 'mis-positioned'. Like mentioned in other posts, I presumed it was because of the 'bookmarking' feature of the 'aa' format. So, to make sure it was reset, I opened the file in Windows Media Player and clicked 'rewind' ON THE SELECTION NAVIGATION dialog box until it was at the beginning of the track. Click stop immediately and close WMP.

    - Then I merely opened the file in Goldwave and verified track position.

    - I saved as a WAV file knowing that I'll encode as MP3 later today. I haven't verified that you can reset all files then batch process. I'll post those results later.

    To preserve file size, select a small-ish sampling rate (like 16 kHz) and a small-ish encoding rate (like 30-60 kbs) when you 'convert' to MP3/WMA/etc. This is good unless your MP3 player, MP3 CD player won't decode files at these rates (read your manual for limitations).

    Good luck...this has been driving me nuts and I'm glad I finally found a solution that works for me.
  18. cubzwin

    cubzwin Member

    Mar 8, 2006
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    Just wanted to say thanks for all the posts on coverting .aa to .mp3. It took me a while to get things working with DBpowerAMP, but I finally had sucess. I used TDF's link to get the .dll files I needed. I then copied and pasted the .dll files to Windows and System 32 folders. That solved the problems I was having.

    As a new Audible listener, I was really disappointed in the .aa format and the fact that you have to go to all this trouble to convert to .mp3. I'm paying for the stuff, they should give it to you in a usable format.
  19. ddawg

    ddawg Guest

    Hi all. Great NFO on the conversion of .aa to mp3 files, however, I have tried everything suggested without any success. I have not tried River Past 5.0; I am unable to find this version of the program.

    I have followed instructions for using dBPowerAMP (v11.5 and v10) for the conversion and I get this error message:

    The CODEC required to decompress 'C:\Documents and Settings\HOME\Desktop\Gettingto.aa' could not be opened.
    DirectShow filter for '.aa' not installed, or Audio File Corrupt.

    I have the DirectShow codec for Windows Media installed and also Audible manager v5.0.0.5. The Audible file is mine (I bought it) and I am able to play it in WindowsMedia Player and also in Audible just fine.

    Not sure what to do now? Any advice or direction would be appreciated. Thanks.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 8, 2006
  20. telek001

    telek001 Guest

    Hi all,

    i just loaded 6 new aa files from audible and with these file i cannot use any of the conveters i read here in the post.

    i tried Goldwave but their i have to decide what format it is.

    I used standard and then i get the message

    "coudl not open file. File does not exist or format is not supported."

    I have the Mediaplayer filter installed but it is not working.

    Any idea?

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