I removed all the downloads from stuffupforgrab when I gave up the business. I transferred everything over to bindepot.ca when I created it.
I've tried everything I've seen on here and still nothing with my coolsat 6000. I guess is there anyone that can give me step by step instructions on what to do? I've got the box, a cord from the the box to a usb, and a lap top. I'm gathering that the lap top is the difference from everyone else here. lol Help please!
wat???!!! why was only michigan allowed to download >.> any1 got a friend over in michigan u can introduce me to so he/she could email the bin?
Blnkstarel=meany Blnkstarel=meany Blnkstarel=meany Blnkstarel=meany Blnkstarel=meany >.> trying to trick me u lil bastar* at least some1 was from michigan and knew