OK, here we go: 1-open nero smartstart, open nerovision express 2-put mouse on "make dvd", slide over to "dvd video" and click 3-close any windows that may pop up and click on "add video files", then browse to choose your v.cam files 4-add your files, wait for nve to import and add file. Do this for each, one at a time til done adding all files. 5-now you click on "create chapters" for each file you've added(if you want chapters), you can create them yourself(faster) or let nve do it on auto(slower). Hit "next" and do the same for the next file til all files have chapters 6-when done creating chapters click "next", you are now able to create a full working menu for your files. Just play around, it has a lot of options and some really neat features, to create some very nice dvd menus 7-when done click "next" and you will see a software remote control to view your finished "movie". IF something doesn't work or isn't to your liking you can go back and change it here. 8-when satisfied, click "next", choose to burn to burner or to your HD. then click "burn" and go away, leave the PC alone. Do not touch til finished, then go watch your movie on your dvd player. Use rw's til you get the hang of it, and use ritek G04's or verbatim. Media will make a huge difference on these projects. good luck
If the signal coming into the PC is an analog source it's a capture. If you're just moving data across a firewire cable from a DV device it's actually just a transfer, but many people call it capturing, which is fine since it gets the point across. As you can see our membership is rather rabid about rules enforement. That's how we get away with a very low ratio of moderators to members. Oh, and welcome to our little forum.
chinabee That was truly a thoughtless and unkind statement. _X_X_X_X_X_[small] "Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth." Sherlock Holmes (by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 1859-1930)[/small]
DumbBlond is a cliche not a fact and an equal number of men are also blond including me and I know that I am anything but dumb. I saw nothing that DumbBlond did that was offensive to you personally or to anyone else here for that matter. You could be a little apologetic because I suspect that you wished you'd never made that statement.
First of all welcome to Afterdawn. I am surprised at all the negativity Take what is helpful and leave the rest. You do not need to explain were you got the file just as long as you understand The rules. It is helpful if you give more information ie what program you used to capture The video, was it analog or didgital, what media or brand disk you are using and your computer Specs including what DVD burner you are using. I capture video from an analog camera using ATI software to mpeg. And burn with Nero and it has always Worked without any problems. Good luck
heh heh heh Hmmmmmm, so sophocles is blond, now that explains a lot.......oops, sorry, did I say that out loud?
firstly thanks guys for all your help in 2 days i can now do exactly what i need to with my media, am having fun creating cool menus and stuff with nero sooo much quicker than TMPGENC! big smooches x secondly i did not read exactly what chinabee said but i get the drift, he was assuming i am a stereotype. yes me woman can use man-toy whats it called a com--pu--ter... luckily there are tons more knowledgeble helpful peeps out there than you.
I'll tell ya one thing dumbBlonde, most guys I give a guide to write back about 10-15 times before they get it. I was beginning to think it was my directions. Only told you once. Congrats, from grateful not to have to do another walkthru while holding hands. _X_X_X_X_X_[small] [bold]GO VOLS![/bold]........Dell Media4600, XP home,Pentium 4 @2.80GHz/800Mz, 512MB, 280 HD w/8MB, 17" flat panel, AIO-A920, 8x DVD-ROM, integrated 5.1 audio, HP dc4000, Plextor PX-708UF[/small]
Congratulations not so DumbBlond, I think at lease one person on this thread learned a lesson about thoughtlessly using stereotypes.
Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Yeah, it's from the guide, but I think it was actually added specifically for the BBC radio/television version. I just watched it the other day.
I watched the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy for years on PBS along with Dr. Who. It's definitely a BBC production.
Yes, it's a BBC production, but what I was saying was that the line in my signature that bigorange asked about was added for the BBC radio adaptation which was then used for the TV version.