dumpster diving !

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Digerati8, Jul 6, 2005.

  1. RippDogg

    RippDogg Regular member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    I'll be utilizing the Hands-Free Headlamp by Ronco this evening. It offers 100,000 watts of daylight while allowing you the flexibility to maneuver around and under trash that is unusable and, in my opinion, wasteful. It comes in a stylish, yet compact unit in a variety of colors, including black, grey, and Blockbuster yellow.
  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    go with Blockbuster yellow & they might think you are an employee & give you all their empty cases.
  3. blivetNC

    blivetNC Regular member

    Nov 8, 2005
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    Now how do I tie this topic's title into another dig at the guy from Ohio, I know,
    Hey Rob, what does lots of treasure and Pete Rose's carreer have in common?
    They both can be found in a dumpster!
    Congrats to Cal for getting where he belongs by the way.
    Welcome to AD by the way Rippdogg.
  4. RippDogg

    RippDogg Regular member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    Thanks blivetNC...Went to Blockbuster after work at 430am. I remember crawling into the dumpster but everything after that is drawing a blank. I woke up at 1100am on my living room floor amidst a pile of 43 single movie cases, 31 game cases, and 4 doubles. What a party. Woo-hoo!
  5. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    RippDogg- Yeah ! sometimes even the smell of garbage can be intoxicating !!! Though the trick is not to grow to like it too much LOL! you know your hooked when you start buyimg equipment just for dumpster diving ! Don't laugh ! It could happen?( Reachers, collapse-able garden rakes ect... The most important piece of equipment though are garbage bags ! where you gonna put all them cases , games, movies ect... Sometimes you can luck out and find some boxes in the dumpsters ! & sometimes the cases are already in them rare but it happens - once found a medium size box with about 20 odd dvd movies in it and another 12-13 on top ! all were in good shape except the locking gadget was still jammed in the cases ! That was a painful ( relatively anyway ) learning experience ! I ended up destroying those cases to get the movies ! Lucky for me I had a supply of extra dvd cases around ! He ! Hee ! Heee!!!!! If your really ,really lucky you may even find the Mythical Grail of Dumpster Diving ( The clear Plastic bags that JVC talks anout ) These will be full of dvd cases and hopefully near the top of the dumpster ! And while this does happen & my local Blockbuster does use those self-same clear bags ! In my experience anyway I've found that my local Blockbuster just dumps the cases in the dumpster loose most times either that or the bags break ! And those bags are delicate too -not designed for heavy plastic dvd cases in quantity! They seldom double bag ! most times If I find cases in garbage bags they're two's & fews mixed with trash ! the one-time I did find one of them clear bags of DVD cases ! My wife was actually the one who spotted the bag ( My Wife I think I'll keep her !!!!!) right near the top of the dumpster so it was grab and go ! Well RippDogg and all of our other Dumpster-kateers I wish you all safe, happy & sucsessful diving as we DIVE into this New Year (BAD PUN !SORRY!!!) And let us not forget the inspirational or Irrational words(I get those two confused) of our Pontificating potentate of Plastic & Deacon Of Dumpster Dareing Do !!! JVC " FREE IS FREE !!!!!!" later my friends !!!!!
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2007
  6. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    Thanks RippDogg!!!!! and fortunately for me that god is Buddah ! so I fit the profile atleast in body type LOL!- Naw I'm just a man like any other ! & No offense to the buddhist out there okay ! It's a Joke on me Okay !!!!!!!! Luckily no one has figured out my true secret identity ? Quick into a nearby dumpster ( Loud Rumblings , Banging noises , lightning flashes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) - Look there behind Blockbuster perched on the lip of that dumspter ! is it chewbaca in a cape ? a large dog with a really oversized bandana on ?, A giant mutant Orangutan who just can't give up his WubbY ? No ladies & gentleman & children of all ages it's ,it's Super Sasquatch!!!! . Able to leap into small dumpsters in a single bound !bigger ones with a little help!!! He's got Loco- motives ( he crazy Yo!) Faster than a slow blocknuster employee ! able to carry many Dvd cases in a single bag ! . All the while maintining his other identity as a easy going mild mannered employee of a major transportation industry ! ( name changed to protect my job LOL!) Super Sasquatch - Wherever there are dvd cases being thrown away he'll be there !whenever perfectly good dvd cases getting stuck together with coca cola residue all over them he'll be there !, Whenver DVD cases are like a $1.00 ea. at Wallyworld - he'll be in the dumpster again ! Like a wandering nomad -he tirelessly prowls the domain of his territory ! looking here & there , High & low so that no dvd case goes unrescued ! It's a thannkless job , I know but thanfully he's here to do it !!!!!! It could be worse I, er' I mean he could have ended up living in a van down by the River ! LOL! - Be jolly -Stay amused ! & remember 2 things "free is free-JVC" & Beware of the Sasquatch ! LOL! -Peace Out!
  7. RippDogg

    RippDogg Regular member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    ...and legend holds that JVC did walk among the peoples, the tribes of DVD, and of PS3 and of Wii, and said he, "Go unto thy dumpsters and gather unto thyself the outcast and inconsequential." And the peoples went out onto the land, and on that day many cases were saved.
  8. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @Rippdog ... let me joing the others in welcoming you to afterdawn; judging by your last post, you seem like one of the crowd already.

