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dumpster diving !

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Digerati8, Jul 6, 2005.

  1. JVC

    JVC Active member

    Apr 11, 2004
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    LOL........................ :eek:)
  2. nailedny

    nailedny Guest

    Tried the pizza dumpster again today. I thought I was going in head first but kept my balance. I took a friend with me. She doesn't burn or dive so she kept saying......there's nothing in there. I should have pushed her in with the sauce. NO BEES today so that was good. But with no bees also came no cases. I've had no good dives in days. Gonna try next week.......................maybe just maybe!!!! Oh and Big, I haven't made my grabber yet, which is why I almost went in. lol
  3. neodave

    neodave Regular member

    Aug 5, 2003
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    I gave up on my Blockbusters that share a dumpster with any food related place. They were just way more trouble than they were worth. A few of the ones I've found were in a box but the majority were in the clear trash bags. I think the bottom line is that persistence will pay off. I stop at a couple on my way to work in the morning. I usually find at least a couple and on a few occasions was almost late for work because I had hit the mother load!

    Good luck.
  4. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    neodaveI hear YOU ! I don't always hit the big Jackpot either so your not alone in that respect ! JVC. O' Prophetic Potenetate of Plastic ! see Master I have done well ! our er' I mean your evil genius knows no bounds !!! The infection ! oops! I mean the good word is speading even more quickly than we planned or then the CDC could have anticipated! ( CDC = COMPACT DISC COMMUNITY) Audio Fech!!! Soon the Sounds of " FREE IS FREE" will resound through out the land ! from glen to glen and down the mountainside! Sorry bad case of Danny Boy ! Earworm ! Burn KaDo Burn will replace the words Your welcome ! in our vocabulary ! and Peace and Happy Burning will replace the words Have a nice day! annd we shall live in AZo inspired bliss oh yes! NailedNY use the Sauce ! O' Queen ! Command your friend/ servant " theese are not the cases we're looking for "" ... The queen does not do Vhs ! That's so 1990's "" Perhaps oh queenie you coud get a small plunger cup and schtick it on the end of the broomstick and Play Dumpster Dalek ! Exterminate !! exterminate! !! Must retrieve cases Mallfunction ,Malfunction! Reset Data overide !! Sorry queen found out the Green Gunk on my Blockbuster cases was Psychedilic in more ways than just it's color ! well my fellow discipiles of the Dumpster it's time for your humble brother & servant to make another dumpster run ! though I don't think I'll find any cases where I'm going ! Remeber "" FREE IS FREE "" Peace& HappY burning ! PS Hey Queenie when have you ever heard of Bees stinging A Queen ! We outa ! here ! BURN KADO BURN!
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2005
  5. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    nailedny- I'm begining to see that your boat hook idea has merit ! Went to 2 Blockbusters got 2 cases at the 1st dumpster and a free t=shirt Rented a couple of movies and the Blockbuster Clerk Girl gave me a Free T- shirt in the plastic wrapping It advertises for the movie CRASH - It's a LG Tee Shirt Won't fit me so I gave it to my Daughter !What can I say My queen when your " Dead SEXY " they just can'thelp themselves can they? LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!! But back to the dumspter went to the 2cnd Blockbuster and managed to rescue 7 dvd cases from landfill obscurity! not a major haul by most standards ! but " FREE IS FREE " I tried using my old people grabber claw tool but it was.nt up to the wieght of a clear garbage bag with trash & cases in it! ended up snaring the bag with a antique crowbar I had in my truck and searched the bag for cases ! So whatever we devise OH Devine Deity of the Dumpster Divers it's gonna have to be sturdy ! also the Green Gunk is now chocolate gunk or atleast chocolate colored gunk ! Many things look like chocolate! so I hope it's just candy ! No odor so I think I'm safe there! And I ain't gonna taste it regard less! And now a little insect trivia " when bee's sting you they loose their stingers and some innards & they die !! Wasp however do not they can sting you over and over and over! God I hates Wasp !! The insects I mean Protestant's we cool with you! LOL!! anyway y'all hope all your dives are productive and insect free ! Peace & Happy Burning ! "" DIBE DIVE DIVE!!!!!!!!!!"
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2005
  6. nailedny

    nailedny Guest

    OH BIG, Sorry I missed all that excitement. I joined blockbuster online today, wonder what they do will ALL those cases?? They are around here somewhere. They now ship from a location close to me so I need to find out where they are hiding. Tomorrow evening I'm going to check out the 2 closest BB and if I don't find any I'll check back on Tues. If that's a no go I might take the bridge. This is way too stressful. lol. Still no boat hook........................
    ps I hate wasps too.
  7. MaxBurn

