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DON'T be conned into BUYing from Model-gadget/KlickStore.com; EMAILs and/or FOUL LANGUAGE = BAN

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by GodzD, Nov 28, 2007.

  1. scarlett3

    scarlett3 Member

    Jan 28, 2009
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    I ordered 20th jan, email said dispatch next day, still nothing and no reply to emails. Getting worried now, Has anyone recieved anything recently?
  2. tidytrev

    tidytrev Member

    Feb 2, 2009
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    can anybody recomend any good sites if i see nothing of my card, there is someone selling them in a local shop but he's asking £40 :C
    i was really looking forward to getting my card and now seeing this thread is a bit of a downer as i have just bought the ds and nothing to play :C
    the sad thing about this is the guy who runs the site is that he;s only hurting himself by not keeping up customer service and could be making alot more money by delivering on time and keeping people up to date!
    i have a few ppl who id like to buy an r4 for but im not going to be using his site if i dont trust it will be here on time or at all
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2009
  3. dailun

    dailun Active member

    Mar 16, 2006
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    OK, I'm just an "ignorant Yank from across the pond".

    Why is ANYONE still buying from these guys when their service is (anecdotally) spotty at best???????

    At least one seller that is accessible to people in the UK has been discussed as an alternative serveral times in this forum.

    Why do you people insist on torturing yourselves???

    To the last poster that's thinking about buying R4s, do you read any other posts in this forum?? Are you just trying to add to your misery by buying carts that are "out of support"??

  4. angie27

    angie27 Member

    Jan 17, 2009
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    To those asking if anyone has received any goods recently, I still haven't received my goods which were ordered 22nd December. Had all the emails stating it was dispatched, then one stating it had been returned to them due to incomplete address and yet another stating it had been 'closed', yet still no goods. Wish I lived a bit closer to him!
  5. MPatto

    MPatto Member

    Dec 14, 2007
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    Tidytrev, I use dealextreme for my DSTT cards, they deal in dollars so the price is always relient on the pound against the dollar, then I pay with paypal and they seem to give you 6 cents less than the exchange rate, if you buy 3+ they will drop the price abit more (tick Bulkrate at checkout), my order that is on its way now I got DSTT +2gb Microsd (always been Sandisk) for £7.75 delivered free from Hong Kong.

    DOUBLE_DD Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    Listen guys go to pc jerry he will not let you down and only go to klickstore as was stuck,,, his service and product ace do google on him look at his site and whats more he takes paypal,,, ive bought loads off him always come in good time once i bought and they were out of stock he mailed me and refunded with option of first refusal when come in stock....dont take my word he lets you post like this on his actual site good or bad.......
    as to i should use english more? i am scotish pal and as such take pleasure in butchering the english language with my dulcet scotish tones lol lol joke naw just lazy typer .
    this posyt growing and i cant add anything new or more as ive said my piece got 10 cards in end all working and all low quality tat guys only gave in as i was going to his door.....his missus on phone liar and tells you what you wanna hear with her porno toned voice lol out of here check out pc jerry and maybe someone can post here about him, or ill do you a card with 460 games and 4gb card for £35 lol
  7. tidytrev

    tidytrev Member

    Feb 2, 2009
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    double dd, what number did you get through to him on?

    DOUBLE_DD Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    okay listen guys lot of people saying this and that, ive been at this ages and best card is the r4sdhc yes its fake but has newer firmware than any of them bar say acekard but there expensive lol, r4sdhc are not r4 and when issues happened with titles like my sims and the hulk ect would not load they were first to fix, support is superb,, r4 v2 are dying a death though with no new firmware in ages and only take up to 2gb.....if you get an r4 card and it can take more than 2gb then its fake and runs on the r4sdhc kernel which is 1.25 the r4 v2 is on 1.8 and loads games wont load with there out dated firmware.....i do have program that lets you patch firmware to work from other kards but bit beyond average punter who wanna bang card in and play......for price quality and support the r4sdhc rocks ive sold 100s no complaints. Dont waste cash trust me i aint selling you anything or trying just helping,,,r4sdhc are best at moment or are as good as also you get the usb reader and case with it....unfortunatley pcjerry always sold out lol and making it harder for myself posting this here lol but all you will ever need and m3 firmware can be patched for use on them as well and visa versa :)
    as to person asking for number theres one posted on here already the 02 number,,,also someone realy wanna tell paypal he using there logo on his site even though he is banned from paypal ;)
  9. coupz

