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dumpster diving !

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Digerati8, Jul 6, 2005.

  1. tycobb

    tycobb Regular member

    May 20, 2006
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    Hey you guys this may sound stupid but I sell stuff on ebay right? Well the boxes for shipping are outrageous like $5 for a good size box(each) and odd sizes are really bad.Well if you go behind grocery stores they throw out boxes of all sizes! Just go and take your pick.No need to dive because in my case they're just sitting there outside the dumpster or along the back of the store!

    This goes for many places that recieve lot's of inventory(furniture places for instance).

    @anubis heh heh heh... yeah those hookah's can be upwords of $100-$200 from the local headshop/smoke store.Yeah, you have to break it in with the good stuff! Hey man rubbing alcohol will clean the tabacco resin out ,just use que tips or what not.It's safe and you can look it up online if you want,you see the alcohol dissipates leaving no trace behind plus it's not very harmful anyways!
  2. anubis66

    anubis66 Regular member

    Apr 10, 2005
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    yeah, i just cleaned my pipes and slide in boiling water. its really nice. alcohol is nice too, but we dont have any that i can find.

    the other day i also found an old pentium in the trash. it had 4 AIM accounts with passwords saved, lots of porn in the temp internet files, a program to hide your tracks and delete porn history (obviously failed), and a voodoo3 3000 gpu.
  3. tycobb

    tycobb Regular member

    May 20, 2006
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    You know I have heard about that but never wanted to dirty up the pots and pans.It was always those color changing ones or maybe the regular chamber ones that I cleaned.Hey I bet the resin floats to the top lol.
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2006
  4. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    i got a hp 2100tn laser printer with dual trays this past friday that somebody dumped. works with no problem as ran 125 card stock to make business cards.
  5. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    - still nice cards those, i have or two i keep meaning to re-use, along one or two Voodoo 3500's
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2006
  6. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    You guys beat me to the good stuff always ! Best find I had at a Blockbuster was a motherload of DVD cases and 32 dvd's I had to do surgery on the cases they were in but hey cases I goT ! keep up the good work fella's * happy Hunting!
  7. blivetNC

    blivetNC Regular member

    Nov 8, 2005
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    After all the B.S. about Best Buy "recycling" used hard drives, I always introduce all old hard drives to Mr. Mossberg and Mr. Remington. No more concerns for personal data loss. Makes for fun on a weekend morning.
  8. 21Q

    21Q Regular member

    Jun 23, 2006
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    1. WAIT, best buy throws out used hard drives!!!!!

    2. Do you guys actually use all of these cases or do you sell them on ebay?
  9. blivetNC

    blivetNC Regular member

    Nov 8, 2005
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    No, there are several cases of customers bringing in computers with malfunctioning hard drives who have had their computers repaired with new drives, who have been assured by BB Geek Squad that the original hard drive was destroyed, only to find out later from another individual who had also had their computer repaired at BB that the original customer's hard drive was in fact alive and well in someone else's computer with all of their personal information, E-mail and internet accounts still in existance. Lawsuits are now flying over this. Look on CNET.com for other details.
  10. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    21Q- Use all of these cases well I eventually I hope too! Basically I throught becoming enlightened to this Sport -hobby /activity - Dumpster diving - By Jvc's post have become an Inveterate DVD case collector " fREE IS free " Or is that Inverterbrate collector ? I always get those two things confused ? Wait I have a backbone must be the 1st. one LOL! I do it for the fun - once you start it gets kinda habit forming and to eliminate the cost of buying dvd cases from this hobby ( DVD Burning) of ours. If you buy them at wallyworld they're like $1.00 each even if you buy online cheaper than that way cheaper but Free is cheaper than cheap - Also most of the cases Blockbuster throws out are heavy duty ( the lockable ones) particularly and they would be very expensive if you bought them yourself ! And your recycling to boot ! Sorry if I wandered from your main question but it may help explain the lure and lore of dumpster diving better ! good luck 21Q & Happy Diving !
  11. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    I know your out there , I can hear you breathing !
  12. kabledog

    kabledog Member

    Jun 22, 2006
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    There is no need to go dumpster diving at your local BlockBuster. Do what I do, just say your are from local college and explain too them that you are finding cases for your school video program. If they are like my BlockBuster, you will be instructed to come once a week (usually Wednesday's) and pick up a shit load of cases.
  13. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @BIGTOXY69 ... the "heavy breather" ... that would be me. I found a VERY good movie LOL!

    Someone has sparked my interest; indeed, I've thought and thought about this: why would there be a lock on a VCR or DVD case?
  14. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    i'm in a new city for school and haven't had a chance yet to go dumpster diving, but i will as soon as i can ^.^
  15. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @wolfboy....you're not going to school in some sort little town that enforces the law with nazi-like vigor, are you?

    I ask because Ireland recently posted an article about these two guys from Wayne PA (about an hour or so west of Philly) who got six months in the clink for going through some restaurant's dumpster. I never knew it was illegal!

    Edit: Aus, you use AD buddies from time to time, don't you? If so, what are the best times to check it out? I've checked it out a couple of times but it seems to be a real dud everytime I've tried it. Do you suppose I have body odor?
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 16, 2006
  16. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    actually, they do, ger. but that's the reason god gave me fast legs and the ability to climb a chainlink fence like a ferret ^.^

    i can't access the irc channel from school, as the *cough cough* magnificent IT services have banned it, but i can tell you the times from when i could. i'd say about 8-9 in the morning, your time, and again from about 8-10 at night.
  17. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    The locks on the Blockbuster DVD cases are there so you can't open the case in the store and steal the disc and put the case back with the sensor that sounds the alarm. Believe me there is NO way to remove that yellow slide stick-lock without their tool(magnets)and that case will not open with it in place. Quite ingenious. I cut a locked one open at home that was empty, that they had given me.
  18. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @garmoon...I see; had to be some sort of logical explanation and I've never been to blockbuster video. You know, I don't recall ever going to any video store where they actually keep the DVD or the VHS Tape in the box...the box is empty...you bring the empty to the counter and they'll bring the disc or tape from the storge are. Maybe that's just a philly thing. Hope you're well and having a great weekend! ... Gerry

    @Auslander ... I can see it now ... all these hi tech security devices and surveillance cameras to thawrt the garbage thief! Just be careful...we don't want Andy Taylor and Barnie Fife catchin' up with you!
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 16, 2006
  19. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    No, gerry1, that was called the "Dark Ages." LMAO
  20. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    On the Magic Yellow case lock @ BLOCKBUSTER ! Found 30+ Dvd cases with the movies and the Wambo Doojie yellow lock stick still in them ! Note ( Found as in dumpster ) and managed to save 2 dvd cases out of all of those with the stick lock coming out quite easy . Must have not been set properly. The others succumbed to hand tools and brute force ( Makes Tim allen Caveman Noise ) in hindsight a dremel tool and an assortment of cutters /bits would have speeded up the job and save some wear & tear on my hands & fingers but it got done !Git'R' done LOL! You may also be on the lookout for generic blockbuster covers stapled together kind of like an envelope ! found two of these Care packages and each contained a dvd movie in playable shape ! One was It's a wonderful life & the Other was some Hindi ( Bollywood? ) B&W movie . Go figure ? Good luck and Happy Diving !! CIAO!!

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