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dumpster diving !

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Digerati8, Jul 6, 2005.

  1. neodave

    neodave Regular member

    Aug 5, 2003
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    Why oh why did you have to say anything about getting caught diving? I was up over 900 going into this week and not so much as a close call. And this week I was questioned on three seperate occasions. I started getting a little gun shy this week. Half of my diving is done around 7:00 in the morning. The three times I was confronted was around the lunch hour. So it's back to the early morning diving for me. I could be wrong but I think the main reason people care at all is because of the whole stolen identity thing. Maybe some think you're to cheap to pay for the trash service and are using their dumpster. Well the good news anyway is I found 140 this week putting me at 1000+. I will probably be back at it Monday morning. May the dumpster gods be with you.
  2. stonie228

    stonie228 Member

    Mar 26, 2005
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    What was said when confronted?

    Most of the ones I got still had the inside inserts in them.
  3. nailedny

    nailedny Guest

    Are you in my dumpster???? I haven't found anything in 2 weeks. Oh wait, yesterday I got ONE. I am so gun shy now and a nervous wreck. When I went yesterday I called my daughter and dove while I was on the phone with her. The bag I saw one in was too heavy to lift but I managed to climb on top of a lamp post and lean in. Then to only get one, are you kidding me?? I must also mention that I was trying to be quick cause I was afraid the guy was going to come out. I went back today and someone was out fixing a light so I made a u turn and got the heck out of there. Tell us Neodave, what did you say when you got caught?? We would all love to hear. I might go early tomorrow to avoid the staff.
  4. neodave

    neodave Regular member

    Aug 5, 2003
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    Thanks to you the poster story rolled out fairly quickly. She informed me that I'd be better off going to a theater. The next guy was peering at me while taking trash to another dumpster. He kinda sneaked up as to get a peek at what I was doing. I came out and asked 'can I help you?'. Kinda made me feel like he thought I was raping someone or dumping a body. He kinda tucked his tail and walked away saying 'I was just looking'. That guy made me quite mad. I was probably the one in the wrong but I confronted him in a rather mean manner. How dare he disturb my hobby. The other I don't remember very well so it must not have disturbed me that much. I'm going to try and forget about it altogether so I can continue without stress. Before any of that I never hardly gave it a thought. Many people have driven by in cars but I never make eye contact. Truth be told in todays society it is the obvious stuff that most people completly overlook.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2005
  5. nailedny

    nailedny Guest

    Neodave, Liked the poster story huh? I thought it was a good one. It is freezing here today so my 7 am run might turn into 9ish. I really need to go to the dumpster that is about 20 minutes away where I found about 104 weeks ago. Then nothing the next time I went. I am tempted to just stroll in and ask if they have any. BUT that is no fun. BIG, any other costume ideas? I've got it, why don't I just wait around until the trash men come and pretend I am with them. When they flip the dumpster into the truck, I can get a better view of the trash. They won't care UNLESS they burn. Oh well, I'll let you know if I have any luck anywhere, today.
  6. stonie228

    stonie228 Member

    Mar 26, 2005
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    Got fifty this morning @7:00 A.M. About 12 are the Xbox kind.

    @ BIGTOXY69 I think in this situation Tony would change his slogan from "great" to awsome.

    Good luck to all and may your dumpsters overflow with cases.
  7. neodave

    neodave Regular member

    Aug 5, 2003
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    I got 150 this morning all neatly packed in a clear trash bag for me. Sweet deal! Dive on people.
  8. JVC

    JVC Active member

    Apr 11, 2004
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    Congrats on the hauls, folks!
    My wife says that I've created a monster! :eek:)
  9. Jasper44

    Jasper44 Regular member

    Feb 5, 2005
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    DAAAMMN people. I usually buy my cases off ebay, but this dumpster diving of blockbuster is sweet. I wish I read this post earlier because my blockbuster converted to renting their movies in the original cases.

    I have a few questions:

    1. Do you guys still find cases at the converted blockbusters?
    2. Why do they throw the cases away because eventually they sell the movies?
    3. What do you guys say when you ask for cases? I would rather ask first then dive if they say no. Do you just simply say can I have some cases or do you sweet talk your way into it.

    4. Do you find cases at Hollywood video as well because I have one right by my house.
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2005
  10. JVC

    JVC Active member

    Apr 11, 2004
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    When BB sells the movies, they sell them in the lockable cases.
    Hollywood gets them from their home office, already in the lockable cases, so they don't have any to throw out.
  11. MaxBurn

    MaxBurn Regular member

    Sep 9, 2005
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    @JVC That may explain why i found nothing at my hollywood video dumpster. I haven't tried the local BB since last time i checked. Yeah, you can get these things cheap at such and such a place, but nothing is as cheap as [bold]FREE![/bold], and nothing is quite like the thrill of finding something thrown away, in perfectly good condition, that you were otherwise going to have to buy. Good luck diving everyone! :)
  12. nailedny

