Actually if you 2 re-read the post it says "They are out, All states but Michigan was allowed to download."
This is usual as always, Coolsat wants its users to upgrade to the new stb's. Hence bins for 4K,5K,6K are always the last to come out.
Thats not accurate. CS sold rights to 4/5/6 to a seperate company and only support 61/7/71/8/81 so there are 2 sets of coders working individually. Be patient a fix will come.
Well they were a little slow this time too. Their updates just came out today. 2 days after some of the others. That's part of the game. The unpredictability of the releases.
Hey Breck , how you doing buddy long time no see . i know you were all relaxing and wathching TV with your CS6100 LOL. i wana ask you whats up with the BIN for CS6000 ? its taking to long
im not sure blnkstar, but i got one from one of my friends and he said that he used to watch cinamX and HBOs using the Star Crousier 9000 !!!!
You can find it here: Downloads for 9000: I snooped around and see the last bin I could find so far was Jan. 23/08 Also Satcruiser has other units using same bins. 080123_blue_v117 Neosat iPro 1000, Neosat Lite, Bluejay2, Satcruiser, Tessat Fix
Found a later update dated Mar. 18/08 We have a section at Or Neosat Lite & 1000 area:
I found out that Satcruiser and Bluejay are the same. Bluejay is made by the same people that make the Nfusion. Interesting.
Hey Breck, its not Satcruiser the one i have called STARcruiser 9000 or they are both the same thing ? ... thank you