DMA will not reset at all on brand new DVD burner. I've tried everything.

Discussion in 'DVD / Blu-ray drives' started by freke70, Feb 19, 2007.

  1. bkf

    bkf Guest

    Your a good person P96 :)
  2. freke70

    freke70 Member

    Feb 19, 2007
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    well, I never thought to use that cd, because the company that built my computer SHOULD have installed all necessary drivers. It's funny that they didn't, but I'm really glad you thought of it. I feel a little stupid now that I didn't just go through the cd first. Thanks again. I burned an audio CD in about 2 minutes awhile ago!
  3. P965TA

    P965TA Guest

    Then i suggest you install the latest official intel drivers : inf

    if you're not sure they installed any drivers...
  4. P965TA

    P965TA Guest

    And if you want to now How to overclock this Mobo, i found how to do it with some software. As you all know there is now such functionality in the bios. i googled and didn't found anyone who find any solution, and all the tests done on this mobo just tell that you can't do it.

    But HAHAHA !! the ICS 9LPRS509 is supported by ClockGen

    Look the screenshot below:

    I can easily go from 266Mhz to 300Mhz just by moving the slide bar on ClockGen and without doing any change in the bios.
    My bios is all set by default (266/100/33) and i have 2x512Mo of kingmax memory DDR2 PC4200

  5. freke70

    freke70 Member

    Feb 19, 2007
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    That's really cool. I was really looking forward to overclocking, but failed to even look up any info on the mobo before buying it. The bios update a few months ago allowed you to mess around with the memory timings a little bit, but it was still buggy, so I just left it alone. I found a great program to overclock my videocard called Powerstrip. I'll give this one a try. I actually have the E6300 and 2x512 DDR2 800, so I'm sure it'll work for me, too.
  6. P965TA

    P965TA Guest

    if you have some DDR2 800 then what happens if you set your FSB to 800 ?? you should overclock your cpu to 8x400mhz = 3.2Ghz ?? don't you ??

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