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DON'T be conned into BUYing from Model-gadget/KlickStore.com; EMAILs and/or FOUL LANGUAGE = BAN

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by GodzD, Nov 28, 2007.

  1. alisterbw

    alisterbw Member

    Dec 17, 2007
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    Please refund my order, as I have had to buy else where due to YOUR total lack of communication.

    I have also emailed and sent you a PM via this forum (which I found by chance) both I have no response.

    Here is my order details.

    Order #24959 (Processing)
    Order Date: Monday 10 December, 2007

    As it is still processing I assume there will be no problems with issuing me with a refund.

  2. stevept

    stevept Member

    Aug 13, 2005
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    This is not some sort of charitable organisation that is working its hardest, it is supposed to be a business. A business that is currently taking peoples money, and leaving people high and dry with little clue as to what is going on.

    This was the exact same situation last Christmas with this company.

    And if the quoted post isn't a shill for model-gadget, I will be amazed.
  3. oblivi8

    oblivi8 Member

    Dec 17, 2007
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    who do u think you u are, am a genuine customer and have bought loads from modgad, with no problem, even the massive companys take your order and money and put you in a queue, and you get yours when its your turn, so dont come on here throwing your mouth about m8,
  4. stevept

    stevept Member

    Aug 13, 2005
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    I think I hit a nerve with the shill. Mike, is this you ?
  5. ticboom

    ticboom Member

    Dec 13, 2007
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    yo give mike @ modgadget a break he is doing what he can if he says he's dealing with his orders i'll take his word for it atleast he's not a con man ,he's human just like us so chill and let mike get this mess out the way and hopefully he will get his system ready for a demand like this next year. also while am here lol mike can u update me if u sent my order (24485)and when shall i recieve look forward to ur response kind reguards youssef .
  6. battlegab

    battlegab Member

    Dec 17, 2007
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    Hi Mike how about info on my order please ??

    Order Number: 23434

    Date Ordered: thursday 06 December, 2007

    3 x R4DS - V2 (ENGLISH VERS) = £96.46

  7. oblivi8

    oblivi8 Member

    Dec 17, 2007
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    rite lets get this str8 steve, av been reading the forum as my order was l8, still processing after 8 days, mike has responded today if you read back a couple of pages to no 18 , just some people have ordered like 3 or 4 days ago and complaing there order hasn't arrived, just taking the piss imo, as its a week before crimbo and i work in an entertainment store, (the biggest in the uk) and i know what customers demand and think its appaulling the attitude they give the staff when they cant get something straightaway and theres no need for it, if its in high demand be prepared to wait, and for your info, u did hit a nerve coz it annoys me when u work hard to please the customer while they sit back and complain about 2 or 3 days delay, so sort your head out m8
    model gadget is the ony site filling orders for these products that ive found in uk, at these low prices aswell, and no i'm not a shill for the site, just putting some divvies right about there attitude

    mike keep up the gd work m8

    and also steve u must be amazed!!! eh
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2007
  8. gellatron

    gellatron Member

    Dec 17, 2007
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    Thanks for the info oblivi8, I now appreciate that they are a small business and are obviously under enormous pressure to get all their orders out.
    However, although there are possibly one or two “divvies” I would argue that most people on this forum have a point.
    At the end of the day the company has taken their money and told them nothing, so understandably people are getting anxious.
    I don’t mind waiting, so long as I’m told how long.

    Mike, am sure you do a magic job, would really appreciate some feedback re my order (see previous post) - cheers
  9. megane836

    megane836 Member

    Dec 17, 2007
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    Re: Order #23431 (Despatched) - I got a text from you this morning Monday to say I would get my order today, guess what, it didn't arrive! Please advise method of postage and when you sent it? I am now getting really frustrated and todate have been really patient considering my order was placed on 6th December and paid for Special Delivery Postage. I await your reply? Thanks
  10. pocoster

    pocoster Member

    Dec 17, 2007
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    wow well i take back any bad things ive said about your service it seems you are working pretty hard to clear the orders tho you really underestimated the demand anyways i wanted to know how my order is coming as christmas is approaching fast and im under serious pressure for this dam thing from the missus my order number is 24632 i ordered it on the 9th December 1903 only joking 2007 lol name is Mark Pocock
  11. stevept

    stevept Member

    Aug 13, 2005
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    Well, there you have it. An eloquently written article.

    "mike keep up the gd work m8 "

    If your definition of "good work" is giving out a phone number that doesnt get answered, offering services on their website that can't be met, and now, the only way of even "hoping" one might get a response (and it's a forlorn hope), is by using a public forum such as this, then you are very easily pleased.

