Hi, I have a "CHEAPO" 400 watt psu and i recently bought a 160 gb seagate, weel my computer just shuts down after about 2 mins of bein on, even after i took it out, i currently have Windoze XP pro 2800+ overclocked to fsb of 185, HAULS ASS 2x256 patriot dual channel ddr 400, runnin 185 2 optical drives dvd rom dvd-+r 4 hard drives 10gb, 45 western digital, 120 western digital 160 seagate nvidia 5900 128mb Soyo ultra kt-400 black edition, also some times it beeps twice like normal then followed by a repetition of beeps then nothing, but others it boots, My first instinct says power supply, Thanks
Quantity of power is important, but the quality of power (stability/regulation tolerances) cannot be overlooked. Get youself a brand-name PS (Enermax, Enlight, Vantec...) in that wattage range and you should be fine. If your FSB 166 is O/Ced to 185, then your AGP 66 is O/Ced to 74, and your PCI 33 is O/Ced to 37MHz. This is often as much of a limit to people's O/Cing as is their CPU, and can be a major source of system instability. AMD Athlons @ 133 FSB should be run @ 166. Athlons @ 166 FSB should be run @ 200. This 'factory' O/Cing keeps proper dividers for AGP/PCI, but most often works only on CPUs with the lowest multipliers (like XP2000+ or 2500+ Barton). Apply core voltage as req'd, don't keep trying too much past 1.75-1.8 volts (or else, bring marshmallows & weenies ;-) Lots of info in Praetor's O/Cing forum... L8R _X_X_X_X_X_[small] Keep 'em running good! PCs run the marathon, not a sprint... ABIT AN7 nForce2 Ultra 400 XP2500+ Barton @ 3200+ 2 x 512MB PC3200[/small]