Had no problem with V3300 software updading but it does not show channell number anymore when you are scrolling up/down through them - not a major issue though!
that explains it cactikid.thanks. does anyone know what box is best to use with ch***s mmds on cable feed rather than aerial in kilkenny area.
Hi all I was trying to get the digivox working on mmds in Ch***s in Clare. I've downloaded the firmward v3300 and turned emu on... But I'm not getting any channels when I do an automatic scan. I tried updating the chorus keys in the nagravision menu... actually when I go into this menu Ntl is the first choice in the provider ID... should the automatic choice be Ch***s? Also, I tried downloading a different firmware, and the box is stuck on CHdl. When I attempt to overwrite this firmware I get a Flash error each time on the PC. Any ideas!? Any help please?! Thanks
hi there.version 3300 should work.in order to put the keys in manually you must choose chorus and make sure you save(store),then go to (ie)sly2 and wait.it may go to 150%.
Hi mate, http://www.4shared.com/account/dir/11673510/83b778f2/sharing.html?sId=fCcbe8U0n1wzO2Hn All info uploaded here, also tut on how to flash and scan. When starting, open downloader10 first, then connect null modem cable(x-over) and then turn on digivox T, then flash app file.(V3300.bin) Plug in box and auto-scan. Try and get this far and come back if in trouble!
Well Yeah I got all that done already but its not working for me. Steps that I tried are as follows: 1. Download v3300 to the Digivox. I didnt get a channel number after it finished downloading. Just 'On' appeared on screen. 2. Hooked box up and tried to get an Installation. Scan came back not finding any channels. 3. Tried on emu in System Info menu. Tried scan again. No joy. 4. Ensured that chorus keys are correct according to the latest release. I'm thinking that the firmware I downloaded might be corrupt. From reading the forum I think people are saying that maybe 0001 should appear on the LCD which is not happening. thanks for getting back to my on it anyway!
Lads, forget my questions.... I made a very embarresing mistake! I had the arial coming into the Ant In socket Channels are working as expected now. Thanks for yer help. Is it correct that the names of the channels arent displayed? It just lists the channels like TV 4410 etc. Thanks
hi again.try factory reset,set default,power off-on,channel names will come up.it is trial and error but it will work.i had same issue and it worked.only thing is,all channels are number 0.no big deal,can still sort them into categories.also front of box shows 85.20.just a glitch in firmware,not important.hope this info helps.good luck
Hi Guys, Thats another common glitch with this box, but if only updating sw from v3200 to v3300 no need to touch channels, all should be the same, as OP said factory reset, power cycle and try again. Here is backup of channels if you need it, working in my chxxus area. Make sure u download as channel file and NOT Application file to box. Always a good idea to back up your channels when you are done! http://www.4shared.com/file/83459918/859f834d/channelsorted.html
i would say to anyone updating firmware is to do a factory reset and then load firmware,autoscan,set default key,and emu to on and let it update then everything is new channels that no longer worked due to frequency change should work again.
hi cwkk ,no luck. cactikid reckons digivox t isnt suitable for mmds through a communal cable feed. only suitable for mmds from aerial on roof. still not sure of this or which box exactly is suitable. saw your earlier posts did you have any luck with your digivox t.
trying to find out what u have can be the problem 2 different mmds systems c****s use a dvb/t box like digivox t,where as n*l mmds use a dvb/c box like digivox xl,c****s cable use a dvb/c box.