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dumpster diving !

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Digerati8, Jul 6, 2005.

  1. JVC

    JVC Active member

    Apr 11, 2004
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    Ok y'all! I'm getting jealous now! :eek:)
    It's getting to be a case of the students getting better than the instructor............
    Keep up the good work!
  2. Draugr

    Draugr Member

    Mar 15, 2006
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    Thanks for the general direction, BIGTOXY69! I suppose I'd be long gone before the cops arrived anyway.. :)

    Supposedly, they get the new movies in Tuesday, so I think this Wednesday morning around 5AM, I'll take my chances. I have two somewhat near me, one I believe shares a dumpster with Papa John's Pizza, a Chinese Restaurant and Subway. The other one shares one with Subway and Baskin Robins Ice cream... I better wear some old clothes!
  3. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    Draugr- Sounds like a Plan

    I'm lucky sort of the main dumpster I check does'nt appear to be shared ! but there is a TACO Bell Nearby So I do find some residue ! The BB staff's leftovers I'm guessing ! Just be careful Draugr my friend because sometimes along with the dvd cases & other goodies that end up there . there are Bottles & broken glass ect. would'nt want anything to happen to our latest convert would we? You may find that like peanuts & potato chips once you start dumpster diving you just can't stop ! especially if you hit a payload of cases ! You may not hit every time but as long as you enjoy the hunt your on your way ! I'm exstatic if I find a big amount but still happy if I find just a few ! As Jvc - The Guy that started most of us diving would say " Free is free " No tax , no shipping ! You might also want to look behind the dumpster's sometimes the BB staff will put them ( DVD CASES) in a big garbage bag behind the dumpster ! Found 62 cases like that while visiting new orleans once ! Anyways Draugr welcome aboard our little corner of afterdawn.com You'll find that the dumpster divers post are enteraining , silly and sometimes even down right fun ! And I would say on an average we are a friendly supportive and cordial bunch of people ! We are not Clique-ish or exclusive in anyway and there is always room for one more ! Good Luck Draugr - Happy Hunting, safe Diving & Happy Burning !
    Last edited: May 8, 2006
  4. Draugr

    Draugr Member

    Mar 15, 2006
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    Thanks for the warm welcome, BIGTOXY69! You are right, I'd better watch out for that broken glass, don't want to die of blood loss with my feet dangling out a dumpster! As for being addicted, it all depends if I find anything! With all the nasty I can expect in those dumpsters it makes me glad I have a truck. Just throw the bag in the back and be off! To be honest, I can't wait for the expression on the faces of my parents when I pull up covered in mess with a garbage bag over my shoulders. And, I'll have to restrain myself if I get that "high" from free stuff because gas is too expensive these days! I wish I knew what day they get their trash picked up, so I could go the day before and gets a weeks worth of potential garbage! I've read that some of the BB's use the original cases, I hope mine aren't like that. Anyway, I hope to live up to some of you veterans! And hopefully, the "Free Is Free" saying will give me the strength and courage to plow head first into some smelly and nasty dumpster!

  5. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    Draugr- Again Goood luck with your Dumpstering adventures ! ON the cases Sometimes it's the Original Kind and Often they are the Lockable rental Cases ! Either way they work fine ! And if anything I think that the Lockable Type are just a tad heavier duty then the cases that dvd's come in originaly ! I Have no scientific data on this just my humble opinion . But as they say in Da' Hood!!! It's all good ! I use either kind although I tend to find more lockables sometimes ! & you can't go wrong with either in my book ! Hope you enjoy your cases when you get them And don't freak your Peep's Out too Much Okay ! Dive Safe " FREE IS FREE "
  6. odie241

    odie241 Member

    Apr 9, 2006
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    hey guys,i found this post lastnight,so i took alittle drive up there,at about 1am.they were throwing the trash out right when i was in the dumpster,i scared the living s$@t out of the guy putting it in there,but he said he has been saving them in a box in the backroom for someone,and hasnt seen the guy for about a month,so he gave the the 2 boxs,i didnt open it until i got home,but when i did,i bet there was proboly 300 cases,i still have counted them,im still just freaking out about it,guess i have to make some covers for them now,,,thanks jvc for the great info, "free is free" what a great saying that is,ill be going back there in a month,or so
  7. JVC

    JVC Active member

    Apr 11, 2004
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    Whoa! 300 cases?
    [bold]Very[/bold] good haul! You're hooked now! :eek:)
  8. odie241

    odie241 Member

    Apr 9, 2006
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    ok i just got done counting them,the is a total of 262,theres 46 doubles,47 clears,26 video game case,and the rest originals.theres 2 other blockbusters around here,im going to them tonight.ty for getting me hooked,cya Odie
  9. Draugr

    Draugr Member

    Mar 15, 2006
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    I went yesterday morning, but all I found were about 10 original cases. Some were partially buried in some old(and nasty) pizza...stuff, so I ended up with 5... The dumpster seemed to have a good bit of VHS cases(in a bag! Makes me wonder if someone nabbed one with DVD's before me), but I don't need them. However, the day didn't seem like a complete waste because about an hour after I got home my TYG02's arrived. :D I think I'll go early Sunday next time, so I can hopefully get a week's worth of trash.

