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Dreambox 500T 500C Fixes here

Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by Satlinksw, Apr 4, 2008.

  1. cgscott

    cgscott Regular member

    Apr 10, 2008
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    Same old tutorial from 20 pages ago!

    1. You will need relevant software so that your box can be fixed properly.

    Dream up, Flash Wizard. Dreambox Control Center. Extract the file and autorun the program. A small box will appear with the relevant software.


    2. Now you need this image i have FULLY WORKING! This is a flash wizard file and need to be flashed through the flash wizard program or through Dreamup . PLACE THIS IMAGE ON YOUR DESKTOP. EASY TO FIND.

    Flash Wizard Image:


    Null Modem Image:


    3. Now that you have downloaded the WORKING IMAGE. Connect to your dreambox via DCC. You will need your Dreamboxes ip address for this. If you do not have it and have an image already on you box. Go into the setup, expert, communications. Your ip address will be in here.

    4. Once you have connected to the dreambox. Open Flashwizard. Go into configuration and ultilies at the bottom of the box. Make sure the ip of the dreambox is the same as the one in dcc. It should be. If not change it.

    Now Click Install a Firmware to flash memory. Now you will need my WORKING IMAGE. You downloaded above. Click the open folder tab. Browse for the image. Should be on your desktop as instructed above. Click open.

    The image should now be visible in the box.

    Now click flash image backup. This will install the image to your box.
    Takes approx a minute.

    Once completed reset the box. PLug into ur tv. And try.

    It should now show that the flash is installed.

    Do the scan using your area. For example Uk or ntl ie etc.

    Once the scan has finished check your channels. TRY SS1 FIRST. If you dont have the channel. Reboot box. This time the evocam should startup and will roll the channels.

    This is the simplest way to install this image. If this doesnt work or you have problems connecting to your dreambox you will have to go down the null modem route. Please leave me a message if you have problems with this.

    Null Modem Fix:

    You will need a program called dreamup.


    Then download the image. The null modem one. Save this to desktop.

    You need to plug the null from the box to pc.

    With the dreambox switched off start up dreamup program.

    Then untick use network box. Then click connect. Startup the dreambox.

    It will connect. The flash box will then open. Click this it will ask for image. The image you downloaded open that. Then it will flash the image to your box. If asked to flash erase click NO!

    When you scan for channels if the locked channels do not show press blue and start the evocam.

    Anyone having problems following this tutiorial need to slow down a bit and stop getting over excited.

    People are making simple mistake by rushing things.


    Last edited: Aug 22, 2008
  2. alfredous

    alfredous Guest

    Isn't Phase123 a sweetheart!
  3. tarek1160

    tarek1160 Member

    Jul 26, 2008
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    hi everyone,
    first, i would like to thank everyone who posted any information or answered any enquiry in this thread. i have been reading for sometimes through this thread and i learned a lot and manged to flash my box and got it to work.
    one more thing, i found a gudie for using rs-232 cable and this file been created by powerpoint so i upload it to rapidshare and i hope it will help.
  4. drawflex

    drawflex Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    I agree... i've had plenty of help

    Read my post over a few times though and i'm still supprised on the reaction...

  5. markarman

    markarman Regular member

    May 16, 2007
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    i agree although, in my opinion altruistic is a bit mild !!

    some people think cause they know someone who posts a lot of good information they can attack every-one who is looking for help. when in reality this just scares them off.

    also there are 1 or two on here who believe they're posts, however useful, give them the right to put others down.

    all wrong !!

    if it's such a pain for you to answer genuine requests for help with genuine help then i would suggest its just as hard to reply with "google it" or some other "smart" answer.

    simply do not reply, this forum existed before you and it will run long after you've stopped using it to vent your self imposed superiority.

    we know how good you are (you have had loads of posts thanking you and praising your help and knowledge. (even the ones you badgered into posting their thanks on the forum)). there really is no need to abuse your knowledge. even you were a newbie at somepoint, and although you self taught yourself using google etc i bet that was only because forums like this never existed to help you....

    well now they do, thats why people come on here asking for help, and again i would say if you dont have anything nice to say then dont say anything.

    some of you still are newbies (junior members) but insist on jumping on other peoples band wagon like you know something yourself. that i am afraid is the saddest of them all. no useful input at all. but plenty of "having known **** for a number of years" then slagging people you dont know and who never even asked you for help in the first place !!!

    stop it... it's not big and it's not clever and people can see exactly what you are.

    (now i am going to sit back and await the personal attacks that always follow one of my posts lmao)

    (you know the ones...... the ones that justify everything i have just outlined !)

    long live the cable guy !!
  6. yogger

    yogger Guest

    I appreciate that you all work very hard to keep people ticking over with info for using these boxes.
    I bought a 500C because a friend of mine recommended a box that would get me channels that I would like to watch.
    He sent me a url that had dr3@mb*x in it's domain name, so I assumed that his box was a 500C. I just found out it was a "the box", so I'm really pissed off that I'm 150 quid less well off and have been arsing around for a week trying to get the footie, getting really frustrated.
    When I got back to the guy who sold me it he told me to change the keys with keys from a goup of boards, including afterdawn.
    I can't find keys the boards don't allow publishing keys, and the guy specifically said that there is no way to auto decrypt as the service providers had worked around this.

    Given this information I asked 2 questions
    1) can someone give me a key file.
    2) is it possible to auto decrypt.

    So given Chris response the answer to 2 is yes. I still have no answer to 1.

    I tried the flash, it appeared to work but there is no evocam plugin when I press the blue button.