    coupz Member

    Jan 27, 2009
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    Tidytrev try this number, I got straight through. I think they tell everybody that their item was despatched and returned to them as it was unable to be delivered. In my case that was a lot of rubbish and there was no time for this to have happened and post office always leave card if no one is in. Anyway I got a refund and I would suggest you do the same.


    Good luck
  10. etrader02

    etrader02 Member

    Feb 3, 2009
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    www.klickstore.com are theifs nothing but lowlife criminals

    ive paid my money well over a month ago so has a few of my friends and none of us have recieved our goods. we have emailed literally dozens of times and never received a single reply.

    all i have to say about KLICKSTORE.COM is DON'T buy from them avoid them like the plague
  11. etrader02

    etrader02 Member

    Feb 3, 2009
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    just to echo others dont buy from www.klickstore.com they are theifs robbed me and a few of my mates and never reply to emails
  12. silass

    silass Member

    Feb 3, 2009
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    Ordered on the 12th of Jan and never recieved my item, Royal Mail have a signature and say its been delivered..... however they have not delivered it to me! or anyone in this building.

    Re-ordered which I recieved fine 2 days later with no problem and submitted a ticket asking for a refund for my initial order..... 3 weeks have passed and I've had no response.... so I just called the number above.

    The guy struggled to both understand and speak english and when I explained this to him he said that Royal Mail have done there job, so how can we claim this, I re-iterated that I HAVE NOT recieved my item and had to re-order, he said he'd speak to Royal Mail and get back to me..... if they cannot help he will have to speak to his boss (who he said returns next week)

    Now I'm going to wait for a phone call back but I'm not holding my breath..... but suppose they refuse to give me a refund, how do I take this further? I've looked on the trading standards website to find little information, would this have to go to the small claims court costing me even more money?

    These people are jokers with a massive lack of understanding in consumer/customer rights..... any other company would issue a refund immediately and take this up with Royal mail.
  13. Worthing

    Worthing Member

    Feb 3, 2009
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    I dont normally do anything other than read forums but thought I better let you all know what has just happened to me re Model-Gadget.

    I phoned on the latest number provided by other poster and an eastern european chap answers phone. Give him my order number and he confirms never sent. I ask if they actually have R4's in stock and he says yes - but they dont have the peripherals that they send...usb memory stick convertor etc. I told him I am not interested in all of the extras I just want the R4's. He then says he will post today followed by little printer noise (it's like a radio play) which he claims is my address label.

    I told him that the bad press they are getting on various forums must be losing them a fortune. Again he promises despatch of R4's today.

    I only used them because my brother recommended and he has had loads from them without mishap.

    Fingers crossed I get them tomorrow or next day - I will update accordingly.
  14. pbolty

    pbolty Member

    Feb 3, 2009
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    i ordered 4 of the R4DS V2 Cards on the 25/01/2009 and have received nothing as yet, just spoke to a man on this number 02088732310, and he went through my order ref and apologised for the delay which was down to two things, 1:they have been on shutdown for 2 weeks and 2:when the last batch of r4ds cards arrived from suppliers they did not have the USB adapters in the boxes, i told him i did not need them so he has sent the four cards out to me today with a delivery by this friday at the latest, i must say i have purchased over 10 cards from klickstore over the last 3 months and this is the first time i have had a problem so i am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt considering he offered myself a full refund this morning, hope this helps people
  15. klickstor

    klickstor Guest

    Dear Customers,

    First of all, we would like to apologize for the delays and the inconvenience caused with your orders.

    We do understand that you might feel a bit disappointed that you paid for yyour items and you have not received your orders...or we have not promtly replied to your e-mails.

