SWEET! after a quick google I think I may ahve got it. IRQ #10 loop It looks as though this guy had a problem with his fedora boot and if I remmeber i had the same problem while refereshing drives while in ubuntu live ne time. lol, and two of the guys have the same mobo as me too MSI 865PE Neo-2, lol, MSI mobo not compatible with linux, or at least sata and ide combo config, lol.
you know whats even shittier luck is that my house jsut got broken into twice in this last week, adn some fuckin' freshman kids stole about 4grand worth inelectronic equipment, and our wedding is this saturday.
oh dude that blows they stole ur stuff and your getting married.....damn........jk congrats and if i were you dude just get a big ass dog or something. well tomorrow im finally getting my xbox back from my friend and he had no luck with it he said it kept doin the same thing. so im gonna crack into it tomorrow when im off of work and see what i can come up with.