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Does OverClock Matter?

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by LightXxX, Dec 17, 2010.

  1. KillerBug

    KillerBug Active member

    May 21, 2006
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    It might repair some things, but not most. Besides, cleaning up after a defeat is rarely a good plan when going into battle. He needs a good resident scanner, I would recommend MalWareBytes. If he is concerned about wasted system resources, he could simply put the scanner into standby mode while playing games and such.

    Also, it sounds like he needs to wipe the hard drive and start over...god only knows how many problems there are in that system, and a clean install would take a lot less time than searching them all out.
  2. LightXxX

    LightXxX Guest

    Well, he said, Anti-Malware stuff slow the net and computer and he doesn't need them to clean... IDK if he has some secret way to clean his computer, but it's always fast enough to run "Adobe Creative Suite 5" even after 5 months of Crappy files in the Disk Drive Disks... I tried to delete some files but it doesn't seem to change anything(such as Prefetch and Temp folder and i also did a HDD clean with the Disk Cleaner) He has Adobe CS5 and Microsoft Office 2010 and it might be the reason it slows the computer... I installed Microsoft Office 2010 on the E-Machine W5243 and it gotten slow, but "if" i install adobe cs5, it would be a useless computer LOL... BTW i downloaded a movie on my emachine(un-deletable) and it's realy getting annoying... When i click on my download folder(which it's in) or i click it, the RAM went to 99%(never went to 100% than drop and went back up... The CPU also went to 100% and drop(to around 40%) but make Emachine Useless to surf on net... and im sure i haven't disable the pagefiles because the omvie file is just using physical RAM instead of Pagefile even tho it's open or not...the movie i download is 5GB IDK if it's a Virus file or not but there's no problem, just when i click and going into where the file is/or opening it, it just F*** the emachine up... I copied the file and play it on my bro computer with 4GB RAM and 4 cores&12 threads, CPU went basically to 50%(forever until restart) and RAM went to 40-70%(haven't seen it went to 90%...) Why is the movie file like that? i could watch it but it would F*** my computer up until restart...
  3. LightXxX

    LightXxX Guest

    Hey people, why no respond? BTW ever since i disable the SpeedStep thing, my bro computer haven't getting any heat and power supply isn't as hot as usual... the CPU is still at 3.59GHz but it's dropping, now it's at 3.573-3.587GHz... B4 disabled it, it's hot and was at 3.59GHz now it's dropping... What's causing the problem? I dont get why it's dropping speed and it's not getting hot too... BTW ever since i also disable the SpeedStep, the CPU cooler is getting load ever few second, minutes because it's getting cold or something(It's what my bro said) because of it's slows down(what i think)... should i enable SpeedStep? the cpu is at 3.57-3.58GHz but it's not releasing any heat like B4 i disable the SpeedStep... IDK if the CPU is lying to me or not but i think it's at 2.83GHz or lower because it's not hot or whatsoever like B4... CPU Cooler or you can say the heat sink, is really load like using a machine "cutting thing" cutting the tree like Berrrrrrr and it's like shanking too like your mouth is shaking when your really cold...

    Please help with the Question below because i don't like the sound and affects it's making and how it's working out with the computer... I don't want it to be F*** up...

    "Question want to be Answered:"
    Why it's not getting hot?(it's cold in winter of course but why power supply and CPU not hot as usual? it was hot b4 i disabled it and read the date where i said i recently disabled it!)
    Why the heat sink so load?(because of it's going slow of course(my guess) but Why THOUGH, CPU not hot?)
    Why is it dropping MHz from 3.59 to 3.8-3.7?(Im scared if it drop a lot in 1 year when it's slows and my bro ganna Bi*** at me)
    Do I need to change SpeedStep to Enable instead of Disable because of these problems?
    SpeedStep balance power like saving power when not using, but how do I know if the CPU powers is being saved or any other things?
    Did i disabled the right SpeedStep?(i went to BIOS setting and went to advance, CPU, And/Or speed and i saw speedstep and disabled it...)
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2010
  4. miketrev

    miketrev Regular member

    Feb 1, 2009
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    I dont think anyone is repsonding due to you not listening to their advice!

