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DON'T be conned into BUYing from Model-gadget/KlickStore.com; EMAILs and/or FOUL LANGUAGE = BAN

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by GodzD, Nov 28, 2007.

  1. proff999

    proff999 Member

    Dec 11, 2007
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    I'm sorry but this guy is scum! I was under the impression that after I ordered (6/12/2007) his servers went down and this was the excuse for the delay in getting my order. Yet their are loads of folks here who ordered within the so called down period and have been let down at xmas.

    This is simply not good enough, Why on earth (Unless he's thieving scum) would he continue to take orders for items he obviously didn't have? Some say within these forums that he's a good guy and even go as far as to thanking him for managing to get a few in the post, Most of these seemed to me to be people he's dealt with before, So it comes as no surprise.

    I imagine he is one of these dodgy traders who take your money before even ordering his "Stock" from China. Like a drop shipper but on a grander scale. And he's obviously ran into a supply problem but instead of taking no further orders he's carried on fleecing joe public. I ended up ordering from modchipstore.co.uk on the 17th of December as nothing appeared from "Mike" and my items arrived on the 18th as promised as I paid for special delivery, They only had M3's available as the R4's were clearly listed as out of stock. Something "Mike" could have done had he been honest.

    It is my only Christmas wish that someone has paid "Mike" a visit, And I don't mean Santa.

    Best wishes to everyone for the remainder of the festive period and spread the word on Model-Gadget so no-one else gets ripped off and let down this time next year.
  2. woof811

    woof811 Regular member

    Oct 7, 2003
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    probably off topic but for those that wish to order from a 100% reliable uk website try here - http://www.addictsupplies.com/index.php

    i have used this website about 5 times now they are very reliable with very quick delivery , they have r4ds in stock at the moment ! ( royal mail first class 2 - 3 days )

    they have a stock counter for each product they sell so you know before you order if they are in stock or not ! ( unlike model-gadget )

    i am only recommending this website because i have placed orders in the past and been well satisfied with the service , products and delivery and thought as so many of you had been dissapionted with model-gadget ( to say the very least ) i would post where i bought mine 100% relible uk website - www.addictsupplies.com

  3. emmapople

    emmapople Guest

    This is because they think kissing his arse will get them there orders . But why should we when we only want the things we paid for?? kiss arse never the scum bag should be on here kissing our arses we are not in the wrong HE is!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. NTGworld

    NTGworld Guest

    People surely someone here lives near this guy, I posted his trading address on a earlier post. I live in Liverpool so Im very far away...the item is not even for me it is for my mates daughter! They dont have the net so I look like a right d**k ordering from this muppet! We do go to the occoasional away match though so as soon as we are in the area I will be paying the guy a visit with a van full of scousers and I promise you this we will be doing the robbing!! Lol, it seems like he has stopped helping people here aswell. The hosting company listed on his site seems bogus also, most of there pages dont work... the guy is a scam artist and a poor one at that.
  5. emmapople

    emmapople Guest

    Well here i am AGAIN postman been did the 2 m3's come NO they dident!!!! they was shipped on 22nd (so he says) I paid this jerk for next day delivery . So where are they im sure they should be with me already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I TELL YOU WHAT MIKE IF THERE NOT HERE BY SATURDAY EXPECT A BANG ON THE DOOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PRAT!
  6. NTGworld

    NTGworld Guest

    This is what else I found out on the guy

    He also runs another store http://www.rcheli.co.uk/shop/

    Got a little more info on the pr**k here aswell...

    Website - www.rcheli.co.uk
    email - info@rcheli.co.uk

    Company registration no. - 5551580
    VAT registration no. - 867 6132 96

    Also found this on webcheck:
    Name & Registered Office:
    DOSHI & CO
    Company No. 05551580

    The guy better start sorting people soon or he will have alot of angry people on his door.
  7. emmapople

    emmapople Guest

    Order #26339 (Despatched) ???? Is it??? realy??????? this was on 21/12/07 I paid for special delivery that cost over a fiver!!!!!!
    So where is my product's??? If you havent sent as special delivery i want a full refund of postage, if you have i want the tracking number
    THATS if you even sent them in the first place?? im thinking is he just making out he has sent them?? And i think to a msg above some people have orderd off of him from where he is (say up to ten miles away) But he would make sure they get it as they are close enough to go round to him and give him the beating he needs. sO MIKE, MR CHAN WHO EVER YOU ARE give US AN update. Are you still able to type ?? did some one get to you and brake your fingers and thats the reason you cant return msg's??? Did you hire snails to deliver your stock?? lol snail mail bahhhhhh
  8. NTGworld

    NTGworld Guest

    we appriciate you leaving the post, as you say not many answers now but we will get some one way or another. We need to work together on this, give us his last ip and we will see if we can track him from that :) I really would love to sort this guy out face to face, I hate being taken for a ride and I know it wouldnt happen on a face to face meet. Surely someone lives near by and has the balls to go see this guy? If I got myself down there I would kip outside until he showed up, ask his neighbours were he lives, as bigjohn said ealier be persuasive ;) Just dont give in people.
    I think I got his address but not sure so dont anyone go round there. I wont post it yet but if you are still reading this Mike or CHAIRUDDIN CHAN and your wife is NGUYEN T CHAN then get in touch with us all! Or it will be posted.

