I recently received a legacy (circa 2004) digital signage display and would like to know how I can use it … I’ve been Googling-my-ass-off but no luck. I’m tryin to figure out how to use it with a ‘ancient’(Win7/x64) HP laptop. The display has two connectors (plus the ubiquitous power plug): · One USB · One unidentified, eight-pin (proprietary?) edge connector (maybe for an SD/memory card?). On power-up, it displays a splash screen: I believe it is not a touchscreen capable display. · Tried loading a USB thumb drive with: o “Dig. Signage” software o JPGs & PNGs – -- Display did not recognize any of the programs or images. – · Connected the display directly to laptop via USB patch cord – -- Laptop did not ‘see’ any new devices (even after ‘searching’) so restarted laptop w/no change -- As last resort – searched web for drivers for ‘Digital Signage’ displays and for brand/mfg. to no avail… (I did find some images of a ‘Flintstone’ display that resembled the one I’m tryin to use) Next I’m gonna filet her and try and glean something from the internal components. Thanx, everyone, fer takin the time to read this – any help and/or advice will be greatly appreciated. Take care.
no manufacturer labels that I could discern. I opened er up and wrote down all the board/chip #s & then did the internet search thang. Came up w/some info -- Main/driver board (for panel): Mfg: Shenzhen 3QVideo Technology Co. Ltd Model # 3Q-M113-V4 FR 4, TH 1.6mm, Double side I've attached (uploaded) 3 files (tried to upload one zipped folder -- not allowed!) in case anyone else is interested in generic flat panel LCD digital signage displays. The 'driver' board was listed on ebay (or was it amazon?) for app $30 Thanx again fer yer patience & assistance Take care R
http://www.halloweenforum.com/halloween-props/145613-need-help-monitor-2.html http://www.3qvideo.com/
nobody these days seems to notice that nice flashable rom chip sitting there.. same rules as the fat xbox.. flash a new operating system on the mutha and it'll become a thin client kind of thing. Investigate how to enable and flash the firmware, that's your way in.