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DON'T be conned into BUYing from Model-gadget/KlickStore.com; EMAILs and/or FOUL LANGUAGE = BAN

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by GodzD, Nov 28, 2007.

  1. doggman

    doggman Guest

    hey guys just an update... I got my order today as promised... 5 x R4 DS and 2 x R4 SDHC

    so i am a happy customer, but feel for all you guys that are having problems... keep faith
  2. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    accidental CAPS LOCK abuse is fine but it would be advisable to 'be bothered' and to please be kind to the CAPS LOCK in future.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2008
  3. mck123

    mck123 Member

    Oct 17, 2007
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    i placed an order with model gadget this week only recieved an email confirming payment i tried emailing them twice about not recieving goods but had no response to either tried to contact them by phone still no joy
  4. soupy76

    soupy76 Member

    Apr 26, 2006
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    i would like everyone to know, i have recieved my order from model gadget, i would not hesitate to order from them again

  5. mck123

    mck123 Member

    Oct 17, 2007
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    i finally got in touch with model gadget over the weekend and have been promised me my goods by tuesday
  6. muckie30

    muckie30 Member

    Dec 10, 2008
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    I dont think the ds ive bought are imports because the screws in the back are not try wing nintendo security. Do they not use these in america then?
  7. thebamsco

    thebamsco Guest

    Hi folks,

    Just registered there to confirm the number Doggman put up is indeed for model-gadget.

    Called them 5 mins ago and seems they are getting on top of their problems.

    Fingers crossed will be getting my payment back from them shortlly as i had to order my cards elsewhere. (My order was placed last monday and went through the same anxieties as many here - thinking my money was lost)

    Had a chat with mike, re future orders.... get my money back prompt I may deal with him in the future again. Had done 500 quids worth of business with him before this problem without a hassle.

    Up too you guys what yer gonna do - but use the number - he says he's trawling through several hundred emails at the moment, if you want things done quicker.
  8. georgie87

    georgie87 Member

    Dec 17, 2008
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    hi, i have bought an r4ds but itsfake, i looked at the notes and did what it says and still will not work i have tried a friends r4ds and that works fine on my nintendo, i have sent e-mails to them but no reply all i got was 2 weeks later an e-mail saying the problem hass now been resolved as i havn't replied to them, never received a reply. if anyone has a contact number for them or an address it would be helpful. thank you
  9. muckie30

    muckie30 Member

    Dec 10, 2008
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    If u have paid by card credit or debit just ring your bank tell them that u have receved falty goods but cant contact the retailer and they ignor your e-mails. Then they will send you some forms to report this they will have the money back in you bank faster than you can say Model-gadget
  10. thebamsco

    thebamsco Guest

    Sounds like your a noob mate... and perhaps being a bit quick to jump in with 'Its a fake'.

    hey, you may have been unlucky and got a dud, but judging by the fact, that you sound like you have never done a NDS card before, I think the likelyhood is you've bawsed it up.

    Here's a quick howto for ya.

    Stick your memory card in the usb reader > stick that on your PC >
    Open up the hard disk screen to explore folders > delete everything on it, to start fresh > Copy the r4 operating system onto the card so you will now have 1 file and 1 folder in root of drive > copy games across, making sure they are unrared and in gamename.nds format > remove hardware safelly after copying everything > stick the memory card in the R4 > boot up > voila

    other thing .... did ya cheap out on the memory card? Did you get a r4 that is SD and trying to use SDHC memory in it? many things can lead to the feck up you mention.

    from my experience with model - gadget - apart from the 1 feck up I had last week - money now returned BTW - I had bought 30 edge cards from them without problem and without a single card failing.

    Shouting fake is pretty strong - but hey you cant go buying something that you dont know how to use, then claiming its broken.

    have fun with it - check your compatability between r4 and memory, then go through the install process slowly and see if its still broke, and a Fake. ;)
  11. muckie30

    muckie30 Member

    Dec 10, 2008
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    thebamsco, Its not nice calling people names any why are you so concerned about whether they are fakes or not
    I have 2 nintendo ds lites from model-gadget and from what i have seen on the BBC news they are fakes and have compared them with the ones i bought years ago and they are not the same so who is to say that they are real r4's i have hered of fakes flyng around
    I think you are working for model-gadget
  12. thebamsco

    thebamsco Guest

    You seem to have caught the fact that the name I called him was a 'noob' - I believe in calling a spade a spade and a noob a noob :D ha!

    Did you read the rest of my post, where i have tried to be helpful?

    No, i do not work for model-gadget Mr paranoia... but it pisses me when people that cannot follow instructions all of a sudden claim things are broke!

    It seems to be a modern aspect of life, that people are little girly whiners and cannot place blame on themselves or adequatelly investigate a problem before crying Wolf!

    Read the fellah I refers to post, and you evaluate if he did everything possible in his power and in your humble could be 100% positive he got it right - or dya think he was justified in crying fake!

    yeah I have read the stuff on here about the fake NDS's, also heard they werre not in fact fake on here also, but US imports with a dodgy power adapter - not saying that is right - but I like to get my facts straight. And just to clarify -the doubt is there in my mind that I would be extremelly careful and want full reassurances before purchasing a plugged in electrical component from M-G due to these posts.

    However in my experience and what i have researched, the thread above is the 1st instance i've heard the accusation of fake r4's and think the noob is jumping on the band wagon.

    And as this is an open forum -that is my ever so humble opinion.

