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dumpster diving !

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Digerati8, Jul 6, 2005.

  1. saugmon

    saugmon Senior member

    Oct 9, 2004
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    No blockbuster for me,but I've got a confession. I've been dumpster diving for Pepsi/Coke/and Dr Pepper bottle caps, LOL. Dumpsters,trash hoppers,recycling drums,etc. I even get a few empty HP ink cartridges-fetching $3 apiece at staples.

    I only won a shirt through pepsi's call your play out of 355 codes, UGGH! I should have ebayed all 700 of those darn orange caps.

    Anywho,coke rewards are still going on,but only allowed 10 codes per day.

    I've been diving in a large recycleable bottle box at work during my break times.Lots of caps and a lot of buy1/get 1 free caps that got thrown away. Then I scan the tops of the trash hoppers.

    There's a large horse trailer for cardboard at the small town I last lived in.That's where I get the 12 pk box codes-worth a lot more points. Last week, I saw a coke box but couldn't reach it. I went to the other side to push it toward the other side-which had the largest opening. Then reached in there on got 2 coke boxes. I came out without my rams hat, UGGH! The hat is gone until they empty that trailer.

    What's Ironic about losing that hat,it's the hat I won last year in pepsi's NFL hat program on their bottle caps, LOL.
  2. ChrisC586

    ChrisC586 Regular member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    Just got back from BB 87 cases with movies, going back after closing, there's another couple of hunded sitting there tonight. Chris
  3. saugmon

    saugmon Senior member

    Oct 9, 2004
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    Nearest BB is over an hour away for me.
    Congrats on the find.
  4. Ofnir1

    Ofnir1 Regular member

    Jan 25, 2005
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    Hey all, I'm trying to dumpster dive more often now. Few nights ago, I found a stand-alone DVD player in an apartment dumpster, haven't checked yet to see if it works though. The tray hangs out and won't go in, but I bet I can fix it.

    I got a question for fellow dumpster divers, what stores have you tried and was there anything good to take? I've been wanting to hit up Office Depot, Big Lots, Big 5, Bi-Mart, and maybe K-Mart. Not sure if they have locked dumpsters or not, but I'd still like to try my luck lol
  5. SolShrike

    SolShrike Member

    Aug 28, 2005
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    While I haven't posted in QUITE some time, I thought I would share this little tidbit of information with you all (Hi Toxy!!). I work for a local Staples and while we DO lock our dumpster after every tossing out, we did have an occasion where 10 packs of black empty standard (not the slim) DVD cases were being sent back to the vendor because of a defect or something... except there was actually nothing wrong with them, short of the paper label on the front with the UPC code had a misspelled word. The price of them had dropped down to like 27 cents for a 10 pack, so before the 20 packs we had could go back to the vendor, I quickly bought them all and hoarded them like a dragon hoards their gold lol

    While not a dumpster find, I thought I would share this with you all :)
  6. 21Q

    21Q Regular member

    Jun 23, 2006
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    The other day I got a computer from a friend that was in great condition , but was never used as they had newer better computers. When i turned it on I was surprised to see that it was a p4, 384mb ram, 60gb hd, dvd-rom, cd-rw, agp graphics, and firewire pci port.

    I added in 256bm more ram and put in a sound card was well as a tv tuner card. Now all I need are some decent speakers. I also got a small bluetooth chip for my laptop. A dell bluetooth 350.
  7. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    well well well,then I am glad too hear people are starting to dive again ! last Dive /reach in I made I got 2 cases a Mountain dew/Anti-freeze colored translucent one and a regular Blockbuster lockable not much I know but it still was Free !!! Have'nt had much time to dive lately with holidays , Black Friday, christmas shopping , Dr.'s Visits ect... But I still look anyways ! I'm a little sore right now because I had a minor Procedure done yesterday and it's going to take a few days to heal ! nothing to worry about though Other than being sasQuatch sized I'm as healthy as one!According To the Dr./ large animal Veternarian !!!!!!!! So that's about it for me lately. It's also good to see some of the gang posting that I haven't heard from in awhile - S0lshrike , Saugmon, 210Q ect... hope all your dives are productive and your Holidays are happy !!!! Cheers !!!!!!!!!!
  8. SolShrike

    SolShrike Member

    Aug 28, 2005
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    My holidays are always happy Toxy! :D Especially when its a paid holiday week... lol
  9. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    SolShrike- There I am officialy Jealous ! We Get Xmas EVE & XMAS day , & new Years eve & new Years day Paid holidays But you get the whole week? Your my hero Buddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Cheers!!!
  10. saugmon

    saugmon Senior member

    Oct 9, 2004
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    I come from a family of dumpster divers, LOL.

    Gramps was a dumpster diver down in Dayton Oh. When I was younger,I told him to save his aluminum cans for me. That's the only way I got money when I was a youngun. Well a couple weeks went by and gramps called to tell us he had some cans. When we drove down there,he had trashbags of cans lining his entire garage. Took 2 truckloads to get them all.

