What you be the possible causes for this problem? i have the xbox softmodded, with 250hdd loaded of different games on hdd. I can play other games just fine except destroy human 1 and 2. Everytimes i loaded them, it alsways stuck at xbox loading screen, it wont go any futher. I tried the uninstall softmod with splinter cell, reinstalled with mechassault but no go. I also deleted all the file in Cache folder of the E as well. Have anyone been getting this problem? Thanks
I had problems with a handful of games locking up on start up or at the menu. I delete the cache files on e:\cache and made sure the date and time are set correctly in your dash. best of luck !
I had no problems at all, but mine were backed up onto disk first and then loaded onto the drive. Seems like the .xbe file needs patching. Which app did you use to put the games on the drive?