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DON'T be conned into BUYing from Model-gadget/KlickStore.com; EMAILs and/or FOUL LANGUAGE = BAN

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by GodzD, Nov 28, 2007.

  1. oblivi8

    oblivi8 Member

    Dec 17, 2007
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    hi all , just to let u know mine arrived the day, was supposed to be wednesday but i was at work and missed he postman, it was special delivery and sent out on monday, i did order it on the 7th of dec, but i knew mike would come through for me as ive ordered loadz from him and has always came after 2 or 3 days, understand that this is the busiest time and mike is working harder than he ever has, he is a good bloke, just needs abit more help i think, hope yous all get your items if not it will be right after christmas im sure,

    merry xmas mike and thanx for all the work you have put in to making christmas for us all, and dont stress if you dont get it before christmas it will be there straight afterwards, merry xmas all
  2. oblivi8

    oblivi8 Member

    Dec 17, 2007
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    dont stress if the m3 turns up its exactly the same just a different make, i find that there is more support and guidance on the internet for m3 than there is for r4, i prefer m3 so if thats what u get i will make no difference, dont worry m8
  3. GodzD

    GodzD Regular member

    Oct 12, 2005
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    Man I mine hasn't shown up either.He said i'd get it this week,and tomorrow Sunday on top of that.So many things have gone wrong for me that past few weeks,this is just another thing on the stupid list.

    Does anyone have any idea how to track your orders on Model-gadget.com? I'd like to know at least where it is,i've been waiting for a week 7 days and this week is over.
  4. Flippy71

    Flippy71 Member

    Dec 17, 2007
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    Nice to see that some people that ordered 5 days after me have recieved their items now, while I am still awaiting mine.

    Looks like people who ordered R4's are getting M3's, while people who ordered M3's are left hanging... Hope of getting this for Xmas are fading fast...

    Transaction for the value of: GBP 70.73
    Description: Purchase from www.model-gadget.com
    Merchant's cart ID: removed
    Authorisation Date/Time: removed
    Transaction ID: removed

    Order is 2 x M3's and 2 x 1gb Micro SD's
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2007
  5. chitter

    chitter Member

    Dec 14, 2007
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    I ordered the R2DS V2 + 1Gb SD card on the 10th December and I haven't received the items! I doubt it's going to be here before Xmas now.

    I have repeatedly checked the "My Account" section in the model gadget website and it still says that I have no orders placed with them. I have emailed several times without any response.

    Here is the reference number from worldpay:
    Merchant's Reference: removed

    If anyone from model-gadget can respond that would be appreciated.

    Last edited: Dec 30, 2007
  6. MPatto

    MPatto Member

    Dec 14, 2007
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    Glad to see you have something mate, i'm still waiting on an R4 from Volumerate.com (wont see that until Febuary if i'm lucky), just happy to have M3DS Simply anyway.

    Have a Great Christmas and Happy New Year
  7. MPatto

    MPatto Member

    Dec 14, 2007
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    There is always tomorrow mate, by the way that must of been a burglar in my local Morrisons nicking the post out of the Postbox last sunday.
  8. MrWitness

    MrWitness Member

    Apr 9, 2007
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    I saw posties emptying boxes and out delivering today, I hope that everyone gets what they need on Xmas Day and Mike hasn't ruined too many Xmases.

    He's got his his work to do come the new year to rebuild his business and the trust of the community, but I'm sure he's learned one hell of a lesson this xmas.

    Happy Xmas to all the DS community form MrWitness
  9. essexads

    essexads Member

    Dec 20, 2007
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    Well mine was maked despatched friday and we just had our post and it did not arrive. SAD day here.

    Any way MErry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all.

    @Mike Many thanks for trying but Royal Mail STUFFED UP BIG TIME.

    Thank You
  10. nr152522

    nr152522 Member

    Dec 20, 2007
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    Hi All!

    Sorry for those who haven't received theirs in time for xmas. I just bought another one from another site. I have asked for mine to be refunded many times and he ignored me and still dispatched my itmes. (Thursday)

    I haven't received them from him yet and I dont think I will before xmas (so much for special delivery). My concern is to whether I trust this guy to return it to him. Also I doubt this "businessman" will be kind enough to refund the full amount including my shipping costs (as I did try to cancel before he dispatched).

