thanks cactikid. i had a eurovox tx before the digi t. it worked perfectly on the same system if that helps. the only reason i changed was the eurovox failed.
As far as I am aware MMDS through the cable network in Kilkenny is at a higher frequency than standard MMDS. Try scanning around 508Mhz,thats where they start.
ok if tx box worked then digivox t should work,just recheck what firmware is on it menu system info v??? should have v 3300 on it.also check where u have aerial plugged into and that u are powering on aerial.
Hi Kevcle / Cactikid. Been following your thread re:digivox on mmds communal cable Kilkenny, and I am experiencing the same outcomes as Kevcle. Checked the S/W version and it reads V03.3000T, Boot version 01, Date:22/12/ this correct? Did the last update on firmware yesterday using Eamo's library based on latest comments in this thread. However when I scan the channels I get "No programs found" and I find that it says Signal level = 0% and Quality= 0%. I have connected the signal input to both "Antennae" and "Ant in" and still no result from either input. Checked the signal level on Sagem ITD 60 CH and the level=64% and quality =98%. Why do I not see the same signal levels coming through the Digivox stb? Would appreciate your comments
Tried scan 508.000 MHz however the "No signal" and "No channels found" persists. Have sent my comment to Skywonder as well, and awaiting a reply from them
i have same version of firmware as redrebel v03-3.0000t.coax in antenna. scart in tv on digivox.latest codes in. antenna power on. key emu on. still the same. no signal. 0 program found after autoscan or manual scan at 508 mhz
Kevcle, Did the supplier of your new STB confirm that this was a direct replacement for the Eurovox TX and would work in your area?
Try a manuall scan on the box and see what you get try a freq like 250.000 and move up in increments of 8mhz and see do you get anything also make sure the cable is in the ANT input on the top right looking from the front of the box also make sure you enable the ant power before doing any scan
Hi Fergusrb. Thanks for your support. Tried suggestion, observing all your search criteria, still no luck. Keep seeing "No signal" Cannot understand this as the signal is there when accessing service providers TV schedule
what box have you got from the provider can you tell me SAGAM ???? if so look under box and see if you can see the letters ITD anywhere on the box
yep your defo on MMDS so you will need to go to the lowest freq and move up in 8mhz at a time to try and find some channel once you find one you will find the rest trial and error thats all i can say try both of the ANT inputs on the box as there are 2 on that box
Hi Fergusrb, Back again. Tried both input connections in increments of 8 MHz. No success. On manual scan noticed that the channel number on the top line of the manual scan menu(Channel Numbers 4-15)kept disappearing once I entered numbers outside those assigned i.e. Selected Channel 4, 218.000 MHz assigned to this channel, once I incremented this up by 8 channel number read CH---. Is this OK?