    This is one of my favorite threads even if I no longer get the opportunity to engage in any real dumpster diving. I didn't dive for DVD cases but I'm sure we're of the same ilk all the same. My best to all of you and may your every dive be a productive one :)

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 11, 2007
  9. JVC

    JVC Active member

    Apr 11, 2004
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    LOL y'all!
    I did my first dive in a long time, last night and came up empty handed!
    I'm getting extremely short on cases..... :eek:(

    Still waiting to hear about your remote. :eek:)
  10. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    its 11:30 here in cincinnati. just geting off work.. take me a half hour to get home.. right up the street is a blockbuster. be around midnight. they will be closed and i will be in the dumptser... will post in the morning with my findings... good night all..
  11. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    cincyrob- Made about two dumpster checks since my latest Retrieval & sofar just trash ! May go back today though ! good luck to you in any case -pun unintended !
  12. tbiggs

    tbiggs Guest

    hey guys ive had great success with blockbuster in and around flint & detroit michigan , over the last year or so i bet ive pulled out 20k plus , they use clear bags up here and almost everytime i am out makeing my rounds i am lucky enough to find severale clear bags loaded with hundreds of empty dvd cases , ive also found severale hundred vhs movies , severale ps2 games and about a dozen working movie dvd's .

    so dont be discoraged if u go and find nothing , just keep checking back every night till it pays off ,

    i have turned my collecting adventure into a small bizz at the mounthly pc show that we have here in flint by sellin the dvd cases for .50 , doubles for a 1.00 or 10 for 7.00 lol , ive made enough money to keep me full of blank media so it has payed off for me ,

    i have so many now that i only go dumpster hoppin once or twice a mounth .

    im sure most of you wouldnt dream of opening up a dumpster even if there was a bag with 10k cash in it lol , but what u should know is that there is only paper , boxes, plastics, etc in blockbusters dumpsters , ive never opend one up and found rotting decaying trash , better bet if that were the case nobody would be doin it lol ,

    with haveing a family raising two daughters and keepin the wife clothed i have almost 0 funds for me to spend on my computer hobby so this has been the ticket for me , im glad i bumped into this thread last year as i would of never ever in a million years thought to look in BB dumpster for cases lol .

    my mum buys about a half dozen dvd's a week and ive taught her how to back them up so that my brothers small boy will stop destroying her origanels , and little does she know that her favorite son has been giveing her packs of garbage to srore dvd's in lol , i figure if im suplyin the blank media , ink and cases , then she gets what she gets !!

    well thats my 2 cents , take care all and best of luck in 2007!!!
  13. RippDogg

    RippDogg Regular member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    It's pure genius...I would BUY cases from you...right up there with burning garbage for fuel. See, that's what I like about this site....always innovating. AD should start it's own political party; they'd wipe out the deficit within a year. Then again maybe not....it might backfire and the brain-sucking result would take us back to reel-to-reel. Now if we could only figure out a way to salvage CMC's into something useful.
  14. wonderboy

    wonderboy Guest

    I've read this thread about a dozen times but never dived in. Well me and my family have been tight with cash as of late and I decided I would take a look in the BB dumpster and see what I could find....low and behold I looked in this Tuesday and bam!!! I found 113 single dvd cases, 26 double dvd cases, 4 xbox cases, 3 PS2 cases, and 1 dvd movie that actually worked..(the movie click). I think I will be going every week now. by the way it took me two days to get around to counting and Keeping track of the number of cases... JVC thank you!

    Free is Free!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 12, 2007
  15. RippDogg

    RippDogg Regular member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    TELL IT BROTHER!!! Can I get an Amen?
  16. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    well my trip this time wasnt so good..got a whooopin headache fro
    om this trip a big goose egg. not a thing other than a display for a spiderman game that i gave to my son...lol i even went by hollywood video and nothing there either... have to give it a go again tonight..
  17. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    RippDogg, edit your sig to conform to forum specs ASAP!!
    2. An image-only signature should be less than 50kb in size, and be at most 500 pixels wide and 200 pixels tall.
    4. If you want to use both text and image in your signature the image should not be more than 500 pixels wide and 100 pixels tall, and you can use up to three lines of text.

  18. RippDogg

    RippDogg Regular member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    Friggin Yankee fans.
  19. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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  20. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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