I have a bunch of downloaded videos and i would like to put them on blank DVDs. What program and what do i need to do to put them on a DVD and be able to watch them on a TV. THanks in adanced
Depends on what type of video files they are. (Xvid/DivX/VCD/SVCD) all is handled diffrently when it comes to burning to disc. If they are VCD or SVCD then no need to convert them. You can burn them to CD and watch them off your standalone player. Most AVI files (Xvid/DivX) can be converted to DVD format or VCD format with Nero Vision Express and be played onto a standalone DVD player. You could also buy a DVD player that is (Xvid/DivX MPEG4) compatible and burn the files as a data DVD and watch them that way without converting them at all. You can get 1 at Walmart/BestBuy/CircutCity for around $60.
well i downloaded them off of yahoo videos and it is .wmv file and i was wondering if you had to convert them and then burn them to a data cd, and if i do, do they have to be in a "VIDEO_TS" file and be converted or do they not have to be converted and be in a "VIDEO_TS" file. If that makes any sense. The burner i use is sonic Recordnow! t came on this Widows Media Center PC, and i have used it to burn DVD's before. I was just wondering if i could do the same thing in copying a DVD but with individual videos.
.wmv can be copy protected by WMP (not all are) in that case it is hard to get past it. At least I dont know how to do it. So yes if you want to watch these videos on your DVD player they will have to be in a format that is compatible to your DVD stand alone player. So you need to find out what formats your DVD player will play. Once you find that out then you can go about converting the videos to that format. I do not know if sonic Recordnow has the program to do this. I dont use Sonic software I use nero which Nero has Nero Vision Express that can change AVI files WMV files etc etc into VCD or DVD format.
if u have nero 6, u should have nve3. click on the start smart icon. be sure to select dvd, then highlight photo and video. then select make or modify dvd video. that should get u there. after that u can follow the guide in gwens sig by alkohol. hes using nero 7 (nve4) but theres not much difference.
You would have to download it from the nero site. Even then your Product key might not let you use nero Vision/Recode 2. (this is probably the case if your using an OEM version of Nero that you got with your DVD burrner as software) So you would have to upgrade to Nero 7 Ultra edtion or Update your Nero product (if you like nero 6) to a version that lets you unlock Nero Vision/Recode 2.
larrys right, u will need a full version product key if u dont already have it, to use all of the features in nero. the versions i use r 66018 and 7014b. u can find nero7 vesions here.. http://www.filehippo.com/download_nero_7_premium/?662