  10. MaximusHQ

    MaximusHQ Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    This is great reading. I am going to try out some dumpster diving soon. I really need some cases, but I'm too cheap to pay for them. Hey someone should make a video of themselves dumpster diving so the newbies can see how the pros do it.
  11. Smacks

    Smacks Member

    Feb 25, 2006
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    My biggest Dive yet. 244 new, 63 BB lockables, 24 PSX, 14 Double, 5 white, 3 green, 1 yellow and 3 slim for a total of 356 cases. That haul filled up the back of my SUV and It's been raining here all week so they were pretty wet. Oh well, I don't mind the water, it's alot better than the pop I usually find spilled all over the cases. I am seriously running out of room to keep these things. You can only stack them so high before they fall over into each other like a row of dominos. I guess it's better to have to many than not enough. I'm glad to see we have some new members looking to take the dive. Good Luck Everyone and Happy Diving
  12. JVC

    JVC Active member

    Apr 11, 2004
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    Great dive Smacks! I need a dive like that. I need some original doubles. Don't care much for the BB doubles..................

    Ok..........It's time for membership dues to be paid! Everybody send me $5 ea. for yearly dues. (Just kidding):eek:)

    Keep up the good work y'all!
  13. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    SMACKS- went tuesday & made the dive - had'nt had a chance to count up yet & obviously I did'nt do as good as you quantity wise but I know I got more than llast time so I ain't complaining ! Will update the post when get a chance to count them !
  14. seano13

    seano13 Guest

    lol guys i gotta say this is one of the most useful threads ive seen in a while, and no jerks yelling when someone goes slightly off topic!

    blockbuster update, i dumpster dove at my local blockbuster, found a nice bag full of dvd cases, a bunch were broken but i got a good 30 useable ones, but the funny part is they threw away 9 copies of Chicken Little, im not a particularly big fan of the movie but hey free DVD's are free DVD's.. :p
  15. Smacks

    Smacks Member

    Feb 25, 2006
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    JVC- Those doubles are hard to come by. Usually I'll only find 4 or 5 doubles per dive. As far as the dues go I'll have to pay in cases.
    Seriously though, $5 would be a steal for the knowledge you have shared with us all.

    Toxy keep up the good work. Your due for a big haul anyday now. I think I'm just lucky because my two BB's have been very cosistent producers of many cases.

    Seano 13 I love nothing more than to find dvd's. One time I found about 30 but they all had met their doom with the disc destroyer. It's wierd like that, sometimes I'll find movies still in their cases like somebody forgot to take it out. Then other times I'll find a small stack laying in the bottom of a bag like they had to many and need to get rid of them. Mostly what I find is Special features discs. They throw them away when people don't return both discs with a two disc movie. Without both discs the other one is useless so they just throw it out.

    Good Luck everyone and happy diving!!!
  16. SolShrike

    SolShrike Member

    Aug 28, 2005
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    I haven't had a good haul in weeks... nigh, over a month now. Slim pickin's! lol
  17. JVC

    JVC Active member

    Apr 11, 2004
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    I found a couple of ps2 games in one of my dives, awhile back. I sold them to a pawn shop for $5 a piece. You may be able to sell the Chicken Little dvds too. Probably only get $1 - $2 each though. But that's more than you had............right?
    I wouldn't try to sell them all at the same pawn shop though. You can probably get a cover, and print it out from here: http://www.cdcovers.cc/covers.php
    Good luck!
  18. MaximusHQ

    MaximusHQ Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    Went to my local blockbuster which is in a plaza with a hannaford. I scoped out the scene and they have a camera mounted on the side of the building pointed at the dumpsters. Guess that one is off limits unless I take out the camera lol. Probably trying to keep people from dumping their own garbage in there.
  19. nailedny

    nailedny Guest

    MaximusHQ Don't gi9ve up on that Blockbuster..........Wear a hood and park your car elsewhere. At least try it once and see if it's worth the risk. Also, never go at the same time. All they will do is ask you what you are doing in the dumpster anyway. Been there done that. I lied and said I was looking for posters for one of my kids rooms. He told me to try movie dumpsters. haha.
    Good luck and keep us posted. Love a good challenge.
  20. JVC

    JVC Active member

    Apr 11, 2004
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    Is things slowing down for everyone, or is it gas prices making you stay home, or what? I would have thought it would be busier by now.........

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