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dumpster diving !

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Digerati8, Jul 6, 2005.

  1. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    neptune- Maybe your devilish Charm! ,stellar wit ! and Mighty trident were too much for her last time ? & she's is recooperating ! LOL! Better Luck next Time neptune!!!!! WoNder where oh! where could she be? Hint! hint! -Somewhere in this frozen tundra is My Neptune Manager Lady and by God I'm gonna find her! lol!!!!!!!! Time to load your Tundra Shepard in your Toyota Tundra Truck and ? Go Trudging across the Tundra ,Mile after Mile !!!!!!!!! My apologies to the late Frank Zappa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL!

    Last edited: Mar 10, 2007
  2. blivetNC

    blivetNC Regular member

    Nov 8, 2005
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    To paraphrase Frank,
    "Frank isn't dead, he just smells awfully funny right now"
    (in reference to a jazz is dead comment)
  3. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    blivetNC- Well spoken Father Oblivion ! Kinda makes me wanna do the Mudshark all Over again ! And lets not Forget National lamppons Tribute to John lennon ! - Yoko is a Concept By which we measure our pain !LOL! You gotta respect the man Though ! Who else could come up with Titles like Prelude To an evening with a Sexually aroused Gasmask! ,Yellow Snow , and Gregory peccari /Billy The mountain! Of his Progeny ? DWeezil a Good guitarist But lacks personality ! Moon unit Hot in an encino Kinda way and Loads of Personality ! Ahmet well he just plain out there !!!!!!!!! Gotta Go The Central Scrutinizers Coming back again Later !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2007
  4. blivetNC

    blivetNC Regular member

    Nov 8, 2005
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    Yeah Toxy, get back on the bus, shuddup and play yer guitar, ah, be careful of them flesh ripping weasels. Look out for wet spots if you are sitting next to the penguin in bondage. Be wary of those nicely made cheesily made appliances that lurk in the closet.
    Good music to listen to on your way back to Montana, back to your dental floss ranch.
  5. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    You forgot to mention My cowboy shirt, and MY Pygmy Pony ! Now where did I put them Zircon Encrusted tweezers !maybe Opal Has'em LOL!Where's My Waitress ? I could sure Go for a Pancake Breakfast right about Now ! Does Dental Floss Get Lonely ?and if it Does ? Does it call any Vegetable? ,Call It by name !Keep it Down I have Children Sleeping in here ! I'm calling The police !!!! Oh well Say hello To Nanook ! Time to head back to the Short Forest ! Watch out for the Toads & Baby Snakes !!!!!!!!!! what was that Uncle Remus? LOL!
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2007
  6. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    Alrighty Then! - It appears That The Luck of The Pontificating Potenate Of Plastic ,DuKe Of DumpsterDom !, Grand Poobah & Lord High Everything Else !!! {JVC } Was with me today on my excursion to my Favorite or atleast my Regularly Visited Blockbuster Dumpster! I make a Peek inside the Cinderblock cell that They had Incarcerated Poor Dumpy in ( The dumpster) the doors /gates with the Keep out signs were open And right on top was one of them Mythical Clear Plastic Garbage bags that He=JVC talks about ! It had Plenty cases in it Mixed with some trash so I just took the Whole thing! To the Squatchmobile threw in in the bed of the truck and got back in and said Away ! Wife-Wonder To the Squatch-cave ! Okay I really Just grabbed the bag and brought it home to sort out ! but That does'nt sound as intersting or funny ? Anyways after sorting Trash from Gold ( DVD cases) I had a Total of 58 cases (20 singles ) +(38Doubles) The Doubles were all The Protector . I checked all of the cases all empty other than Crap coupons & insert garbage ! Most if not all had the original covers though some were Wet ( it rained today about 3 or 4 times ? So I tossed those covers & kept the rest ! Not a Big haul But not a bad day for the Doubles! The doubles are the standard One on each side of the case type ( Not Flapper cases) But That's Cool as well ! Anyway Now you all have something or someone to talk about ? So Get to it ! Hope everyone Is Getting Some ! { cases I mean } good luck and happy & safe Diving y'all!
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2007
  7. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Where are we getting some??? Oh! Sorry didn't see that we were talking about cases. lol

    Went to my normal DUMPY as BT69 would call it and found 11 normal cases and one of the square milky white ones they use for rentals. Not to bad since we've been case dry for the last 3 trips. I let the kid run around in there again but I need to next time cause he ain't got a clue when it comes to systematically searching a dumpster. I'm not the Pro that JVC or BT69 are but I got my methods. LOL. Good haul tho, 3 covers that I can use, no doubles but a booger green one and a clear one. ;-)

    btw how does one become so good as to drive up to the Dumpy and the cases have already jumped into a plastic bag for you???? Just trying to clear things up. hehehe.

