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dumpster diving !

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Digerati8, Jul 6, 2005.

  1. nailedny

    nailedny Guest

    Oh my God Glueater. I would have died. The latest I've been out is 10pm. The earliest is about 645am. You poor thing. Don't give up. Were you in the dumpster when they caught you? Did they say you were not aloud to dumpster dive? And they let you go with a warning??? Not a single case? Did you rip open the bags? Were there bags of trash?
    Give us the gory details................PLEASE
  2. SolShrike

    SolShrike Member

    Aug 28, 2005
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    LOL man alive I would have fainted or some crazy thing... kudos to your well handled situation.

    Tune in next week to: DVD Dumpster Diving! :D
  3. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    GlueEater- sorry for your Fear Factor try out ! lol! Seriously thoough I think I would have taken a Dumpster sized Dump pardon my crudeness but You apparently handled youeself quite well! So far The only interest I've drawn is from some dude in a suburban He gave me a look and I gave him a Gasface Right back and that was that! This was on my last dumpster run too ! I was actually a little nevous ! being Sasquatch sized when your in a full dumpster you tend to stick out above the containment vessel ( Cinderblock wall ) around the dumpster ! and this was like at noon so broad daylight to boot ! But did find like 82 cases so for me it was a sucsess! maybe could've found more but did'nt want to get caught in flagrant dive as it were ! had been in the BB same day earlier and had too many clerks ! if they only have one working or maybe two they probably wont go dump trash during bussiness hours - I have no concrete proof on this but it just makes sense! And that BB had like three or four on hand so somebody was going to get trash detail sooner or later! GlueEater you may wan't to take a page out of NailedNY's book and dive with a friend or atleast a lookout anyways or naybe follow the everso successfull JVC's lead and go in the am before 9 am when BB opens but when it's light out ! But the lookout /helper is a good idea! Don't give up and ttry try again ! Peace , Safe Diving , Happy Hunting!, Happy Burning ! " FREE IS FREE" " THe Rats they are my IDOL but I am MY Ideal!" Ciao!
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2005
  4. GlueEater

    GlueEater Regular member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    No not really. I was just kind of leaning over. But kind of in. My hands could reach the bottom so my feet were off the ground, but no not all the way. There was cinderblock wall surrounding the 2 dumpsters. The door was locked so I had to climb over them. I didn't really go through the bags on this dumpster because I was still trying to find some clear bags. The thing is that I'm not sure if what I did was illegal or not. Because they just said don't do it again and some other things, too nervous to listen intently. But I assume it is illegal because the dumpsters are owned by the plaza so in a way I guess it was breaking and entering. But I think I got off easy.

    I was just out w/ some friends earlier and asked if anyone would go w/ me to DD. But no one wanted to so I just went myself.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2005
  5. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    GlueEater- Well You tried anyways ! I have'nt did any by any malls but I guess you go where they are ! You might want to avoid that one for awhile though! The main one I dive has a cinderlock wall around it but it's for BB only so they don't padlock it yet ! the other two I frequent one is in the open out front of the store & the other is on the side in the open ! maybe time to expand out though! try other BB's I know the price of gas is A factorfor all of us so you could plan your trips to other stores or errands you need to do in the areas where the BB's are so it's not a complete rip id you don't find any cases!here's hoping you do though!
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2005
  6. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    Checked my BB nothing but those cards that sit behind the dvd cases in the rack / shelves . Would have checked others But! A. Wife was with & driving ! B. Had no sleep from 10.00PM on the 10/24/2005 ! C was too full of it! ( CHINESE FOOD!) & D was just plain exhasted ! Have found another BB nearby have'nt gone there yet but will let you all know how turns out ? ! Keep up the good work y'all peace!
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2005
  7. SolShrike

    SolShrike Member

    Aug 28, 2005
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    Well Toxy... I took the plunge. Literally lol :) Went to the local BB around 10:00pm and hesitantly took a look inside the dumpster (making VERY sure nobody was around or watching!) to see what I could see. Right on the top of everything in a clear plastic garbage bag were (after counting them at home later) 38 cases! I was quite pleased with myself on my very first trip and I now have them tucked safely away in my storage locker in the basement.

