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DON'T be conned into BUYing from Model-gadget/KlickStore.com; EMAILs and/or FOUL LANGUAGE = BAN

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by GodzD, Nov 28, 2007.

  1. Sam_N

    Sam_N Guest

    Hi there, will re attempt to try that version now. Fingers crossed as after following the fix on the original site i ordered to no avail i kinda felt defeated. Heres hoping ;)
  2. georgie87

    georgie87 Member

    Dec 17, 2008
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    reply to thebamsco. one i'm a women not a guy, number 2 used somebody elses r4ds and worked perfectly and they have done numerous cards not the first time. tried e-mailing ur friend m_g. but only replies ever are this matter is sorted without replying to orinal emails. so mrbamsco if you care to leave ur name and address my partner will be quite willing to come and see you and find out why you calledme a noob maybe its because you have a financial interest in m_g??
  3. manic84

    manic84 Member

    Dec 21, 2008
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    so what, no help then? Not gonna get my goods, no way to get my money back, so how do they continue trading? reputable source for original cyclo or edge cards anyone?
  4. Sam_N

    Sam_N Guest

    Well finally got two of my cars working using the 1.23 version of firmware. After fiddling with the 3rd card and trying all the available firmwares its still not working, so after the grief of finally getting my cards it looks like one is a dud :(
  5. muckie30

    muckie30 Member

    Dec 10, 2008
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    well you sound like one of those, see, you, en, tee's. and my name is Dave not Mr paranoia when will you learn that people dont like beeing call names by people they dont know you are so rude and deserve a good spanking.and it would seem i am not the only one who thinks you have ties with model gadget (think you need to chill out)
  6. Jaynieo

    Jaynieo Member

    Dec 21, 2008
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    Hi, So this is the same company as Model Gadget shop!

    Just managed to locate this site and tread and bit miffed by my recent order delay and lack of email response from your helpdeak area on your Klickstore website!

    As per all the other treads....where's my order?? Actually don't send it but please just REFUND my account please.

    Order no. 8776 R4 DS + 2G Mic SD card. Ordered 28/10/2008 via Klickstore website.

    Oh and yes update your website to state out of stock or shipping delay if that's the case but don't show that item in stock and dispatched if infact it hasn't been as per other people comments.

    Looking forward to a response soon!!
  7. Guitarded

    Guitarded Member

    Dec 22, 2008
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    I've seen a lot of negativity on here regarding Model-Gadget - if I hadn't purchased already I'd be put off. I'm not a stooge, I'm a genuine customer, and while they may not be the most communicative company in the world, my goods arrived as ordered within the timeframe specified.
  8. cjr8bs

    cjr8bs Member

    Nov 17, 2008
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    There are other companies out there that offer a better, faster and cheaper service. They even communicate properly with you. Unlike Model-Gadget that refused to answer any of my emails until after I had received the goods. Even then, it was very patchy and through questions about eBay items they were selling rather than their website.

    Quite simply, if you are reading this and have not yet ordered from Model-Gadget. DON'T! They do not answer your emails. Their website states items in stock that clearly are not. I ordered an item for next day delivery that took 7 days to arrive. Not at all useful when you have to wait in for an item. When you order an item for next day delivery, you expect it the next day, not a week later

    I have been buying (and selling) stuff on the internet for about 12 years now. Despite a few grim experiences on eBay, I would say that buying from Model-Gadget was the worst internet buying experience I have had. Do not be misled by the comments in this thread stating that Model-Gadget is OK. It most clearly is not. OK, you will get your goods eventually, but it still comes back to what I said earlier. There are other better and cheaper places out there to get your stuff. You have no need to buy from Model-Gadget, it is not worth it!
  9. sb39

    sb39 Member

    Dec 23, 2008
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    I have a problem, I placed an order on Sat night with Model Gadget and paid by CC including extra £6 for next day delivery so expected today at latest if working days. But when I log on to my account in model gadget, it shows item in my basket and no current orders, has anyone else come across this? Tried to phone number on web site but mail box full!
  10. roy05077

    roy05077 Member

    Dec 23, 2008
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    Hi! can anyone out there help preferably Mike who i believe is working for this company.

    Placed an order for 2 x M3 DS real cards on 18th of Dec 08 with model gadget.com, after my previous order a week before for 2 x N5 cards with a different company was refunded due to not being able to get them in time for Xmas. I paid around £6.00 as it said on website guaranteed christmas delivery with this postage, i recieved transaction confirmation from World pay but have not recieved any confirmation from model gadget.com to say the order has been despatched, the money has come out of my wifes account, and despite trying to contact modelgadget.com by phone and email have not been able to get confirmation i will recieve this item, which means 2 disappointed children this xmas with 1 day of post left. Please see attached WorldPay confirmation.

    Can anyone Help maybe Mike!

    Thank you
    Your transaction has been processed by WorldPay, on behalf of CONSOLE PC COM LIMITED.

    Transaction details:
    Transaction for the value of: GBP 45.05
    Description: Purchase from www.model-gadget.com
    Merchant's cart ID: *removed*
    Authorisation Date/Time: 18/Dec/2008
    WorldPay's transaction ID: *removed*
    This is not a tax receipt.

    This confirmation only indicates that your transaction has been processed successfully. It does not indicate that your order has been accepted. It is the responsibility of CONSOLE PC COM LIMITED to confirm that your order has been accepted, and to deliver any goods or services you have ordered.