    PS I Think you work for some left wing council ;) (as relevant is your for want of a better word 'accusation' that I work for M_g)

    So get it right up yae.

    The Bam Sco(tland)
  13. cjr8bs

    cjr8bs Member

    Nov 17, 2008
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    A bit more rounding up of my story with Model-Gadget.

    I bought and returned an NDS from Model-Gadget.

    The NDS was a (I am fairly sure) genuine but US import to the UK. The NDS itself seemed fine. The PSU had been exchanged for a dodgy cheap import. As I mentioned, eventually, I returned the NDS and got all my money back with no problems. However, before returning it, as I reckoned the PSU was the problem and I was not too happy about returning the NDS (terrible communications with Model-Gadget), I bought a replacement PSU off eBay. The idea being that I could keep the NDS and use a decent replacement PSU. All this changed though when Model-Gadget recalled the NDSs, I sent it back.

    By chance, the PSU that I received (from an entirely different eBay seller) turned out to be exactly the same as the one that Model-Gadget had supplied me. I emailed the eBay seller, pointing out the link mentioned earlier in this thread that pictures the PSU and mentions it is unsafe. He was not interested but did offer me a refund for the item but not a refund for postage. As it only cost me 99p and postage was £3 I had nothing to lose so I decided to do my bit for health and safety and go to trading standards instead. I sent the PSU to them and they have informed me that it indeed is not CE certified. Without even testing it electrically. The plug prongs are too near the edge of the plug, that alone will fail it. It therefore follows that the PSU supplied by Model-Gadget is not certified for use in the EU as it looks the same and the prongs most certainly were too near the edge of the unit. I am assuming that this is why he recalled them.

    Up to now, the unit I sent to trading standards has not been tested electrically. However, the seller will be hearing from them shortly. If any of you want to do the same with what Model-Gadget have supplied you, simply contact your local trading standards office. They have been really helpful with me. They examine what you have and then contact the seller's local trading standards office if action is required.
  14. jaynigs

    jaynigs Member

    Dec 19, 2002
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    This website has some customer satisafaction issues for sure..

    The should be supplying tracking numbers for ALL recorded and special delivery items, royal mail track and trace isn't the best thing in the world, but at least we know it was posted!

    They should also have updated information on average order process time, so people know where they stand when making a purchase, and are aware of any potential delays.

    They should also have a notification, or deadline for special delivery orders, such as- "special delivery orders made before 1pm WILL be posted today" - this goes hand in hand when people are deciding if they want to pay extra money for special delivery or not!

    Special delivery is a NEXT DAY service, not 2 days, or a week, it is practically guaranteed by royal mail, even though it is a busy period! all they need to do is post it in time! - why should i pay for a NEXT DAY service, and then have to wait 2 days or more? that is NOT what i paid the extra for!

    If anyone here has paid for Next Day Service, and found they were waiting 2 days or more, claim your postage back! this should not be tolerated! If model gadget have posted it when they should have, they have nothing to worry about as royal mail will reimburse.

    As for my actual item, it shows posted, so i assumed it would be delivered the next day, made sure i was home etc, lost income because of it! ... nothing, and even the next day, nothing.. this is NOT acceptable! there are no excuses for this! regardless of how busy the period is!

    Funny thing is, i ordered another item from another website by regular 1st class post the SAME TIME AND DAY as my order from model gadget, and its already here!! yet my "Special Delivery" one isn't!

  15. manic84

    manic84 Member

    Dec 21, 2008
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    Hi all, ordered an r4sdhc(don't know why now) from model-gadget on the 4th of dec, still no joy, no reply to tickets or emails sent. The number posted on this thread is no good either as it seems to go through to fax all the time, any kinda suggestion would be appreciated, from all the complaints i have seen on the net the message should be clear, DON'T BUY FROM MODEL GADGET.
  16. cumber46

    cumber46 Member

    Dec 21, 2008
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    hi mike of model gadgets have been trying to contact you about order No15528 i recieved 3 r4sdhc but no 2 gig micro cards for each can you please recify this problem
  17. soupy76

    soupy76 Member

    Apr 26, 2006
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    i have just ordered from model gadget again, i have been assured my order will be delivered in time for christmas, i have no reason not to order from model gadget as i have never had any problems, i have had many orders from them which were delivered on time and in perfect condition. I contacted them personally and was told that if my order was made before noon monday i will recieve it for christmas, i had no hesitation in putting my order in as i feel they have alsways been A1 with my orders

  18. Sam_N

    Sam_N Guest

    I cant believe im back here after a year, without realising Klickstore was part of model gadget etc i purchased 3x r4s. Was shocked and impressed to recieve them within a week rather than a month or so like last year tho what i recieved was not a normal r4 i recieved r4 sdhc. Turns out now when i try and format and load the files when fired up the ds freezes on the loading screen. I have tried different firmware versions and have reformatted the sd cards etc. I am stuck as to what to do next. Anyone else experienced this and if so have you managed to sort it out? These are the kids christmas pressies and cant see Mike etc sorting it out as the last "ticket" i submitted got bypassed.
  19. soupy76

    soupy76 Member

    Apr 26, 2006
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    i am sure there is a link on the website for troubleshooting with the cards, i have never used them but do recall seeing something
  20. cumber46

    cumber46 Member

    Dec 21, 2008
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    hi sam_n i had the same problem when trying to install ver 1.24
    reverted to 1.23 and everything ok hope this helps

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