    What a rush! :)

    The one thing that I've found though, is that with strip malls and smaller shopping areas like that (not actual malls), the dumpsters aren't owned by any particular place or group. They use public dumpsters that are just convienent to thier area, so dumpster diving isn't actually illegal in those cases. However, if its a dumpster at a mall or something, then yeah the mall owns it (or rather leases it from the city) and it could be construed as a B&E. My advice? Stick to more public establishments and avoid malls if possible.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2005
  8. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    SolShrike- Congrats on your find - you done good my friend ! that would be a good day for me too ! I would think that you are right about the mall versus the non mall issue ! Lucky for me none of the BB's I frequent are in a mall ! although the one I find the most cases at has a posted keep out sign on the containment wall ( CINDERBLOCK cubicle ) Gates that encloses the dumpster I just go really fast ! and The other two are'nt enclosed at all althought I've only found regular plastic DVD cases at one ! the other so far has only had the carboard & plastic kind - Ecologically friendly I guess but hey I still look ? I've located another BB near my locals and will check that one out soon ! Welcome to the throng of the truly infected ! It's kinda like POKEMAN-ITIS ! Gotta Get 'em all ! and The double DVD cases , free - T-shirts & ocassional DVd's & games you find are like the High Value cards ! Me I likee the Booger Green colored cases Like games come in why ? I don't know I just do ! and if I get a Double DVD case well then I think I won the lottery ! Found a DOUBLE DVD case that was booger green & smiled fer 2 days ! LOL! Glad your enjoying the hobbies now DIVING & Burning and it's always nice to have a new voice posting in our little dumpster of daring do! Hope you decide to stick around - we can use the help! And check out some of the other threads too! They're are a multitude of talented & brilliant people here at aftertdawn.com & Chances are if your having a problem burning a movie or whatever someone else has been there & done that ! Trust me sometimes 5 minutes of research will save you hours of aggravation ! and more often than not you can find some down right fun & silly people here to! I just wish my BB's would put the cases seperate in the clear bags but they don't atleast not here ! Found a bag of 52 cases once behind the dumpster @ a BB in New Orleans ! So always look behind the dumpster too ! if you can ! Again Welcome ! & Happy Hunting !, Safe Diving ! HappY Burning ! Peace ! "FREE IS FREE !"
  9. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    CAPTAIN'S LOG! Or was it Captain Crunch I get those two confused! LOL! Anyways - stardate 10/28/2005 I have boldly gone where only few others and the garbageman have gone before ! The 3rd dumpster in an insignifigant blockbuster galaxy ! Found merely one case at my first beam down point hardly worth materializing for! at the second coordinates i found none at all ! truly a waste of my time & blockbusters space ! But 3's the charm it is sometimes said and sure enough I was able to rescue 20+ cases from their utter destruction ! Not a world shattering event but "FREE IS FREE" Could have possibly gotten a few more but did'nt want to get stuck in dumpster with no way to exit stage right or left even ! Heaven's to Mergatroid ! perhaps will check back on this dumpster best haul from it normally only 5 or 6 so ! maybe need to make a GENESSIS ( DVD retreival device) Okie dokie ! That's all for now KIRK OUT! - Happy HUNTING !, Safe Diving !, Happy Burning ! " FREE IS FREE " peace Ciao!
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2005
  10. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    HAPPY HALLOWEEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Stardate 10/31/2005- After being nearly swallowed by the giant burrito eating waffle maker !I managed to escape to a BamBoo Garden for some Chinese consumables! Refreshed & replenished ! I proceeded to the preappointed coordinates in a nearby Blockbuster galaxy ! The target( er' dumpster) was free and unteahtered from it's containement wall ! With great stealth ( well as stealthy as a Sasquatch sized bieng can be!) I sauntered up and opened up the lid of this dumpster of mystery! At first my tricorder sensed disappointment upon seing a clear plastic garbage bag that was filled with !!! wait for it! ,wait for it ! TADA!!!!!!!!! grass clippings !!!! BOring! On taking further readings sensed several DVD cases loose in the dumpster ! Retrrieving them I also surveyed a large carboard box ! Loaded with our favorite free plastic products! I went to pull the box of Dilithiun ( oops!) cases from the dumpster but the cardboard began tearing so I grabbed cases by the handfull till the rest in the box would'nt strain it when I pulled it free and then loaded the rest into my portable Black Santa Sack! ( Garbage bag!) and departed at impulse power !Returning to GT Prime ( Homeworld!) I tallied up my sucsess for this mission ! 97 Cases + two copies of CRASH ! that were'nt destroyed for disposal purposes! Ironically almost all of the cases rescued on this mission were CRASH cases and nearly all had the DVDin them although only the two were not D& D'ed ( DAMAGED & DESTROYED!) The D&D'ed ones were'nt run through the DIMPLE-ATOR of death like they normally do ! They (BLOCKBUSTER MINONS) had merely made large deep upside down V scraches above and below the center/spindle hole of the DVd ! what a waste! Anyways thats our upto date update! Helpful hint ! if you can fund a real one or two Get some milk crates ! you know the hard plastic kind ! they make an excellent stepup to get into your dumpster! and if you tie a string or piece of rope to it you could use it to help you get out of the dumpster too! if need be! just a thought! What happened to everyone ! Hello I know your there I can hear you brething! LOL! Happy Halloween everyone! Happy Hunting, Safe Diving ! , Peace & Happy Burning ! "FREE IS FREE" ! Ciao!!!
  11. neodave