    I am on the verge of sending the 500C back, which is a pity cause it is a nice piece of kit and it'll probably cost me 20 quid.
  7. Phase123

    Phase123 Regular member

    Apr 10, 2008
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    yogger if it is a 500c then follow the tutorial and you will have no problems. All the stuff you need is included in the image.
  8. yogger

    yogger Guest

    It is a 500c and there does not seem to be an evocam, I'm not saying it's not in the image, but it's not coming up when I press the blue button, how do I verify that the image has installed correctly.
    What exactly does the image flash do, does it install an entire OS or just configuration?
  9. GoodA

    GoodA Member

    Aug 16, 2008
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    I have digested the contents of this thread and require a little help performing a successful key update please.

    Lost Channels at end of July. Viewing my 600C in old Telewest Area. I have Enigma Image and last night have changed the Keys using Tuxbox, restarted evocam and still only get the FTA channels. I have left the box on SS1 all night and still nothing.

    I have manually input the Key line for 01 AU again separately in Keys using tuxbox and restarted box, unplugged it etc, left on SS1 again for a couple of hours and still nothing.

    Has there been another key change just as I am getting to grips with what I need to do?

    I have looked back in the Keys using Tuxbox and the dates by the keys still show the dates that they last auto updated (24 and 25th July). If the new keys were working i was kinda expecting to see August dates by the codes??

    I have checked the posts in this thresd and I appear to have done all I need to do (up 'till 2am this morning running through page by page - all very helpful).

    I have saved the back up image of my current set up and i am about to try the image provided by Chris as I believe this will sort me out. The reason i haven't done this is I'm pretty happy with my current setup and if there is something simple I can try or keys have changed again in last couple of days would like to know - would anyone be kind enough to spare me a few minutes please? Cheers
  10. Phase123

    Phase123 Regular member

    Apr 10, 2008
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    yogger.... complete os

    Please follow the tutorial.... the remedy and all the answers are there.
  11. yogger

    yogger Guest

    So I've followed the tutorial and the flash seems to work, there is no evocam when I press the blue button, I'm looking at the other plugins. any idea what the process is called so I can search for it using ps?
  12. Phase123

    Phase123 Regular member

    Apr 10, 2008
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    Must have missed something yogger because the update works perfectly.
    Have a look back at the previous posts and read the pitfalls.
  13. Phase123

    Phase123 Regular member

    Apr 10, 2008
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    GoodA.. dont know of any autoroll images for Enigma image, sorry but the image supplied by Chris should sort you out.

  14. Phase123

    Phase123 Regular member

    Apr 10, 2008
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    Marky back from your ban and still not contributing anything to help the users, oh dear some people never change.
    On second thoughts maybe you think you are helping?

    By the way you only get "personal attacks" because you only supply negative posts inviting "personal attacks" That`s why you got banned.
    What do you have to offer to the forum after your ban?
    Please tell us all how you finally got your dm500 running or does Chris`s image still not work?

    BTW users this guy, as you have gathered, was banned for his remarks he previously made on this forum.

    Please contribute help to this forum Markarman or please don`t post at all.

  15. markarman

    markarman Regular member

    May 16, 2007
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    lol .r
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2008
  16. drawflex

    drawflex Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    this thread has been loads of help to me in learning how to fly my new 500-c... and full of helpfull tips... just a shame though that it seems people forget that a respect for someone's technical ability doesn't really equate to real respect.. and to be honest i reckon you should take your head out of your arses... none of you lot actually wrote any of the software.. wiki the meaning of a forum.. pick your sorry ass out of your *bleep* sodden gas-lift office chair... and stop trying to *bleep* your own *bleep*.

    Hows about creating a new tread with the images and guide needed, and make it sticky... then newbies wont have to read this 51 page thread, risk asking the wrong question and being insulted, then some of you lot might even get some extra free time and probably fit in a few more *bleep*.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2008
  17. DesB

    DesB Regular member

    May 27, 2007
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    Last edited: Aug 24, 2008
  18. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    First off, keep your filth to yourself and off our forums.
    Secondly there's usually a reason why some threads balloon to so many pages (we have many threads here much much longer and for the same reason) - instead of people taking the few posts that actually detail the required help, and running with it, they balloon the thread out of control with endless questions that are always already answered within the thread. Being technically lacking is not an excuse for people not understanding simple straightforward answers then asking them endlessly. Asking genuine (non-asked) questions is of course fine, but when a thread hits 50+ pages there's obviously something going amiss.
    Thirdly, any insults will be dealt with, but your filthy outburst probably far outstrips anything that's been said previously i'll bet.

    To summarise, there's only so many times people can post the same answers, it should be obvious that if someone needs help they should be prepared to read thru a thread if it's 50 or 250 pages long, after all it's free advice and spoonfeeding teaches no-one. If an answer isn't understood after reading, then asking is fine, but please put in the effort to read first.
    Imagine this, i personally have zero interest in these darned boxes but i have the pleasure of lurking on threads such as this. If i can do it so can you.

    edit- any regulars please bear in mind that your own comments can trigger outbursts such as the above so please mind what/how you post. Phase123/cgscott/markarman (there may be others) - this includes you.
    Just remember, no-one is ever forced to post. If there's nothing worth saying, don't say it. By the same token you can't force people to not be lazy/spoonfed, all we can do is try and persuade them to put a little effort in for themselves. They were quick enough to buy these boxes after all.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2008
  19. Phase123

    Phase123 Regular member

    Apr 10, 2008
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    Thank you for that Creaky and apologies for taking this thread elsewhere but some people offer nothing to this forum and go out of their way to doubt and insult other contributors. Apologies.
  20. cgscott

    cgscott Regular member

    Apr 10, 2008
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    I have posted the tutorial again in a new thread as requested by drawflex.

    creaky i also apologize for a couple of my comments.


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