  8. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    thats what BB uses for there garbage is the clear bags... thats all ya gotta look for is the clear garbage bags. i myself went to a BB today not my normal one, but one by my nephews school so i said hey let me stop in and look see... 6 cases all with covers of the movie CLICK. nice little grab.. got them home to clean them up and what to my suprise. in one of the cases theres the original movie.....not bad at all 6 cases and 1 movie. i havent checked to see if it plays but it looks fine... going to hit up my local dive tonight after work...
  9. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    i went to my local dive. i looked in and seen a few of them protector cases. i jump in get about 15-20 of them. move around some bags what do i see about 30 or 40 more cases half the protector and the other half school for the scoundrels.... got me a box and filled it up. got out and put it in the car. went back to the dive make sure i didnt miss anything. seen a few loose case's, so i went back in to get the loose ones...got back in and moved or tried to move a big box. and what to my disbeleif. a whole box of cases must be a 100 of them all new releases....i bet i have 150-200 cases... ill take pics in the morning to show off some..lol

    DIVER DOWN!!!!!!!.
    FREE IS FREE!!!!!!!!
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2007
  10. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    NOW that's what I'm talking about. LOL. I've been waiting on that kind of haul. I'm happy with my 6 here, 11 there and 25 over there. LOL.

    Great find my friend, you're gonna have to start an eBay business with all those cases you been finding. hehehe.

  11. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    as i promised. here are the pics of the big haul lastnight...
    this is all of them. 162 cases. 48 of them are double cases.
    100 in this box.
    62 in this box. all casesfor school for scoundrels and the Protector..
    the box with 100 in it was packed just like it is i didnt touch it other than picking that big present out from the big metal christmas tree(dumpster)..lol
  12. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Remember that you have some friends here in DUMPSTER land that would love to have some of those covers. LOL.

    That is truly unfair my friend. I keep hoping as they say to find the bag of goodies or the boxed present. hehehe.

    Again nice haul buddy.

  13. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    CIncyRob & Greensmen - That's true Blockbuster! does use those Clear garbage Bags . But Unfortunately They tend to Self destruct Like the tape recorders on the Original Mission Impossible series ! Yep! you have to have a deft and gentle hand or it's a massive bag explosion ! My regular Blockbuster tends to either Dump'em Loose Or the bag burst upon contact with the dumpster ! occasionaly I get Bag Full without a rupture happening during the extraction ! I found about 30 Movies in the case already in a box myself once @ same Dumpster & several trips later or maybe even a few months later I got like 60 Movies - 1st time was after Halloween -Lot's of scary Movies & I think the second Big Movie haul was around Xmas _ variety of movies & Xmas Comedies ! Maybe I'll make another big movie hit soon ? ( I have a Dream !!!!) anyway Great Going CincyRob -Good thing you did'nt retire To Cleveland ? ( EARTHQUAKE ) ? or maybe somebody ate some bad Berries LOL! & Greensmen maybe you should lead by example for a few trips and then the Sprouts will catch on better? But any case you find is another you don't have to buy so ! Feetz UP! head Down ! & practice ,practice Practice! Ciao!
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2007
  14. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    ok now, to make a good dive a great one.. i was takeing the covers out of the cases. i had about 17 of them that were the movie Invincible. BAMMMMMM had the movie still in the case. poped it in my player and it wrks fine..lol how ya like that?? i still have about 30 scases to go through.
  15. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Alright cincyrob Lagasse. LOL. Nice find there buddy. It just keeps gettin better doesn't it.

    Where Oh Where is my dumpster find?????