    You ask a question, you get given a decent answer which you decide to ignore because your brother doesnt agree. If he's so knowlageble, ask him to fix it.

    Pointless thread IMO
  5. LightXxX

    LightXxX Guest

    THE problem is, i dont wanna ask my bro and i dont wanna f*** up his computer and he ganna bi*** at me if he has a security thing... Please check the question i told you guys please... BTW i did one advice and there's might be some problem to it with the computer...
  6. ps355528

    ps355528 Active member

    Aug 17, 2010
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    Think the only way you could make that thing any worse would be take a hammer to it ..

    catalog of stupidity and shitty software
  7. Deadrum33

    Deadrum33 Active member

    Jul 23, 2005
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    There you go again, saying the things everyone else dances around and are perhaps too timid to verbalize...also, thanks for the holiday cheer in my shoutbox ps355528!

    Which question that has already been answered 5 times do you still want help with?

    EIST/speedstep=on means it automatically lowers clock rate while CPU is not being taxed

    EIST/speedstep=off means it doesnt monitor CPU, so you wont have any fluctuations in clockrate and wont save energy
  8. LightXxX

    LightXxX Guest

    My problems is, is that the heat sink is loud and it's annoying when it is... The CPU isn't as hot as usual(Touch the side and doesn't feel any heat or you can say, not hot at all...) IDK why the heat sink is so loud... I want to know why the heat sink so loud now, because it's spinning faster or it's just dust?(have the computer more than a year like 1Y and 3M...)

    His CPU cooler is probably this one http://www.superbiiz.com/detail.php...vj9HBcRFHu+iOv2tOtZpVJ1jNklAt1K3OPbNqiHrVMmOK but im not sure since it's look like it... What's the problem it's so loud every few second/minutes? it loudness lasted few seconds, even 20 seconds...
  9. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    it is not the cpu heatsink causing the noise but the fan on the cpu heatsink.
  10. LightXxX

    LightXxX Guest

    I know it's the freaken "FAN" on the Heat sink.. it came with the heat sink as MATE so just say heat sink and it's causing the noise... It's like so loud... IDK if it's spinning faster or slow but it's really annoying, i can still hear it from almost 6 yard away... It's rea;;y irritating and IDK if it's the speedstep making it saving power awhile it's disabled... There's no heat coming from the CPU(I can feel the heat from side of CASE but not as hot as usual, it's also one inch away from case too)

    The real Question I want to know is, "Why the "Heat Sink" so loud even tho the CPU is HOT?"(My bro said it's because it's cold and it's the reason it's loud every then and now...) I don't get why it's loud even tho, the house is hot with AC because there's 2 babies in the house which that is, the temp is at 60-80F... I dont really get why it's so loud because it' not controlled and it's not a sensor from what i seen in the site or item i put on my last reply...
  11. Deadrum33

    Deadrum33 Active member

    Jul 23, 2005
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    This shows neither you or your supersmart brother took the time to educate yourselves on what an overclock does to a computer.

    Noone uses a stock fan/heatsink with an OC. It is always on and running fast because you are overheating the CPU. Have you checked any kind of hardware monitor showing temps of your CPU, various chipsets, RAM, video card, etc?
    Its loud because after so much use at full speed the cheap bearings in the fan are probably wearing out. If you want to continue playing Mr. Overclock, you probably should get better gear.
    Google is your friend.
  12. omendata

    omendata Regular member

    Apr 18, 2008
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    Nightmare someone hears the term overclock and does it without a single clue as to whats happening then spends hours wasting everyones time on here.

    Methinks Lightxxx is his brother - one in the same.
    If not then his brother should not be let anywhere near a computer.

    Have you actually considered putting everything back to default - ie dont overclock and reset the bios to defaults then see what happens!

    Check your hardware - heatsink could be loose not fitting properly.

    If that fails then get another hard disk and stick it in - install a clean version of whatever os you are using. If your system is still slow then you more than likely have a hardware fault!