    nailedny Guest

    Ok so I didn't go out at 7 again today but I did go at 8. So much less stressful when BB is closed. 1st stop pizza and 10 cases. 2nd stop 2 cases. What the heck is going on? I figure it is 3 days worth of trash and that's all I get??? I will also mention, I did this diving in the rain. No need for a costume, just a baseball cap to keep the rain off my face.
  13. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    Jasper 44-3. What do you guys say when you ask for cases? I would rather ask first then dive if they say no. Do you just simply say can I have some cases or do you sweet talk your way into it. Having not asked yet I would be polite and inquisitive and Just ask what do you do with the original cases for the DVD'S Once you put them in the locking cases ? If they tell you we just throw them out Ask them if they have some now and can you have them please!!!!!!!!!!!!! if they tell you No then say thank you and hit the dumpster's atleast you can say you asked as per JVC our RESIDENT Potentate And Dumpster GURU !!!-Not all stores will give them to you if you ask!
    Before I ever checked the dumpster, for the first time, I asked in the store about the cases. The guy working, told me they were not allowed to give the cases to people, but he couldn't stop me from getting them from the dumpster. Both big hauls I've made, were in big clear plastic bags, and had been tied off, as if they were fixed for me............... Maybe that was his way of giving them to me?
    I don't know. SO You can social engineer your way to the cases - SCHMOOZ a little or just hunt the dumpsters which is more fun but a little riskier either way " FREE IS FREE" also You Guys & NAILEDNY are Making me feel bad ! Getting big hauls while I'm hitting the Few's & far betweens ! But I am happy for all of you really ! Did anyone ever think of what would happen if two divers were trying to harvest the same dumpster at the same time ! @#^&&*)()+_++*^*%$##!!!!! Man what a catfight like two alleycats fighting over the same rat ! But we are all more civilized than that are'nt we ? NailedNY was going to suggest A Ghillie suit made of garbage then you could lie in wait for them to deliver the cases LOL! No then you would risk being dumped and we can't have that ! You could just follow the truck to the land fill and dig to your hearts content! Actually if one had the time you could do a surveillance of BB and see when they throw cases and get them then but that takes time ! Ohe getting caught front Bring a friend as a look out and some walkie talkies - Eagle Eye To Dumpster rat coast is clear! I suppose if one could hide it good enough so it would'nt get stolen one could set up a DEEr cam to take date& time stamp pics of the dumpster but that's getting extreme I guess ! Oh well only got 12 last time so I'll be going again soon ! Peace ,Happy Hunting , Safe Diving , Goold luck & Happy Burning

    Last edited: Sep 27, 2005
  14. fishbulb

    fishbulb Regular member

    Nov 9, 2004
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    My local Blockbuster only gets the their DVD's already in the lockable cases so no freebies:-(
    I'm going to check other BB's and other vid stores too. The couple of BB's I've asked were friendly and didn't act weird about it.
  15. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    fishbulb- That's Great but what did the BB clerks say when you asked and did you get any cases from the BB's where you had asked? NailedNy Hope ya' did'nt get too wet ! would 'nt want your boathook to rust would we? I hear you on just finding a few cases though I may have to expand my circle of BB's to see if I can up my average of cases! Good luck , Safe diving , Happy hunting , Happy burning ! & oh yeah! Don't Get CAUGHT ! "FREE IS FREE " to all my dumspter diving Compatriots ! peace
  16. fishbulb

    fishbulb Regular member

    Nov 9, 2004
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    At one store they said they no longer got their DVDs in the regular cases that they normally would throw out. They arrive in the lockable cases you see on the shelves. The other BB said I would have to check back when the manager is in and ask her. Think I'll call today. So I haven't lucked up yet...
  17. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    fishbulb- well good luck then - In either case ! No pun intended ! and remember ! " FREE IS FREE " Peace & happy Burning ! DIVE SAFE !
  18. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    Supercroc- well then there's always room for one more climb on in the dumpster's fine ! Quick ! Jvc & NAILEDNY bring the BBQ Sauce & the Boathook We've got another Diver to baptize! LOL! NailedNY bring the stepladder and the Flashlight & the Little bo' peep outfit ! I don't know if Supercroc could handle WONDERWOMAN on his first dive ! LOL! Good luck , Good Hunting, Safe diving , Peace & happy buring ! PS#1 oh yeah watch out for LIL' BO PEEP she swings a mean Boathook! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. SadJoker

    SadJoker Regular member

    Oct 28, 2002
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    Blockbuster is starting to now get their Rental DVDs in lockable retial cases, thus their phasing out the old method of recieve in retail case, swap to lockable BB case , discard / store the retail case. At least the BBs are in my area; Southeastern PA.

    Also, some BBs keep the retail cases in storage so when certain dvds / games time comes to be sold (rental life expired/excess stock of dvds, product that just doesnt move/rent) , BB swaps th DVDs back into the retail case w/ the cover art (if you get lucky and the BB kept the cover art). they just recycle the lockable cases unless its thrashed beyond reuse.

    the Local BBs around here are very very paranoid, the employees are instructed to keep the dumpsters locked at all times and if they see if has been tampered with to call BB Corp HQs , report the incident. (My buddy works there as Assistant Mgr , he gave me the skinny on dumpster diving) BB's here catch you dumpster diving, they'll call the police on you, have you arrested for shoplifting (anything they throw out is still considered merchandise/confidental info/records, if it is in the trash. BB didnt make any money off it and by you diving for it , you 'stole' from them)

    Just a word of warning - careful where you dumpster dive ; some BBs dont take kindly too it. Or the local poopoo might not either.
  20. miser

    miser Guest

    Great site for Canadian buyers http://www.blankdvdmedia.com/ it has everything you need from dvd cases to ink cartridges. The ink cartridges are dirt cheap. They also except paypal and interac.

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