    There are many people on this thread who have a right to know if they are going to ever receive their item. There are probably many many more outside of this that have no idea this thread even exists and can only wonder what is going on.

    They are running a business, yet have no idea what to do when the going gets a bit tough. Maybe Christmas came as a shock to them ? It usually falls around the 25th December each year though doesn't it ?

    I still say shill.
  12. monkey330

    monkey330 Member

    Dec 17, 2007
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    www.model-gadget.com------------------------------------------------------Order Number: 24609Detailed Invoice: https://www.model-gadget.com/shop/account_history_info.php?order_id=24609Date Ordered: Sunday 09 December, 2007 Products------------------------------------------------------3 x R4DS - V2 (ENGLISH VERS) = £92.22 Add microSD Card in 1GB microSD------------------------------------------------------Sub-Total: £92.22Total: £98.72

    hi mike could you please tell me when my items will be sent please,i have tried to get in touch without any answers...thanks
  13. wiggy33

    wiggy33 Member

    Dec 18, 2007
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    HI Mike. Same story here. Ordered M3ds a1GB card on 10th, order says still processing this morning - order no 25372. TRied the mobile No. listed on site yesterday but almost consyantly engaged, when it did ring it continued to do so for about a minute then went dead. Could you please give me a delivery estimate for my daughter's xmas present please.

  14. terryjl

    terryjl Guest

    Hi Mike, Same story here as well, ordered 2X m3ds+1gb cards on 11th December order number 25409. I have tried phoning the number given but have been unable to get through. I need to know when I will be getting my order as they are christmas presents. Thanks
  15. TNM

    TNM Member

    Dec 17, 2007
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  16. TNM

    TNM Member

    Dec 17, 2007
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    Hi Mike, Any news as to the whereabouts of my items? You said I would receive the items on Wednesday (tomorrow) one way or another. Is this still on track?
  17. DeadSanta

    DeadSanta Member

    Dec 17, 2007
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    Hi Mike,

    I can confirm that my 5 R4DS with 2gig cards turned up today. I must admit with all the problems with communication and so on highlighted in this thread, I had pretty much written it off and was resigned to having to spend cash I dont have on other presents for my kids.
    I am therefore very relieved that you made good on the order.
    Hopefully the noose that is round all these good folks neck might feel a little slacker since you have proved to be good to your word to me at least.
    Having sweated for a few days I think the frustration felt by some of the folks on here is entirely justified and I do think it very unprofessional that in order to get any response at all I had to trawl through google using search terms such as 'Model Gadget Poor Service Bad Delivery' before I even found this particular thread. I'm guessing the majority of moms out there probably wont and are perhaps still waiting for a reply of any kind.
    As a software developer and general all round geek I am regulary spending around 4K a year with sites such as play.com. I was intrigued by your model gadget site and liked some of the stuff you had for sale. I must say that this experience has made me think twice about purchasing anything else.
    I don't want this post to be seen as another 'have a bash' post. I appreciate that Xmas is a busy time for all but just having a look at the order value from people posting on here, your turnover is massive and you could get in some extra help as most business have to do this time of year. Do yourself a favour - just communicate better. You will find people are incredibly patient if you just let them know whats going on. Stating 3-5 days and 24 hours on R4DS on the website is misleading and whilst such statements may lead to greater sales, it does nothing for return business. Under Promise and Over Deliver should be the mantra of any business.
    I will monitor this thread to see how many other people end up getting what they ordered before Xmas and if it appears that you are coming good for all I may put some extra business your way in the new year.
    Appreciate having received my order anyhow.

    Merry Christmas


  18. azster

    azster Member

    Dec 12, 2007
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    hi mike,

    tryed calling you but cant get through, post man left an hour ago and i have not receieved my R4 today either,

    can you help please.

  19. Fhowler

    Fhowler Guest

    hi mike,
    I have sent a few emails to you regarding r4 ds card with 2gb sd card that i ordered on the 10th. I sent the emails before i managed to read this thread so my apologies for any rudeness. I also asked for it to be cancelled. but if you are working through the orders then i do not wish to cancel the item as i understand its a busy period. i would just like to no if i will still recieve this r4ds card and 2gb sd card? im not fussed as to how quickly it comes now i know the situation but obviously i would like reassurance that it is still coming?????
    I would really appreciate a reply. thankyou Fay
  20. Fhowler

    Fhowler Guest

    by the way my prder number is below just for reference. thank you

    Order #24894 (Processing)

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