    MaxBurn Regular member

    Sep 9, 2005
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    I too was ready to join the happy masses who have found joy in dumpster diving. I did a quick recon today of Hollywood video and Blockbuster video dumpsters. Must have been trash day as not even a bee tried to stop me. Both dumpsters were completly empty with only 1 small bag of very real trash in each. I haven't given up yet. Will report back if i hit paydirt..
  8. nailedny

    nailedny Guest

    So let me ask.......Has anyone ever gotten caught by a Blockbuster employee in their dumpster???? And what do you say???
    Today was that day for me. Thanks God I didn't have a boat hook in my hand, Big. He asked if he could help me. (Sure you can, give me all your dvd cases.) "No" I said, "I was just looking for posters, someone told me you throw them away." "We throw them away about once a month, which one were you looking for," he said. "Oh nothing special," I said. "Oh did you want them for a kids room?" Yea that's it. How embarrassing, but free is free. NOT today thou...came up with nothing but a red face.
  9. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    nailedny- Sorry you got caught ! What a Royal Embarrassment That must of been ! LOL! luckily the main one I dive is behind and catacorner to the store plus it's surrounded by a cinderblock enclosure witha metal gate and say posted keep out ! What I do is clean out my truck paper, soda bottles ect. then I casually walk to the dumpster like I'm going to throw them away I am actually! so if anyone stops me I would say I'm just keeping the enviorment clean! I have'nt actually been caught yet so that's a moot point ! the other blockbuster I check the dumpster is right out front so I Saunter in buy a soda and stand by the dumpster drinking it ! and checking out the contents ! This store has no signs or containment walls around their dumpster so it's free access! got 7 cases last time I went though it was the first time I've gotten them from that dumpster! as to the legalities of dumpster diving not being a lawyer I would'nt take my advice as gospel but in the case of someone doing something illegal the police or whoever is after them may seize the contents of their trash can without the need for a warrant! which does'nt exactly apply here ! but If they are throwing out the cases and you are not destroying their property they should'nt be able to stop you! The court has ruled that you have no expectations of privacy once you put trash out ! Kind of like PUBlic Domain! Anyway Oh Saucy Queen of the Red Faced Regents ! Perhaps you should try hitting the Bins during off hours - less traffic , more time , no employees , bee's sleep at night ! just a thought and if they catch you again tell'em your hunting for aluminium cans ! then hit them with your SCEPTRE/BOATHOOK! And say we are not amused! Good Hunting, SAFE DIVING , Peace & happy Burning
  10. tls1

    tls1 Guest

    Nary I say that it is possible to ponder the possibility of finding empties at other video rental establishments?
  11. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    tls1- This is a excellent question ? I have checked one other chain of video stores/rental shops and as of yet I have come back empty ! but who's to say ? Though I would think that if they rent movies in lockable cases like Blockbuster does then they might also dump the original cases too ! like Blockbuster does !So you may want to check out those other Chains of Video stores to find out ! Could'nt hurt! anyways my friend tls1- Good luck , Good Hunting , Safe Diving & Happy BURNING! "FREE IS FREE"!!!!!!!
  12. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    Star date 09/20/2005 - " when the going Gets weird, the weird turn pro" Hunter . S .THompson ! Went to Blockbuster Well two of them and got 12 cases some lockable some not ! at the second one all I got was two COCA COLA 1/4 height milk crates plastic trays? apparently this particular Blockbuster shares it's dumpster either willingly or not with a clinic so is alawys awash in paper lots and lots of paper - no medical waste thank god ! I draw the line at body parts & dirty needles I don't need anything that bad even if it's free! wanted to check a third on but had family with me and they wanted to go home but I will look again later ! I usually have better luck on fridays or saturdays anyway ! but ya' never know ! anyway Good luck , Happy Hunting , Safe Diving & Happy Burning to my Dumpster diving pals ! And NailedNY here's a Idea get your boathook out the stop by the costume shop and rent/buy a little Bo 'PEEP outfit! Put it on and Dive to your hearts content if anyone ask what you are doing just tell them I'm looking for my sheep Damn it! what do you think I'm doing ! This should gaurantee you complete solitude or atleast a week stay at BELLVIEW ! LOL ! and just for added affect you could look at them all DOE - Eyed bat your Oh! so long eyelashes lick you lips provacatively and say BAA ,BAA , BAA !!! Damn I'm Good !!!!! The Secrets in The SAuce !
  13. josephga

