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Dreambox 500T 500C Fixes here

Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by Satlinksw, Apr 4, 2008.

  1. wizkid9

    wizkid9 Guest

    hi chris will pm me please

  2. wizkid9

    wizkid9 Guest

    got the image
    can you run me thro it now
    thanks in advance
  3. Phase123

    Phase123 Regular member

    Apr 10, 2008
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    Hi wizkid9
    How are you connecting to your box?
    Router,Crossover cable or null modem?
  4. wizkid9

    wizkid9 Guest

    i'm using null modem
    have it connected
    should i do a flash erase during the new flash

  5. Phase123

    Phase123 Regular member

    Apr 10, 2008
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    Hi Wizkid9

    Using Dream Up un-tick "use network" then click "connect"
    wait until you are connected then click "flash"
    Select the image you have downloaded.
    Let me know if you get stuck.
  6. wizkid9

    wizkid9 Guest

    its installing now
    i had to do a flash erase at the same time
    when its loaded what do i do?
  7. cgscott

    cgscott Regular member

    Apr 10, 2008
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    Ok Guys. Heres images for both null modem and flash wizard.

    This is a fresh image not a backup of my box.

    I started from scratch so it is just a working image.

    The images have autoroll and have scanning for every service provider.

    Once installed it will ask you to do a scan. There is a list of diffrent scan i.e uk, ntl ireland etc

    Make sure you scan your area.

    Once you have done this. select a channel wait at least 1 minute if the channel does not start press the blue button and press ok on evocam 2.12. This will start the cam. And you will get your channels.

    This is a fix for everyone and especially the irish boxes so that you dont have the double channel problem

    Nullmodem Image:


    Flash Wizard Image:


    I have flashed a box using both methods and can tell you now that they work.

    Tested myself. So guys get Loading
  8. cgscott

    cgscott Regular member

    Apr 10, 2008
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    Thanks for helping out mate i have had a long day setting up images and answering questions.

    No doubt you'll sort wizkid9 out.

    Much appreciated mate.


  9. Phase123

    Phase123 Regular member

    Apr 10, 2008
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    Once the image is installed reboot the box then do a scan for your area using the remote.
    Menu Setup etc
    Takes a wee while to do the scan.. look carefully at what the screen says... it will guide you.
    Once the scan process is complete reboot and wait a minute then tune in to your new channels.
  10. Phase123

    Phase123 Regular member

    Apr 10, 2008
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    No problem Chris
    It`s your posts I`m feeding off.
    I realise you cannot be here 24/7 and your delay in replying I thought I`d help wizkid9 because he sounds like he is eager to get it working.

    Thanks for all your input and your time.
  11. jokerjay

    jokerjay Member

    May 24, 2007
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    whats going on in here, i go away and there is mayhem ha ha ha everyone fighting, right people in Ireland you use different providers and keys etc etc than in the uk so its hard to say something is working here in england but can not test it in Ireland to see if the method works, at the moment the dreamb*x is a total nightmare, it seems using bruteforce to scan is having some effect on the auto roll of the keys, or even getting most channels on the box, all the other receivers are working ok on all providers and auto rolling so this now leaves me a mission to sort this problem out
    i have just received some images and going to try them out over the weekend and see if we can get some better results

    cheers jay
  12. wizkid9

    wizkid9 Guest

    hi chris, ive installed the image and only have local channels
  13. Phase123

    Phase123 Regular member

    Apr 10, 2008
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    Hi Joker,

    It disappoints me to hear you say the image will not work in Ireland.
    Please read the previous posts.. it does!
  14. cgscott

    cgscott Regular member

    Apr 10, 2008
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    Jokerjay revert back to my previous images.

    I started from scratch so it is just a working image.

    The images have autoroll and have scanning for every service provider.

    Once installed it will ask you to do a scan. There is a list of diffrent scan i.e uk, ntl ireland etc

    Make sure you scan your area.

