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DON'T be conned into BUYing from Model-gadget/KlickStore.com; EMAILs and/or FOUL LANGUAGE = BAN

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by GodzD, Nov 28, 2007.


    DOUBLE_DD Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    lol think i you read posts above streaching back over 1500 posts you will find it is what they have been doing, you would be best to call num,ber they stuck on here easy found by clicking back couple or so pages maybe on this page even never looked, but think more case of waiting than being robbed,,,best call them and sort as think they may have stock in and you dont want to miss boat as wait when they run out will shoot up as know other supplierws saying 3 weeks after they run out to restock. but if you have read through posts you should find all help you need and will seems to be genuine enough so far as posters start to say goods now with them....its seems to be as i said all about the wait not the rob and dont think they thieves just slow due to factors outwith there control and the poor service of saying they have stuff same day shipping when out right lie hence you all keep piling up,, if they do have stock and they do run oput beware you will be looking at good 3 weeks after the 15th at earliest and as of 23.16 on the 8th of feb they still got same day shipping in stock on there site.
    klickstore i say to you you should change your website to funnel instead of klickstore, model gadget and pc console ect because just like a funnel you have a wide entrance but a small exit.
    you will find punters happy when get there stuff but clear nothing gonna change there but reckone people who came once will now not come second time as clear same buisness practise will be employed as it has been for years and as of this second still is, there will never be faith in anyone who manages to do what they were meant to do in end eventualy no koudos there this comes in the extra stuff ie the quality of the service and goods
  2. ibz888

    ibz888 Member

    Feb 8, 2009
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    Thanks for your explanation - I can understand - but a simple email to your customers would have been a lot easier.

    As for Mr Chan going through what he did end of 2007 - sorry, but my partner lost everything in 2001 - his business, family, house - everything - but he still dealt with his customers so much so that they did not know what was going on in his life.

    Really - if you want people to trust you - then looking after your customers is top priority - after all - we are the people that enable you to have bread on your table and fly in and out of the country!

    I don't envy your position sorting this all out!
  3. Budvegas

    Budvegas Member

    Feb 9, 2009
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    Order No. 59367 From Model-gadget.com

    I place my order back on 29th Jan, Still not received. I have tried to call the number in this thread, but it is permanently engaged.

    Maybe there is something wrong with the phone......like when you take the phone of the hook.

    Has anyone managed to get through. Any help is appreciated, need the my order by sat 14th before i go on hols

    Many Thanks
  4. Budvegas

    Budvegas Member

    Feb 9, 2009
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    Hi All

    Just managed to get through on 0208 8732310 and spoke to a guy called Donj.

    Apparently they have had a stock problem but they have received stock today and that I should receive my order by Wednesday.

    I'll let you know the out come.
  5. klickstor

    klickstor Guest

  6. welshness

    welshness Member

    Nov 17, 2008
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  7. Budvegas

    Budvegas Member

    Feb 9, 2009
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    Hi Will

    Can you tell me if my order (Order No. 59367) has been dispatched as yet? If it has can you send me the tracking number.

    Many Thanks

  8. cazzabee

    cazzabee Member

    Feb 3, 2009
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    Well I have just been to post office and picked up my order (I missed the delivery on Saturday). All goods are there including the USB adaptors so well done Klickstore on fulfilling your promise after speaking to Will on Tuesday/Wednesday. Credit where credit is due, it has taken long enough to sort out but you seem to be doing your best. Business practices do have to be one of Mr Chans main priorities when he comes back thats for sure though.
  9. tommo1404

    tommo1404 Member

    Feb 7, 2009
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    Have now received e-mail from Klickstore providing Royal Mail tracking number for my order placed 26th Jan, hopefully will be here by Wednesday.

    Will keep you posted.
  10. mb910799

    mb910799 Member

    Feb 7, 2009
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    Got through on telephone number this afternoon and have got same excuse/reason as others. Should be going out today and delivered Wednesday.

    Lets hope it does arrive !

    Will keep the forum posted
  11. jemily

    jemily Guest

    I have also been waiting for some r4 sdhc cards from klickstore.com, it is a total joke, got an email 2 weeks ago saying items were in stock and would be sent out asap, and haven't heard anything since, no reply to my numerous emails, no contact no. then I find this thread on google, if anyone has been conned like this and has got their money back could you please let me know what to do, because it's obvious these guys have no intention of posting out or refunding, they're just a bunch of lazy arsed cons who like to pinch money off the honest people.
    thanks in advance, although I'm not holding my breath, the dodgy gits always seem to win these days.