    neodave Regular member

    Aug 5, 2003
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    Similar situation here. Found 65 or 70 cases(all BB lockable) with covers from Crash, Stunk on You, Laws of Attraction and Blast. Went to another usually good producing dumpster and nothing but the same covers. Both had a bunch of the messed up DVDs. That must be just easier than putting them through a shredder. I didn't bother to look through them all. Here we are at the end of the month again. Maybe Saturday will finally be good to me this weekend. I just need ONE more good haul!!!!(and then I'll retire for the winter)(and worry about all those cases heading to the landfill)
  12. nailedny

    nailedny Guest

    HI Everyone!! I too had the same kind of thing. I went to the bank after work on Monday. I spoted my BB and thought ok, I'll check this out after the bank. It is not usually a good one for me except the day I found the t-shirts and BB golf shirt, which by the way I haven't worn yet. Anyway, I pull up and take a peak, and wow it is loaded. So I flip up the lid (or try to) and try to reach the clear bag with the cases in them. The bag starts to rip and I start to slip. I can't get in this dumpster because as I mentioned, I am right off the job and heels and dumpsters don't go. I reach in and start grabbing them by the handful. This is killing my stomach. I get back in the jeep and pull it all the way up to the dumpster. Vwala, a built in step. Now in the mean time Papa Johns is very busy deliving pizzas because it is Halloween and no one cooks soooooo the drivers are coming and going right past me. It was pretty. I either ignored them, jumped back into the jeep or stared them down, like what the hell does it look like I am doing. Anyway, they were all the same cases (Crash, etc.) that I got last month at another BB. I haven't done the official count, as I am hiding them in the jeep till my husband goes out of town. I'll let you know. Nice haul BIG, good story too. Way to go Neodave. I am NOT going to do this in the winter!!! Well, free is free...........right
  13. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    I am going to take winter underadvisement! it's usually rather temperate weather wise here Baton Rouge ! & we don't get many snows or hard freezes so weather & health permitting I'll keep the drive alive! Safety 1st of course! Glad to hear that you both have done well with your dumpster diving and fEAts of daring-Do ! Was begining to think that everyone had bailed but I guess it's a cyclical thing !My last two BB runs have been great ! where normally if I find 20 or so I feel lucky ! i'm finding 80-90 something and two copies of crash to boot ! Mus'nt be to great of a movie they are'nt sellling to many copies otherwise they would'nt be dumping them!wholesale! But hey ! "FREE IS FREE !" and as long as the cases keep getting dumped , I don't care what the cover says I'll print my own anyways! Note To NailedNY ! Though I'm sure you look great in heels maybe you could keep some sensible shoes in the jeep ! for WONDERWOMAN auditions & occasional dumpster dives! just a thought! weird thing was one of my other BB's the one I never find dvd cases in the dumpster was loaded with crash DVD's that lost a battle with the DIMPLE-Lator But no cases weird huh! Anyways will keep the thread going long as there are cases to find and friends to laugh with! or at LOL! The Duchess of Dark Roast Becons me so Bye 4 now ! Happy HUNTING,SAFE DIVING ! PEACE & HAPPY BURNING! CIAO Y'ALL!
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2005
  14. JVC

    JVC Active member

    Apr 11, 2004
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    Howdy y'all...........
    I made a dumpster run! First one in a long time. I did ok. I retrieved:
    6 lockable, double cases
    33 lockable, single cases
    6 original double cases
    28 original single cases
    51 game cases (3 had the game in them)

    Total haul was 124 cases & 3 games. I sold the 3 games to the pawn shop for $15, and gave them the empty game cases for free. My friend runs the pawn shop.
    I was needing some more double cases, so my timing was pretty good, for once. I'm moving to the town that this BB is in, so I'll be checking more often. It's the same one I made my original hauls from...............
    Keep up the good work!