    josephga Guest

    bb will give you the cases if you ask. they gave me 30 this morning
  14. stonie228

    stonie228 Member

    Mar 26, 2005
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    I got 35 dvd cases today at the BB dumpster. It was my first try and I was a little nerous. I even got 5 VHS cases. It gave me an awsome rush. I think Im addicted now only after one time. Does this get you people to feeling a little high also?
  15. josephga

    josephga Guest

    i dont see going into the dumpster when the store will give them to you for free if you just ask..
  16. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    stonie228- As Tony The tiger would say "That's Great !" you've done well ! High ? well that maybe from the paint thinner in the dumpster!LOL! Just Kidding My friend ! But I know what you are talking about ! it gets under your skin and in your in your blood ! (you have had your shots have'nt you) It's like winning a lotttery ! well okay maybe not winning a lottery exactly but maybe hitting a jackpot on a slot machine or picking the winning nnumbers on a football pool at work ! I would liken it to panning for gold ! you don't strike it rich all the time but you may fnd just enough to keep you digging ! and occasionaly You hit the MotherLode ! It's an Easter EGG Hunt just don't eat anything you find in the dumpster! josephga my friend you obviously don't get it ! No disrespect meant my friend ! What's the saying " For those who understand no explanation is necessary! and for those who don't no explanation will suffice!"It's like finding buried treasure ! The thrill of the chase , the smell of the hunt ! and Stale Garbage LOL! But I am an Open minded person and accept that other peoples Ideas are Fine ! ( AS LONG AS THET AGREE WITH ME! ) lol! just kidding ! Seriously though whatever gets you the cases and makes you happy it's a good thing ! whether is going Dumpster Diving or asking the Cute Blockbuster girl for some !(CASES I mean) Perahps we should start a new thread Called SOCIAL ENGINEERING ! or How to B.S. Your way into free DVD cases ! In either case My friend josephga Good luck and remeber the sacred chant"FREE IS FREE " Peace & happy Burning - Safe Diving Y'all CIAO
  17. josephga

    josephga Guest

    true free is free. the thing i find that cost the most when burning dvds is the ink for the printer to print out the dvd inserts.
  18. JVC

    JVC Active member

    Apr 11, 2004
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    Not all stores will give them to you if you ask!
    Before I ever checked the dumpster, for the first time, I asked in the store about the cases. The guy working, told me they were not allowed to give the cases to people, but he couldn't stop me from getting them from the dumpster. Both big hauls I've made, were in big clear plastic bags, and had been tied off, as if they were fixed for me............... Maybe that was his way of giving them to me?
    I don't know.
    I'm glad y'all are still finding them! Keep it up.
  19. nailedny

    nailedny Guest

    BIG...........little bo peep???? Are you kidding me? Wait, maybe that is a good idea, I think I have the costume. OR I could put on an old wonder woman costume, dive in and if caught say I am waiting for people who are going thru dumpsters looking for dvd cases. hahaha
    Free is free and if I don't find some cases soon I may go in and bat my baby blues and BEG. I wanted to go out tonight but it was dark, then I would need a flash light. Too much.....flash light, boat hook, step stool. What next?????
  20. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    nailedny- Put on your Wonder Woman outfit walk into blockbuster and tie up the clerk with your golden lasso ! Then order them to give you all their surplus cases ! Hmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wonder woman outfit tying people up ! Sounds Kinky ! wait for me ! LOL! flash light, boat hook, step stool. What next????? Might I suggest a DVD case sniffing dog That way the dog does all the hard work for you ! One question oh queen bee - wonder woman costume Early or late Model ? Peace Happy Hunting , safe diving ! Hapy burning ! & Now if only I can still fit in my invisible man outfit they'll never find me ! Peace Love & BBQ sauce!


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