    He'd run into some good stuff while diving. He gave us bowling balls,golf clubs,even a tackle box filled with lures/sinkers/and hooks. He lived close to low income housing,and when the families would fight,the women would throw all their hubbies belongings into the dumpsters, LOL. I didn't want him dumpster diving just for me,but he said it gave him and his wife something to do.

    He had plenty of $$ after running his own moving business,plus being very tight. He and my step grandma Mabel would go dumpster diving while on vacation to florida. One day he saw an old-wealthy woman staring at him. Holding some cans,he yelled out, Hey Maybel,we're eating good tonight!!
  11. SolShrike

    SolShrike Member

    Aug 28, 2005
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    Oh yes Toxy, its a full week. :) All the overtime I've put in has paid off, finally... :) Plus working Christmas Eve (which I don't mind) means that I get first dibs on all of the stuff that goes on sale Boxing Day, super cheap.

    There IS a method to my madness after all... lol! :)
  12. ChrisC586

    ChrisC586 Regular member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    AAAHHH dumpster Gods are shining tonight! Stopped at my main sqeeze and got 150 cases just reachin in, theres more gold in that thar dumpster filled pretty well full with empty cases,8" of snow no jacket and my tennis shoes got wet.Stopped on a whim on my home from work,now changing clothes ,puttin on the boots and jacket and a divin in with aroll of big trash bags. ah that adrenaline rush is back. Chris
  13. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    And now for something Completely different ! Been a full week for me too! The 10th was my birthday, the 11th was a Visit to the cardiologist- the 12th was a 1day trip to the Hospital for a angiogram , - I'm alright ( thank's fer asking !!!) the 13th was me recouperating and Friday back to work !!!!But today I went Diving at my main Dumpster & got Three Medium sized Bags full of DVD/Game Cases ( Mostly PS-2 ) I'had'nt gotten to sorting and counting 'em just yet but I'll post a follow up when I get to it !It was pretty much a reach and grab moreso than an actual dive but whatever works right ? the bags were right up top I grabbed the first and then spied the second and then a third so I portaged them back to the truck/Urban Assault Vehicle- A.K.A paw paw's pickup ! and rolled it on back to the sQuatch-Cave !!!! So all in all it's been a Good Day or to Paraphrase IceCube " Damn! right itwas a good day!!! " Cheers & Merry Christmas!!!Y'all
  14. 21Q

    21Q Regular member

    Jun 23, 2006
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    I got an ethernet switch from a school dumpster. Now I can connect more computers to the net. For some reason, when I connected another router to the network, every other computer was kicked off the net. But this solves it!
  15. ChrisC586

    ChrisC586 Regular member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    Went back and filled up the car with garbage bags and still left some! Ended up with 687 empty cases maybe 30 game cases.Now I have a heap big problem. Time to make furniture out of dvd boxes, or maybe a house! Merry christmas to all. Chris
  16. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    Way To go Chris !!!! Apparently you had a really " Good'n yourself !!!! I finally tallied up my haul from yesterday 160including about 10 of The Booger Green ones 2 white ones and about 4 doubles ! it's not as big as your haul I know but it'll keep me in cases for awhile and as our "Pontificating Potentate !!!, Grand PoohBa & Lord High Everything -else JVC would say "FREE is Free !!!!" Besides we don't have those Pentagon Sized dumpsters down here!! we'unz just poor Country Folks Ya' Know - all down home and swampie -like so they don't give us them big dumpster's ! They's afraid we put a big Mercruiser on it and go Shrimping LOL!!!!!!!!!!anyways - Cheers & Merry Christmas to ya!
    PS#1 let me know if you come up with any furniture Designs LOL!!!!
  17. saugmon

    saugmon Senior member

    Oct 9, 2004
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    Not much luck for me today. A dozen coke caps including 2 pepsi buy 1/get 1 free caps at work. Then only 1 coke cap in the recycling dumpster and 0 12pk/24 pk cartons. I gotta find some more recycling centers and hope they let me go through their cardboard, LOL.
  18. RippDogg

    RippDogg Regular member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    BIG-T, hope you're feeling okay. That heart stuff can be a bit unnerving. You need to stop eating those high cholesterol morsels found during late-night dives. Lord knows it's tempting to curl up in a pile of trash with a few hundred cases and a bag of half-eaten fries, but you must resist. I generally try to find Baked Lays or something...
  19. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    well happy belated B=day bigguy...and glad to hear your ticker is still a ticking...and thats no jokeing matter there.

    going to my reliable(not so reliable lately) dive tonight.prolly the last time until after x-mas....

    Ripdog havent seen ya in a while. how ya been???

    CHris. good haul there buddy. been a while since i had a big one myself. maybe santa's elves will have left me something in the great x-mas dumpster tonight. i have bee na good little dumpster diver this year...

  20. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Hope you're feeling good now, Sha, for Papa Noel's coming. Hope you had a good birthday (and any BD is good) and pass a Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année! Frisian. Hot boudin, cold couscous, come on Tigers push push push! Aieee. Laissez le Bon Temps Roulet. Off for 5 days. I will be way overservered!
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2007

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