my user name was not meant to cause offense it was more an expression of the way some females feel a little daunted entering as a newbie what is classically thought of as a male dominated genre i certainly do not think all male/female blondes are in any way dumb, or that every one using this forum is male. if it is genuinely thought i should change my username please let me know, thanx.
Nope, if people have a problem with you poking fun at yourself it's exactly that - their problem. _X_X_X_X_X_[small]In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move. Backup A DVD With DVD Rebuilder & CCE Basic:[/small]
I also read all 4(or was it 5?)of the books. Absolutely some of the funniest stuff in print EVER! ie. the aliens who had 6 arms thus making them the only race to have ever invented aereosal deoderant before the wheel.In fact, I may go and read the "guide" again. PS-dumbBlonde, screw 'em! _ _X_X_X_X_X_[small] [bold]GO VOLS![/bold]........Dell Media4600, XP home,Pentium 4 @2.80GHz/800Mz, 512MB, 280 HD w/8MB, 17" flat panel, AIO-A920, 8x DVD-ROM, integrated 5.1 audio, HP dc4000, Plextor PX-708UF[/small]
thanx soc. big orange you guys are really showing yr ages now publicly, was a classic tho'(think i remember my mum reading that book to me as a bedtime story LOL)
Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy was still showing in the late 1980s and early 90s in Canada. The Canadian equivalent of BBC is CBC and like BBC it's government funded and not technically PBS.
soph, doesn't matter, it was funny, but nothing could do justice to the books. They were roll in the floor funny every other line. dumbBlonde, now you're calling me old, I'm starting to regret I helped ya. lol
nah im joking just trying to make myself feel younger couple of years before my book reading days tho;-)
Its not that I'm showing my age so much as it is the word they stuck to the left of my handle. _ _X_X_X_X_X_[small] "Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth." Sherlock Holmes (by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 1859-1930)[/small]
Nice greeting there roeod4, let that sarcasm fly. You really know how to make a Newbie feel at home. Did you really feel that such a "Welcome" was necessary ?? How would you have felt if when you were new someone slapped you down when you tried to post ? Can we think first next time ? Again, not necessary, no mention of illegal activity was mentioned. Your sarcasm however is getting better - (Nice apology though after her explanation, you know how to say you were too quick to judge) Thank you Jester - and a Newbie shall show them the way - What I find totally amazing, them's that know such big words like "capturing," "transferring" don't have a grasp of the word "Newbie" - The vast majority of the population of this planet call the transferring of files or data "Downloading" as do many programmers and computer professionals. Misusing the term, yes, but that's the way pple are - they have a tendency to speak the same language as their neighbor and not all neighbors are politically correct. Be that as it may, I see no cause to be nasty and use sarcasm without cause and to be soooo very little a person that can't offer an apology when surly one is due - Yet again, as I am not so little a person, DumbBlond, I would like to offer my sincerest apology for the disgraceful treatment thrust upon you in your first intrusion into our forum. Most here would not comment on your nic nor treat you as you have been treated for so minor a misunderstanding and I do so with the tag of a Senior Member here at AfterDawn not a "Newbie." Welcome aboard, Pete
Peeetttteee, some of us were nice, I even wrote her a little guide and then she called me OLD- sob, sob , sob
"Big Guy," I would have expected no less from you - you have always conducted yourself with outstanding courtesy and decorum - I'm glad to call you My Friend ! Pete
Now look what you've done Pete, like he doesn't have enough stuff going to his head. Now he'll be intolerable for the next little while.
Thank you Pete, sniffle, sniffle, sniffle, I don't know what you're talking about sophocles, darn, will someone help me with this T-shirt, it doesn't seem to want to go over my head......
I didn't mean to be mean though. Just curious why somebody has to use such a funny name. To draw attention?
chinabee I think that your apology is acceptable except for one small part. [bold]Just curious why somebody has to use such a funny name.[/bold] Hmm! You don't think that chinabee isn't a little funny? Have you looked around the forum at the different names that people use. bigorange, ScubPete, DumbBlond, Sophocles, and yes chinabee.
chinabee Give it up and make a sincere apology and then you will be in good standings with everyone. I know it's tough to admit being wrong but it makes you a better person for it.
Good Lord chinabee, are we here to defend making fun of nicknames or to learn and help learn about video backup? Say "I'm sorry" and let's move on. You're the only one defending your position, what's that say, huh? She's a nice girl(except for the fact she called me old, I haven't forgiven her for that yet) and we're all here to have a little fun. one of our mods loves to put it, "play nice now".