    If you have any questions about your order, please email CONSOLE PC COM LIMITED at: info@rcheli.co.uk, with the transaction details listed above.

    [ + quote]


    r irwin
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2008
  11. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    roy05077 - i've removed some of your private info there, you don't want half the known world knowing all your info...
  12. roy05077

    roy05077 Member

    Dec 23, 2008
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    Cheers Pal i'm new to this stuff!
  13. soupy76

    soupy76 Member

    Apr 26, 2006
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    i ordered sunday and contacted the company to ask if it would be delivered on time for christmas, and guess what.. it arrived today, as said on previous posts, i am more than happy with the service model gadget provides and will continue to use them,, i would also have no problem in recomending them to friends etc

  14. roy05077

    roy05077 Member

    Dec 23, 2008
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    How did you contact them? as no one is answerind my e-mails and i get a message on the phone number given on the website saying mailbox full.
  15. cjr8bs

    cjr8bs Member

    Nov 17, 2008
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    Yes, very good question.

    I tried all the phone numbers listed on this thread. They were either not working or had an answer machine.

    None of the emails were answered. None of the website 'tickets' were replied to.

    I tried all sorts of ways to contact Model-Gadget and mostly failed. The only way I managed to get a reply was through sales they were making on eBay. They are now no longer a registered user with eBay, so that method is out of the window.

    They made a brief appearance on this thread. But are no longer replying to questions from what I can see.

    I am at a loss to understand how people can recommend buying from Model-Gadget when they are quite clearly a bad bet when you consider that there are cheaper and better places to buy from.

    I started ordering my stuff for Christmas over a month ago. To order stuff leaving just one or two days spare is quite bad planning if you ask me. To order stuff from Model-Gadget with less than a week to spare is certainly bound to end in disappointment.

    I will say it again:

    Ignore the positive comments on this thread DON'T BUY FROM MODEL GADGET. You will be disappointed. There are better places to buy from, Look elsewhere.
  16. thebamsco

    thebamsco Guest

    hey youve got me sussed the lot of you - I was perhaps wrong to call you harsh words like noobs and paranoid, i surelly didnt mean to make you cry.

    I am humbled to be amongst such overwhelming inyelligence here - please feel free to throw meaningless internet threats and unfounded accusations.

    Love it...ya bunch a fudds

    I'm Mike from Model gadget... get it up yae ya fanniees :D
  17. warr10r

    warr10r Member

    Dec 1, 2008
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    I would just like to say good luck to you soupy76 as you seem to be the luckey one that has not had any problems with M-G but as you can see this is not the case with nearly every body else in this thread, Hence the thread name DON'T be conned into BUYing from Model-gadget.com. And reading that you are in contact with Mike so often during your ordering experience, could you please share with all of those that are having problems with getting their orders the magical way that you seem to have in getting in contact with Mike. Through my own experience with dealing with M-G the only way I managed to get in contact with Mike, after all suggested way on this thread was to make a visit to his house.
  18. soupy76

    soupy76 Member

    Apr 26, 2006
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    after reading all the messages on here about the bad press model gadget has, i panicked,,i called them after finding the number doing google searches, i told them my concerns about what i have read and they told me they could assure me that there wouldnt be an problem with my order, as soon as i recieved it i sent them a message and told them i was happy with the service, when i placed the next order i sent them a text telling them i was relying on it coming in on time, and it did, i have done this with each order just to let them know i was relying on it coming and that i was happy with the service,,didnt shout, didnt give them abuse, was polite and friendly as was they ,, in no way was i encouraged by m-g to write on here but i thought it was only right becuase i have had NAE BOTHER.
    scott / perth
  19. warr10r

    warr10r Member

    Dec 1, 2008
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    As I have said this is a thread about complaints not praises, I expected that he does have some satisfied customers every body can get things right some times. But this thread is about people that have not been so lucky and are asking for help or information about how to go about getting their orders sorted or their money back. And as for being polite to M-G I was polite with all my many emails that I sent to him with no reply what so ever. So as you have the magic touch I ask again could you please inform all those less fortunate as to how you get in contact with him. Thank you.
  20. roy05077

    roy05077 Member

    Dec 23, 2008
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    Hi has anyone got a contact number for someone in Model gadget.com, as despite all my calls to various numbers on this forum and on the model gadget.com website i am still getting no joy with the fax tone and mail full message from the number advertised on the website, i have also sent various messages to Mr Chans personnel hotmail account, sent Mike a secret message and sent emails on the website help email but still no response. Being a proud member of the british army i work on various virtues such as integrity, moral courage, loyality etc. and have been quite hesitant to jump on the bandwagon and criticise this company for their customer service.
    But with today being the last day before Christmas and with still no M3 cards (Postman and parcelforce have both been here today) i have the great joy of disappointing 2 of my kids tommorrow.
    All i can say is if you go on a website and they tell you an item is in stock and guarantee Christmas delivery whch you then pay for the least you expect is the item to be here for christmas even if the communication from the company is not exsistant. you are happy to take my money which i work hard for in hospitable places these people would never dream of going to. but you dont have the decency to let me know whats going on looks like i will be making a trip to surrey to get my money back (more hassle)

    thank you very much modelgadget.com

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