    Also how did everyone find the site? Let me know and I will set up a website warning people not to go there.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 27, 2007
  9. F44

    F44 Member

    Dec 19, 2007
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    my order was despatched last friday and still hasn't turned up, im getting really frustrated. he's just making things worse by lying, thats if he is lying...im sure he must have sorted things out by now...im going to phone royal mail and ask if they're having the problems, cause they usually do,
  10. proff999

    proff999 Member

    Dec 11, 2007
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    I have posted many things by Special delivery myself and as such I know full well that a tracking number is supplied by Royal mail. If he's sent your items out then why does he not give a tracking number? It's cos he's doing **** all, That's why.
  11. Flippy71

    Flippy71 Member

    Dec 17, 2007
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    Ordered 2 M3's and 1GB cards for each on the 9th, still awaiting any form of contact in regards to the order... The money was taken straight away, but since then, silence...

    I note on his site he says:
    Maybe his hosts mail server crashed under the wieght of mails chasing orders from this guy...
  12. mar6874

    mar6874 Guest

    I almost ordered from this guy on boxing day but after reading the reviews on his site it seemed that 99 % of his customers were not happy and had not recieved they're order so im glad i didnt, so if anyone is looking to order i wold suggest www.modchipfitters.com
    r4ds and m3 in stock and was due to be shipped tomorrow but he's done it a day early.

  13. emmapople

    emmapople Guest

    Maybe he is a *bleep* . He could have put a (simple) msg on here saying sorry for those that did'nt get there orders but he did'nt
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2007
  14. Garblade

    Garblade Member

    Dec 13, 2007
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    So he could receive some abuse from people such as yourself? Sorry, but in my opinion all the current tone is achieving is making sure nobody from model-gadget will be back here.

    I'm sorry you dont have your order but you really arent achieving anything by name calling, its a waste of your time and energy.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2007
  15. emmapople

    emmapople Guest

    What so my kids can get a ds for xmas and thats it?? i am not made of money in my order i said please refund if these are not . as i cant buy games(as i havent got the money ) right this second my kids have 2 ds's sitting there why' because this *bleep* dident sort the orders out. So there you go if this person refunded me as i asked in my order form my 5year old and 7 year old whould have got atleast 1 game each but no he dident . he gave out like i would get my item did i no i did'nt . so on christmas day my kids got a ds and thats all they got apart from small things . Kissing this *bleep* arse is not the way to go i gave my kids xmas cash to this dude what for .....NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!! My kids i want the best for so i went with this shop as he seemed to have the ds cards i wanted for them 'my kids games cash went on thee and im still waiting!!!!!!! so he is a *bleep* and wants a *bleep* slap i bet he had a good christmas !!!!!!!! are you kissing arse thinking you will get your item if thats what you do???????????
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2007
  16. emmapople

    emmapople Guest

    I would not be on here if this dude would post a sorry but no he has not it whouldent have to be like this . He sent my order on the 21st so if i paid for next day delivery that i did i should have the items by now and have 2 happy kids but i have not ggot them yet!!!!!!! so my kids have ds's and no games So he needs sorting out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I only want what i have paid for Am i in the Wrong???????????No he is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 27, 2007
  17. F44

    F44 Member

    Dec 19, 2007
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    my order was also despatched on the 21st but hasn't arrived yet, really frustrating. having to wake up in the morning go outside and get the post only to find a couple of letters and no m3 ds simply chips, mike can you please just sort this mess out
  18. emmapople

    emmapople Guest

    F44 Please tell me if and when you get your item as minewas sent the same day'I will do the same Thanks.
  19. F44

    F44 Member

    Dec 19, 2007
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    will do.

  20. Garblade

    Garblade Member

    Dec 13, 2007
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    I have my item, maybe my kissing arse worked eh? j/k

    I think you are missing my point though. Most people here have managed to express their displeasure without name calling or threats. If you really expect or want any further response from model-gadget on here then I think its fairly obvious that creating a hostile environment isnt going to help that. If you dont then fair enough, but spare a thought for others who still hope they might receive some sort of explanation on here.

    Anyway, I hope you get your item/refund asap.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2007

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