  16. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    cincyrob- " free Is Free " says "JVC !!!!" The only thing better than getting a bargain is getting it free ! Good luck on your MovieQuest ! Another Sign or Symptom you can look for that usually means the DVD/Movie /Game /Software -whatever ? is still in the case atleast at Blockbuster is If you get the Lockable cases out of the Dumpster & the Magic Wambo Doojie Yellow /Blue / or whichever color it is Locking stick/mechanism is still in the case Then about 99% of the time you've got the movie too! Sometimes they jam up ? & blockbuster just chucks the whole shebang !{ SheBang ! ,SheBang !!!} & you thought That William Haung ! Could'nt sing !!!? Sometimes they come right out easy & sometiimes it's surgery time But with a few tools and some patience The case and movie can be saved !So far atleast I've never found a dumpstered case that had The lock intact thatdid'nt have the movie too !What makes me sick is when they through the case,movie,& cover out all together & you open the case and see the DVD Label then Pop out the disc and It's either Been Scratched into next Tuesday or they've run it through The (Dimple-ator!!!!!! & it won't be back ! Found 100 + copies of CRASH awhile back with The dvd still in the case ! all but Three had met their Untimely Death BY DIMPLE-ATION ! It's not that I liked the movie all that much ? I thought it tanked ! But I could've sold 'em off or pawned them for cash ? But I got the cases anyway ! & a free T-shirt From The Neptune manager Girl ! Of cousre it does'nt Come in sasquatch sizes so I gave it To my Step-Daughter Who looks better in it than I would anyway ! Anyhow Might Go Back Thursday & check again ! As Borat Would say " Is Nice ,I like !!!" CiaO! America!!!!
  17. rulisky

    rulisky Regular member

    Apr 26, 2006
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    OK. So I made my first excursion into dumpster land today. Found 7 empty cases and 3 bags of cardboard/pasteboard things; must be hundreds of them. Each one is about 5.5 x 8 inch with pictures of the movies on them. I guess they are the "shelf labels" where BB puts up their rentals. Near perfect condition; several with multiple copies and look like never used.

    Other than being a curiosity for a movie you might have, are these of any interest to others?

    Which day is best for diving - Tuesday or Wednesday?

    What time is best - morning, afternoon, or evening?

    Might have been covered, but then I have not read all 40 pages in this thread.
  18. neptune

    neptune Regular member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    hmmm . maybe i should get a job on a garbage truck then i would be able to find all the loot.not a good week for me. boss says on monday go home lol.then i call the manager where i got the last ton and she said i just gave them to a lady about 3 hours ago.i have no luck.maybe better luck next week.
  19. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    neptune- Maybe she was'nt that impressed with youR mighty Trident and Kingly Charm ? as you previously Thought ! On the Boss/Work Issue Not permanently I hope ? And Remember Unless Your CincyRob Nobody hit's everytime the go Dumpstering ? well maybe JVC But he started the ball rolling ! On Your revamped Signature? - maybe I had'nt re-read it till Now ? Kind of reMinds me of That Army Or marine Corps ? Saying about My Rifle " This is My Rifle ! there are many others Like it it ! But This One is Mine !" - How about" This is my Dumpster There Are may others like it & They're Mine too !!!" Greed is Good LOL!!!!! Just Kidding!-"This is My Dumpster There are many others like it So Spread Out ( Moe Stooge )" - Quiet Numbskulls I'm broadcasting !!! LOL just Kidding !!! " This Is Agent Charles From the FCC ! Please Reduce your Power and Step Away From the Transmitter ! This is not a Drill ? On a Lighter Note Tina Nordstrom is back on Pbs - I just love it when she talks in swedish ! Oh well - as they say in sweden - "GerFlarken Nargen Gooble Flargen? " Okay They don't actually say that But it sounds like that" Like the swedish Chef on the muppet show !!!! Well Later then I suppose ? Good Day & Good Diving !!!! SkOal /Ciao !
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2007
  20. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    its more along the lines "This is my rifle, This is my Gun. this is For fighting this is for fun" yup have said that alot when i was in the army... dont ever call your rifle a "gun".....lol flash back there..lol

    well i went through the rest of the cases. no more movies.. so i guess it was a ok dive. 162 cases about 40 of them double sided, and 1 movie itself...

    i dont hit it big every time i go in the bush(dumpster) i just brag/get loud about it when i do...lol.... its to the point now i dont need the cases really. i just like doing it to see how many i can get so i can bring them to show and tell here.....

    how many covers do ya want greensman, which ones...

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