  12. jevo33

    jevo33 Member

    Feb 9, 2009
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    Hi, I placed my order on 23rd Jan 2009, account says dispatched 26th Jan 2009, it's now the 9th Feb, NOTHING HAS ARRIVED!!!!!! i think i have been ripped off, they have taken my money quick enough though, everyone is saying the site is a rip off,
    I AM FURIOUS, with the current economic climate this is the last thing we need,
    if anyone from KLICKSTORE/MODEL GADGET is reading this, my order is, 27835, i would like a full refund!!!

    Mrs Evans.
  13. cazzabee

    cazzabee Member

    Feb 3, 2009
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    For anyone experiencing problems call them on this number: 02088732310. You will get an instant response

    I have received my goods as have other customers as you will see if you read back some pages. I do believe everyone will get their goods or a refund if so required. The company just needs to get themselves sorted out in various aspects and realise regardless of anything else customer is king.
  14. johnlp

    johnlp Member

    Feb 7, 2009
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    I understand your frustration and simpathise with you, however phone the number listed on this page and someone will help you with either a refund or sending your goods

    I ordered 27th and still nothing, but spoke to them on sunday and received a tracking number sunday evening. Post office confirmed that a package has been received and in in transit to me which i will hopefully receive tomorrow.

    I know it is frustrating but please be patient but make that call.....
  15. mrthrust

    mrthrust Member

    Feb 4, 2009
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    got my order in at last..

    complete with USB dongle for micro sd to USB...

    so happy, after all..

    I little communication gose a long way...

    The day i posted My first post here, was the same day some guy phoned me up on my mobile telling me that they were out of stock for usb to microsd so i told him i didnt care i just wanted my r4 (god theres plenty of those dongles about my house to start suppling them),

    If only they had bothered to reply to my first emails, and my support tickets from the so called support it would have been fixed, or a little email to say

    "I'm sorry Marty we don't have this bit, were just waiting a few days for them to come in, I'll email you once get any more info.."

    that would have been fine..

    but to go buy weeks with no answer i was left with nothing so turned to the forums, and got my call that day, received it within 4 days of that call..


    but ill stick to my regular suppliers, even if its a little bit more..
  16. jemily

    jemily Guest

    I have just phoned on the number given in the thread (thanks btw to the person who made the number available because I couldn't find a telephone number for them anywhere) and I have been told that they will be posted out today, I was also given the option of a refund........I will keep you informed as to weather I get the items or not.
  17. d19Dude

    d19Dude Member

    Feb 10, 2009
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    my headache with Klickstore has yet to end. I ordered a couple of items on the 22nd January and the website said dispatched 23rd January, but still nothing.

    My order number is 27346 if anyone has any advise on how I can contact these people I would be greatful. I have tried 0208 8732310 but it goes through to a voice mailbox where I have left multiple messages and still nothing.

    Having purchased many things online for many years, I am disgusted that I feel this company may have stolen my cash and are at the moment in the process of running to the hills! Its promising that some people are receiving stuff, but not me yet =(
  18. jemily

    jemily Guest

    try phoning early in the morning, i phoned at 8.38 this morning and spoke to someone on that number, or just keep trying, I should imagine they have a lot of ppl calling them by the looks of this thread.
  19. tommo1404

    tommo1404 Member

    Feb 7, 2009
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    Hi d19Dude

    Keep trying the phone, you will get through eventually. Also click the e-mail link which is shown on your payment receipt.

    Klickstore also use this forum as you will see from previous posts.

    I tried all of the above and eventually got a call from them some 8 phone calls, 5 e-mails and 2 forum posts later !!

    Keep trying.
  20. klickstor

    klickstor Guest

    Dear customers,

    All outstanding orders from model-gadget.com already went to post office; there should not be any problems any more. Please allow a few days for parcels to arrive.

    We have already sent lots of orders from klickstore.com, but we are still in process to ship out outstanding orders.
    It seem like we can send it out today, hopefully.

    Please give us 2-3 more days.

    If you have any problem, please call me on: 02088732310
    I will be here till 2pm (need to pick up my kids from school), after that someone else will answer your calls.
    Alternatively, please send an Email to: consolepc@hotmail.com ,
    but the best way to contact us is to: call us.
    You will get respond straight away. :)

    I do apologize for all delays with your orders and your enquiries.

    Kind regards,


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