    We got problems due to shipping delay from our manufacturer and we truly were expected our stock to arrived a while ago.

    As one of the customer wrote earlier - we got a stock but we missing the USB adapters which should arrived any time.

    I am trying to replay as many e-mails as I can, but it will take some time. Please be patient and we will sort everything out.

    On the other end, I believe we have huge numbers of happy and satisfied customers...
    and it was always our policy to provide a great customer service, unfortunately we did not get everything right, but I believe we have learnt from our mistakes.

    Thank you for your custom.

    Kind regards,
  16. proff999

    proff999 Member

    Dec 11, 2007
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    On the other end, I believe we have huge numbers of happy and satisfied customers...
    and it was always our policy to provide a great customer service, unfortunately we did not get everything right, but I believe we have learnt from our mistakes.


    He's got to be joking about the huge number of happy and satisfied customers right? As for learning from your mistakes nothing could be further from the truth. This has to be one of the longest forum threads in history! It always seems to me that it's the customers doing all the work in getting their order fulfilled and not you as the seller.

    Do you offer financial compensation for costs incurred by customers while trying to get you to deliver goods that they have paid for?

    You need putting out of business mate,fact!

    DOUBLE_DD Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    Learned from your mistakes??? was that the first time the last time or this time? what about all the lies you told everybody does this square that away? what about the substandard ones you did send out that are labeled wrong? what about the fact you still got item and always had item marked in stock and ship same day when this is never going to happen?
    this is not a country or indeed a world full of idiots and most of us all heard before some like me heard few times from you alone....you want respect do what it says on the tin pal no excuses no lies no false promises,,,,had i recieved constant contact and honest sorry is not in stock waiting on shipment should be here anyday prob would have waited and not posted here....but you patter was like water mate and seen through your lies right from off even on phone porn lady was telling pokys saying was shipped checked with post office after i recieved and guess what was not shipped till after call........lies = no punters and posts like this we are a nation online and getting fed up of people taking us forgranted or for a ride this is why great places like afterdawn bring us together as many voices together gather strength and weight to weild a decisive blow to the shifty and shady wrong doers.....as it stands people are only finding there way here after problemes but give time and word of mouth this will grow and only matter of time till you mess wrong person about....dont advertise for sale what you aint got in hand and you cant go wrong can you simple.......the money you take up front is not yours and never will be till you get stock and send out to punter so why take? just wait you will snowball but you trying to be greedy and rob peter to pay paul and in end lossed sales will cancel any gains from this practise just a thought thats all
  18. klickstor

    klickstor Guest

    Dear customers,

    I used to work for this company about one year ago(I left) but I
    was asked to help and sort problems out. I have started yesterday...
    And one of the first thing was that I did write on this forum.
    I do understand all your concerns.
    What we are going to: sort out all outstanding orders and
    all enquires.

    We will not 'offer financial compensation for costs incurred by customers while trying to get you to deliver goods that they have paid for?' as profff999 worte but we will do our best to solve everything outstanding.

    Also I believe, so many companies and people will choose to run away from the problems but we have decided to stay.

    I will repeat my previous statement: we have huge numbers of happy and satisfied customers...

    Kind regards,
  19. pbolty

    pbolty Member

    Feb 3, 2009
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    Look everyone, lets give them a chance, i phoned this morning, got through straight away, 1 hour later i get e-mail with royal mail consignment number,(which checks out)

    every one in this world deserves a second chance, like i said earlier ordered off klickstore previously with no problems, yes there are problems with their communication to us customers but at least today i cant fault them,

  20. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    Just my 2 cents but this thread alone has been going on since 11/07. There was at one point at other sites threads even older dealing with the same stuff - so this has been going on for some time with them.

    I do NOT think Model-Gadget/Klickstore or any other name they go by has learned their lesson. If they did it would have happened in 2007 and we would not being seeing the same complaints. I mean how many chances can you give a company with a long history of poor customer service and the inability to delivery. No problem taking the money though.
    I think they suffer from poor management - plain & simple.

    I may be across the pond but my advice is still the same - stay away from them.

    I really do though hope that they come through for all.

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