I tried convertxtodvd and it is a good program but i did not see an option to offset audio.If you know how to do that,pass it along.Thanks.
LOCOENG, I stand corrected.Your right the newest version of convertxtodvd does fix out of sync problems.
Not a problem and sorry for the delayed response...I'm at work and don't have access to the program to see exactly where the option lays, but I knew it was there.
I have always used convertxtodvd and its the best. IT converts and burns all in one its very easy to use.
The included burner for ConvertXtoDVD is not that great IMHO, I recommend saving your files to the HDD and burning with Imgburn. This is just my preference, so to each his own.
Yeah I agree on ConvertX - does a great job even on ones with the audio out of sync. I've never had a audio sync issue with it. But I'm like locoeng - save it to my hard drive then burn with either Nero or ImgBurn.
The last movie I did with convert x [Disturbia]would freeze skip etc VSO DivXtoDVD..Same model no air conditioning.Did the same movie & it worked fine.Also half the amount of GIGs on Disc Any idea as to why convertx,caused this freeze,skip problem?
@rick5446 Not really sure why ConvertX would do that and the free not recently updated program of theirs didn't. Using the latest ConvertX - Did you burn with ConvertX also? Might be why if you did. My preference is saving it to the hard drive then Nero or ImgBurn to burn.
binkie7..Hello binkie7 been a while.Yea I think I did burn W/ConverX.I'll give it a shot & use Nero.But the funny thing is it never happened B4,with older version.I just D/L the newest here at AD & their was mention of my problem.Hopefully its fixed.THANKS
Yea it has been awhile - good to see ya still hanging around! Try the file again w/ the new version of ConvertX - let us know if that did the trick for you. The problem may have been in the encoding (?) Oops I posted the wrong version # too - it's
DVD Flick is the new kid on the block too....it's free if you'd like to give it a shot. http://www.dvdflick.net
Seen that you have gotten a lot of information and not one ask what file format did you download? AVI is normal off of the forums etc. If so, use Nero and select CD/DVD whichever and follow the prompts and an hour or so you will have a folder of the converted files in a folder wherever you told it to go. Drag out the good ole Free Shrink that can be downloaded at this site and instead of using the Open Disc select Copy files and watch the quick analysis and on the top right check the full size and if it is larger than your CD will hold then you will have to Re-Author - top right. Below that you can pick and choose and one of the first things you don't need is any xtra language other than what you speak. Anything like Trailers and any Xtra's can be bypassed, just click on the Movie and drag it to the left then check your counter top right and if you can get it below 4600 KB I think it is tell it to Backup and probably less than 10 min you should have the movie you want. Reason I'm not sure about the space is I use DVD's. Office Max runs specials every few weeks with a combo pak. 75 DVD/25 Cd in a 100 cake box for less than $15.00 Why sweat a 15 cent DVD. When they are on sale I buy two or three 100 Paks and earlier I gave a few away as Christmas presents.One pak of the DVD's had a stamp that was like the second choice of the manufacturer in Japan who produced the best Media..
binkie7..I'm gonna do just that as soon as I get caught up & find the movie too.I've been kinda busy building 2 new Computers both 3ghrz dual core,the AMD 6000+.Hope this is money well spent
@rick5446 Sounds like you did get your moneys worth - I'm envious of those specs! I'll probably give the new version of ConvertX a go this weekend. I want to check out the 20% speed improvement.
Well everybody else seems to be going Intel crazy,with their new Dual Core.I think I'll stick with AMD,They've been running out front for so long.Me thinks Intel is quite a few laps behind,they are just taking the lead for a short while.But who really knows!!
I use both Intel and AMD and both are good imho. The one dual core pc I have (well my daughters new one) is AMD. Since she's a gamer I think AMD is better for that along w/ Nvidia.