    When I was walking around my truck, to get back in, a Mustang came around the corner, and saw me, and kept around in a circle, and left. I think they had the same idea as me, but was too late. :eek:)
  15. neodave

    neodave Regular member

    Aug 5, 2003
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    Very respectable haul JVC. Glad to see you're having success.

    BIGTOXY69 what is the deal with BB dimpling the trash DVDs. Seems like you could clearance anything for a buck or two. I've seen literally hundreds of the trashed DVDs.
  16. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    neodave-I don't know for sure . Maybe it's a credit thing like paperback books ? If they don't sell the books after a certain date they tear off the covers and send them back and the get a discount on the next order I think! Maybe with BB they have to destroy a certain amount of older or less popular movies to get a better deal or more copies of upcoming or hot dvd's from the big studios/distributors! ? But as they're throwing away dvd cases labels and movies & occasionaly liner inserts(Inside booklet) I can't understand what they are returning to the distributor for credit but maybe its an honor system thing ! I agree they could sell them real cheap but they don't It cost about $1.00 U.S, to make a dvd movie so selling it at cost doe'snt make a profit ! but theycould sell them for $2.00 or$3.00 and still make money ! grantrd not the $15.00 or more dollars they get normally but profit is profit ! Whatever reason they do it ,it gets done! ? JVC ! Our Prophetic Potentate of Plastic _ Great Going glad your still in the game OLD BEAN! I have'nt found any games yet but found two undamaged or destroyed copies of crash last haul ! and about 93 copes of CRASH that were demilled ( DESTROYED) by putting the upside down V of death above & below the spindle hole of the disc ! maybe they'll make nice clay pigeons for skeet ! PULL!!!!!!! LOL! well neodave, JVC, NailedNY & all the dumpsterkateers! See ya' real soon! Why Because "FREE IS FREE" Happy Hunting , Safe Diving!, Peace& Happy Burning ! CIAO! Y'all!!!!!
  17. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    11/05/2005- What happened today ? well 5 years ago on this date I got married ! So Happy Anniversary to Me! but Today I went to BB and first one nothing , 2ncd BB nothing - On the 3rd BB I found 30 cases Not a major haul but several were doubles and a couple were the green ones I like so I'm happy - Not insanely or ecstatically happy but happy None the less! A handull maybe seven or eight cases were in the ubiquitouis Clear plastic garbage bag with garbage of course! bot the remaining 20 something cases were in a carboard box which I snagged/speared with my hook! loasded them into the bed of the Old (URBAN ASSUALT VEHICLE) = pick up truck ! and returned to base ! So check the boxes gang okay! Hope everyone else has fun and finds more too! Happy Hunting !, Safe Diving!,Peace & happy burning ! ciao !
  18. neodave

    neodave Regular member

    Aug 5, 2003
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    I went out this morning and found an estimated 100 in three dumpsters. The Pink, Yellow, Red and Baby Blue ones are fun to find because they aren't very common. Happy Anniversery. Now get cleaned up and do something fun!
  19. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    neodave- thank you! The only nonstandard cases I've found other than the Booger green ones were white & translucent clear ! Your BB must be really Cool if they have all them smurfy colors ! WE celebrated yesterday cause wife scheduled work for today ! Money Honey! But I loves her anyways so what can I do? Lately Like maybe the last 2 or three Dumpster runs They have been putting the cases in carboard boxes & mixed in with the trash in the bags maybe it's new trend ? we can only hope ! It makes retrieval lot's easier assuming the box isn't broken! Usually they are just loose in the boxes thought although once I found like 26 neatly stacked in a medium sized box like it was weaiting for me to get it so i did! I'm glad you got'em good this time but I am slightly envious of your various cool color cases ! I like color but as long as they are in good shape it doe'snt make that much difference to me other then a slight prefference for the greenies!~ Well now that we've clocked in can NailedNY & the rest be far behind? Hope you all have continued sucsess with your dives /retreival missions ! Happy Hunting , Safe Diving, HappY BURNING ! & peace _ "FREE IS FREE " CIAO!!!
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2005
  20. nailedny

    nailedny Guest

    Here I am boys. So I finally found a minute to unload the jeep and count um up. 91 cases in that one dumpster. What the hell am I going to do with all these cases, I ask??
    Happy Anniversary Big. While visiting my son in Key West 2 weeks ago, my husband and I celebrated our 30th. Believe that? I was only 10 when we got hitched. hahahaha. I am going to try to dive sometime this week. Will keep you all posted. I am jelious, neodave.

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