    My advice, order the CycloDS Evo elsewhere, it's the best card around.

    Warm Regards
    Merry Christmas
  11. emmapople

    emmapople Guest

    Well im sick of this . shipped on 21st still not here!!!!! I paid for next day delivery wtf is he playing at!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. F44

    F44 Member

    Dec 19, 2007
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    my order was despatched on friday and should have arrived today but didn't. would this have anything to do with it being christmas eve? do the goods get delievered by courier or the normal postman? and will they be givng out mail tomorrow?

    ver dissapointed
  13. NTGworld

    NTGworld Guest

    After sending god knows how many emails to your site and now contacting world pay, trading standards and consumer direct I have found you on here. I have waited for over 6 weeks now.

    Please investigate this and I will stop any other action being taken. Consumer Direct said under the Distance Selling Regulations, if you do not receive the goods you have ordered after 30 days, the contract can be considered to be automatically cancelled, and you can claim a full refund (including delivery charges). It has been over 30 days and I have had nothing.

    I have paid £43.69 and the item was for a christmas present. Such a shame that scammers like this get away with this. If I lived near Surrey Im sure the guy would pay up once he saw me. I ordered and paid on the 11th of November!! I would love the satisfaction of sorting this guy out myself but with no car it will be left to the police and the companies I have listed above.

    Console PC Com Ltd (trading as model gadget)
    2A River Way, Epsom, Surrey, KT19 0HH, UK

    That is there address if you need it?
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 24, 2007
  14. barny11

    barny11 Member

    Dec 19, 2007
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    Well i got the same as most others in this thread, an email saying goods dispatched.

    And nothing arrives.

    Even IF the r4 i ordered does arrive after christmas i will be making it my new year resolution to get back the postage cost (next day delivery) which i was charged.

    I will also be reporting him for consideration of prosecution for what i see as a deliberate deception.

  15. emmapople

    emmapople Guest

    Did you pay for special delivery if yes you should have it ,if no you might get it next year. Like i paid for special delivery i dident get it. Is this fool even sending them??? Shall i rent a bus and pick you all up?? Give him an xmas to remember??????? I feel like im the one who bent down for the soap (in a gay bar)
  16. GodzD

    GodzD Regular member

    Oct 12, 2005
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    Oh man thank god it showed up today.I just now got it right now,it took nearly a month to get but its finaly here.Its the R4 as well,man I guess I was overreacting but that wait was oh so freaking long.But anyways I really hope at least a few of you get lucky enough to get it before christmas like myself.
  17. NTGworld

    NTGworld Guest

    LOL rent a bus mate, pick me up from Liverpool, get me there and trust me I will get my £43 worth out of the guy...
    Sorry to hear so many people getting had off by people like this, I wont let mine rest, the thought of getting had off makes me really angry so I wont stop until I get my money back!

    I will keep you updated on my progress...

    Happy Christmas to everyone, hope you all have a good one and a safe one :) except the biff who runs Model Gadget hope you choke on a turkey bone :)
  18. F44

    F44 Member

    Dec 19, 2007
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    i checked this morning aswel and no items. i think that the items that have been despatched is royal mails priority and not model gadgets. i mean we all know royal mail are a sloppy company and that they're on strike every other day, and im sure i heard the news saying that this christmas alot of presents wont get to homes in time cause ofthe status of the delivery ( royal mail)
  19. emmapople

    emmapople Guest

    Just checked his main page. Not even a sorry for messing us all around (not like he is to busy taking them to post office is it as there shut) After all we been through waiting,ringing a phone that is not on,msg's we all sent him for no reply and he cant even put sorry for the xmas crappy service on his main page!!! NOT alot to ask is it? I bet all our money's gave him a good christmas.
  20. janeeta1

    janeeta1 Member

    Dec 19, 2007
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    Myself and my daughter received ours on Sat 22nd after having ordered on 10th Dec but it was the m3 not r4 but it works the same.We were lucky unlike many others.

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