    Once you have done this. select a channel wait at least 1 minute if the channel does not start press the blue button and press ok on evocam 2.12. This will start the cam. And you will get your channels.

    This is a fix for everyone and especially the irish boxes so that you dont have the double channel problem


    Last edited: Apr 26, 2008
  15. wizkid9

    wizkid9 Guest

    I've done the update and a factory reset. I can only get the free terestial cahnnels. What have I done wrong?
  16. Phase123

    Phase123 Regular member

    Apr 10, 2008
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    Ok Wizkid9

    I thought I was helping but I will leave it to Chris who has had enough!

    Never, ever submitted to forum in all my years... farcical!

    People who won`t help themselves.

    I know how it works but will not help people who will not help themselves.
    Dunno how Cgscott is not pissed off but I am.

    Genuine members/helpers let me know!
  17. markarman

    markarman Regular member

    May 16, 2007
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    sorry guys but i dont think it works either.i have tried this image and scanned with no results. i get the epg info but no sound or picture

    maybe its just me and please note i am not attacking anybodys intelligence or anything.

    i did use micron 123's fix and after i bought a crossover cable i have now ftp'd the 3 nagra roms into the scce folder and it seems to be working fine.

    in fact i got impatient waiting for a code change to see if this worked. so what i did to test this fix is re flash the box with my original dw v 1.6.5 with the original key files ie the wrong ones. i checked and i was only getting the free channels not the scrambled ones.
    then i ftp's the 3 nagra rom files phase told me about into the scce folder on the dreambox and i re-booted the dreambox.

    i found it had autoupdated the key lists and i now had the scrambled channels.

    i also found i was missing one or two (discovery turbo) so i did a bruteforce scan and they came back.

    this seems to be a good fix. if anybody wants to try it pm me your e-mail addy and i will send you the roms ( you will need a crossover cable and an ftp programme.. i use filezilla which is free to download)

    please note this is not my fix and i am not claiming it to be.

    i was put onto this by micron 123 its just taken me a while to be able to try it, it works for me so i am happy to say that in here. i am on ntl in south dublin... dublin 12 to be precise.

    hope i haven't upset anyone with anything i have said.

    thanks everyone for all your support and help and suggestions during this hard time. now nthell will prob start some other kind of code changing lol

    btw ericcork which part of cork are you in?

    long live the cable guy
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2008
  18. cgscott

    cgscott Regular member

    Apr 10, 2008
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    Thanks again Phase123.

    I am at the end of tether. Seems to me like people cant be bothered reading tutorials that i have written that have been proven to work.

    Sometimes you have to grin and bare it but i think that i have outsold my knowledge and im beginning to think that we are being taken for granted we can solve everything.

    We may be able to but without reading up on things then we wouldnt be able to give this feedback to less knowledgeable people.

    Note to new people who know little here bout the box please do try reading up on things.

    I know help is appreciated but all the images i have uploaded and software should give you everything you need.

    Previous newbies have posted saying it worked first time for them so do have a little patience and try working out where things have went wrong for you..



  19. Phase123

    Phase123 Regular member

    Apr 10, 2008
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    OK Chris, you are back..

    I think the best way is to go and fix all the boxes personally!

    How did you learn mate?

    Did you get someone to come and fix the telly because you couldn`t wire the plug?
    Have you all never heard of Google?
    That`s how I learned but it`s too easy to ask someone when you`ve wired the plug the wrong way but you`ve not paid your electricity bill.

    Good luck mate... too many people here who won`t help themselves.

    What`s is happening here is what is commonly known as "shitting in your own nest"

  20. mark33

    mark33 Member

    Jun 4, 2007
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    OK, i realise some of you are getting frustrated now, but i got to ask for help. I'm on N*L IRE. I've flashed the latest software using null modem. Rescanned using N*L bruteforce and N*L cable, tried pressing blue key & OK, no joy, does not seem to be updating. Have searched through hundreds of pages on this forum and others. Cannot find fix. Any help appreciated, if annoyed please ignore me,


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