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Custom PC Built No Sound, Onboard Audio Refuses To Work

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by Sorrow1, Feb 12, 2005.

  1. jaydeeX3

    jaydeeX3 Guest

    to check your RAM, get some memory tester software, and boot from that to check your memory for errors.....that will tell you right there if your memory is bad....
  2. Nightlite

    Nightlite Guest

    We were sure our ram was good too... it showed in the bios.... and on MY PC..... but when doing the memtest.... it had error after error... Look on the internet for memtest... it is free... just takes time to run the program...
  3. jaydeeX3

    jaydeeX3 Guest

    it makes noe difference whether it shows up in your BIOS.....it can show up in there, but unitl you run a memtest on it, thats when youll know if your memory is bad.....
  4. Sorrow1

    Sorrow1 Member

    Jan 26, 2005
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    I ran memtest memory is fine, CPU temp seems to max out at about 140F is that too high?
  5. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    kinda high as that is about 60c whereas my prescott 2.4 celeron is about 50-53c. how many fans in system??
  6. jaydeeX3

    jaydeeX3 Guest

    that is a little high...i would recommend getting a better heat sink fan for your CPU, and install a couple more fans to bring the temp down so your system will run cooler
  7. ScubaBud

    ScubaBud Regular member

    Dec 29, 2004
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    If you say that the maximum temp is 140f/60c then you are fine. If the idle temp is there, then you are asking for it. It's rated at a max of 167f if I recall. I think Intel stated between 5c to 75c. I still think that anyone with a P4 Prescott should look into a better CPU cooler fan then the factory fan to get the temp down, even another 5c is equal to 41f which is a big difference.
  8. Sorrow1

    Sorrow1 Member

    Jan 26, 2005
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    I've got 4 fans total they seem to help a little,I ran CPU at 100% for 25 minutes it wont go over 140F, it actually runs cool for a prescott i think. i dont care if the processor gets fried as long as it doesnt take my MOBO with it.
  9. jaydeeX3

    jaydeeX3 Guest

    well you can bet that more times than none, if the CPU fries it usually takes the mobo with it, as far as ive seen in my experience...
  10. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    intel has a circuit that when overheats, shuts down the cpu thereby protecting it. don't know if amd has or not
  11. Sorrow1

    Sorrow1 Member

    Jan 26, 2005
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    Everything is working fine now,if something does go wrong i have two other pc's with northwood chips in them.I am having a hard time finding norhtwood processors online for sale, are they selling too fast to keep in stock or is the prescott replacing them? also pc sets about 3 feet away from a furnace that could be why temps get high,but my northwood never went over 130F and it set in the same place.
    I put the prescott through the (DVD Shrink) torture test if that program wont fry the processor nothing will, it uses 100% processor
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2005
  12. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    prescott will shutdown if it overheats as that is a saftey feature
  13. 50420

    50420 Member

    May 22, 2004
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    hi guys...think this may be my first post here and i apologise for slightly hijacking this thread, but i'm having a similar soundcard problem as the original poster and am pulling my hair out.
    here's the story so far...
    friend of mine had bt broadband installed and says now that she now has no sounds...although she cant remember if it was working prior to the broadband install !!!
    pc is an Acer Aspire 8200, xp home with on board sound...device manager shows no problems.
    i uninstalled the soundcard drivers, restarted the pc and reinstalled with no problems, device manager shows no problem devices. from the 'sound &audio' devices in the ctrl panel I am prompted that no audio device is installed !!!
    Btw... forgot to mention that on start up...once the desktop has loaded i get an emty dos screen titled 'mixer.exe' wih a windows alert of 'c:\windows\system32\autoexec.nt the system file is not suitable for running ms-dos and windows based applications'
    as per the ms knowledge base (324767) i have replaced the autoexec and config.nt files... which resloved the startup issue...but still no sound.
    i have also tried 2 other pci souncards...and during each process when prompted for the path of the drivers.. browsing to the path on the relevant cd, clicking ok...the pc shuts off immediatly. when restarted the drivers appear to be installed ok in the device manager, but displays an error code 10 ( irq conflict ?) although on further investigation there are no conflicts.
    any ideas anyone, would this be a motherboard issue ?? is it worth me trying updated manufactures motherboard drivers ???
    thanks in advance for any advice

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