So, I have two xboxes, both in the same situation. both worked then they both went kapoot. no modding or altering was done. no backups were taken, they were jsut suicidal. basically i have built the eeprom reader and sucessfuly got the keys, and decrypted them. how am i suppose to fix them. i need a copy of a c: and e: drive like all the files. where would i go about getting them? anyone have them, is there any way to get the files to the drive in my situation, hard mods are not an availability and soft mods aren't applicable as i don't have access to the dashboard. any body got some creative solutions?
well if you havent formatted them yet you can try to replace the dash using xbox hd maker. you throw the stock c; files on the disc and then you can copy them to the c directory in the hd but you need the eeprom on the disc in order to unlock and lock the hd. the eeprom is the main thing you need in order to make or even repair your hd if you dont have a modchip.
see but it sounds like shaveleva's xboxs are non functional mine is semi-functional and can boot up and stuff. i lended it to a friend cuse he has a chip in his and hes gonna try modding it with the chip and then throw it in my xbox so ill get the results next week and see if that worked.
What do you mean modding it with his chip? Unless he removes his chip and installs it into yours it'll make no difference. What's he planning on doing?
they way he said it was he was gonna load my hd into his xbox and throw the softmod files on the hd and then put it back in my box to see if it was the mobo or the hd and hes gonna let me know like next week.
I have the eeprom bin files on both drives, and the key decrypted no problem, jsut where does the stock c: & e: drive files come from? I've been reading A LOT lately into the softmodding procedures, and most of them refer to backing the drive up before you start antyhing, and thats where i hit a brick wall. I at first had no intent on modding it, they both had just crashed in gameplay for at various points and don't display an error code. and so now that i feel more so comfortable knowing differnt procedures to actually mod the two of them i can't really mod much because i don't having working boxes to start from. currently i'm "re-trieving" via torrent a couple discs one that is the most promising is a 171mb set of files that says it an unmodded set of files of a xbox hard drive. buts its been going for a couple of days and is at 45.6% running at 1.2kB/s ETA 19hrs. . . not too promising. but I'm also d/ling a ultimate boot dvd 5.0.3 xbox board 2.51 gigs running around 30k. any ftp or #irc channels where the original files are located.
Well as luck would have it i backed up the C: directory files from my box before this incident happened. i tried replacing the current dash with the stock ones but it didnt work for me thats why i was saying its the mobo or bios or something like that. but um PM me and I'll hook it up bro. I'm "preparing" the files as I type this its gonna take me bout an hour to get everything ready for you.
but while i try to get this to you get a hold of xboxhdm_v1.9 from xbins and its just a hop and a skip to a restored xbox.
Ok so "if you want to use this as a rescue disc it would be more usefull to just put the original xbox system-files (The files from the C-drive - get them from your own backup or from Slayers Evox)" I did realize that slayer's eVox disk was an xiso image that had to be extracted, i've had a disk of that forever, and so i did that last night and since i also have the eeprom file and the key decrypted, i've also had xbhdm previously downloaded. so waht i'm going to do is hook up a floppy drive tonite so i have the DOS floppy with the unlockx,hdlock,hdunlock tools. btw is there anyway i can get those floppy tools to run off a thumb drive rather then digging into soem antique floppy drives in the attic? thx for all the help guys.
here email me at cuse i think putting the link up here is not allowed in the forums.
Showing your email address isn't allowed either! Delete it... Clean files are available in my Softmod tutorial. Click on my name to get the link...
So I compiled the disc. put my eeprom.bin in correct place(also have the key written down) Burn't the disc. Put it in my drive. Shut Down. Connected the xbox ide to my pc. Unhooked all my ide and sata drives. reconnected the ROM drive to Secondary as Master. Connected the Xbox HD to the Primary Master. Powered on, both appear in the bios. choose option 1. Linux loads fine. asks me to type "xboxhd," and as such I do so. and then it says: uanble to mount /dev/hda uanble to mount /dev/hdb uanble to mount /dev/hdc uanble to mount /dev/hd. . . etc all the way thru v i believe. what now?
well i think your gonna go into xbrowser instead of xboxhd cuse you just wanna replace the c drive try doin that instead.
I thought the same thing and tried that but it still says unable to mount and lists off atempts to mount the the alphabetized drives, with none of them connected. and then it returnns to: root@xboxhd/ I'm at work right now and on a 15min break, but I'll be home about 9:30-10:00 and i'll try with a differnt hard drive to just make a clean box install and lock the drive with teh key. btw I receieved the eeprom.bin file via a serial cable ponyprog.
well i dunno if it will happen to u but one problem i ran into while creating an xbox hd is that it wouldnt play live games. as for me im gonna be goin into work so just keep me posted i just sit at a computer all night ^_^
I'm home now, not watching a movie openign night but oh well, so from what i thought as long as the drive was put on primary master it would be automatically mounted. so how do you manually mount it?
i thought he already unlocked it? well it has to be unlocked and it has to have the partitions already made on there if not they you have to format it and then install the c: directory from the disc and then lock it.
So I choose option 3 >typed unlockhd -p >choose to enter my key, because it couldnb't find my eeprom.bin even though i had it in multiple locations... so weird. >it accepted it I typed reboot >choose option 1 >ended up witht eh same problem of /dev/hda, /dev/hdb, etc... Now I did notice this time momentarily after it would declare a drive un/non-mounted it did attempt to disable IRQ#10 in about 4 attempts per drive. I don't know what resource that is on my mobo, but I'll go into the BIOS tonite when i get home and try and figure out what it is and if i should just straight up disable it during this project.