    Basic stuff first!
  13. KillerBug

    KillerBug Active member

    May 21, 2006
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    LoL...so the thing is getting so hot that the side of the case is hot, and you want to slow down the fan? I wonder why it was so problematic when the fan was going slower...LoL! Here is an idea...give your nice parts to me, I will build a total POS for you and set it up correctly, so that it is faster than your system is...and then I will take your parts and actually use them correctly for myself. Then again, it is anyone's guess what you or your brother might have done to the parts, so I don't want them.

    Oh, and CS5 is not a major drain BTW. Sure, it uses plenty of ram...but it runs just fine on my old single-core laptop. ...And it has no affect on performance when it is not running (assuming you install correctly).
  14. mrslicker

    mrslicker Regular member

    Nov 27, 2010
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    well i might as well join in. 1st off your brothers OC is probably needing stability testing, use prime 95 and see how fast it fails, if it doesent, then +1 for big bro.
    2nd, leave his computer alone if he doesent know your messing with it. 3rd, your probably installing a crap-ton of softs without regard for what may be contained in them.

    OK, ill offer some advice for you, 1.speedstep and things like that are usually not good to use when overclocking until its settings have been *refined* - because it takes control out of your hands, and the system is trying to think for itself what is best when its already operating outside of parameters, got it? 2. try to press Ctrl+Shift+Esc and reading the processes cpu/memory use. a little tip- in processes tab, click on 'view->select columns' and put a check besides the 'I/O reads and writes' and the ones for bytes, it will tell you what programs are writing and reading and how much. in case your brother doesent know, msconfig or autoruns will say what loads at first boot and can be disabled. my recommendation though is decide with him what to uninstall that are unneccessary resource hogs, then clear out the google update crap and etc etc from msconfig. if you dont know what something is look it up and dont go straight to the "is this a risk?" pages. i think many of them are scams/useless.

    PWM fans auto adjust speed , they have 4 pins on the header. 3 pins rotate at fixed speed unless adjusted with a knob controller.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2010
  15. LightXxX

    LightXxX Guest

    I can feel the heat on the side of case because it's OC... The Heat Sink is suppose to be cooling and "quiet"(I dont know how fast it spin but it's fast and really quiet)... It's the Heat Sink that i dont get is so loud... It never gotten this loud even in summer but in winter? WOW... It haven't gotten any noise since yesterday so i guess it's stop making noise now...

    CS5 is a real problem when you convert MoViE or something... My bro computer was so fast, it took 100% and 1GB RAM to complete in 12 Hours... The video he took with his $350 camera(720p with good sound and quality) was really long like 2-4 hours... He edited it and made it better and he convert it to IDK something like CD or something but it took 10-12 hours... My bro wasn't able to play game like warcraft 3 or surf net as fast but SLOW(took 5 minute to load/open facebook game: FarmVille)... The adobe he uses was Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 for editing movies not with picture/Photoshop if you wanna know that you Dump F*** IDK if you know what kind of Adobe uses a lot of resource of system but it's Adobe "Premiere Pro CS5" your laptop would took 3 days to convert his movie that he took with his own camera so dont think your laptop can keep up with my bro COMPUTER because it way past yours computer(s)...
  16. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    LightXxX, watch the comments before i ban you.
  17. LightXxX

    LightXxX Guest

    OK, i wont do it again, how long will i get ban tho, 2 months or permanent?
  18. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    depends on what you do & my mood so don't piss me off.
  19. LightXxX

    LightXxX Guest

    How do word pisses you off when you "READ" it? i get pisses off when i "HEAR" it :/... Guess a lot of people are different from each other...
  20. omendata

    omendata Regular member

    Apr 18, 2008
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    Every post from every member he has ignored.
    Hasnt even reset the system to default to see if its the overclock thats caused the problem which is the quickest and most basic thing to do.

    Hes just thick so no point posting anything else to help him.

    I would urge DDP to close this thread and ban him as i think this must be a windup.


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