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dumpster diving !

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Digerati8, Jul 6, 2005.

  1. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    He's Back- Just when you though it was safe to go back in the dumpster !!!!!!!!. went TuesDay A.M. and got 3bags with the cases still loaded with the movies replete with the yellow lock stick in place ! I opened one just to verify that it had a movie (It does/did ) can't garrantee that the rest will as I have'nt sorted & stored them yet ! so I have'nt opened but the first one ! THis was at old faithful ( my 1st stop /dumpster) Then it was on to spot number two ( A former dry hole that has been producing regularly as of late ) Honestly I don't know how many cases I got from this one as they were loose and mostly in the top section of the dumpster & when a sQuatch is a Divin' he das'nt has no times too be countin' dvd cases !!!!! Suffice to say that I got most of 'Em !!! I left a few behind because It was getting late !!!!, The Rest were hard to get too I almost forgot to mention I got about 200 odd loose dvd 's here too haven't counted up but will post totals on movies & cases when I do? , I'm generous and kind, and they were kinda wet !!! Now a little water don't scare me none ( I'se a Bayou sQuatch remember ? heck Dumpster soup don't give me much pause !!! But like i said they were going to be more trouble then I could afford ( Time wise )- {Sometimes you should dive with a friend } But sQuatch tend to Be solitary cept during mating season or if Jennifer LOve Hewitt & Angelina DRop By for some Furry Hijynx !!!!! Besides I still had Plans for what was ? or may have been in location three???? so ONward i went !!! Location 3 was occupado !!!!! Blockbuster Nerd was there I recognized the car !!!! And you thought sQuatch'es can't see color ? so That was a bust!! Bust Jennifer is it Really You ???? LOL!!!! well that's enough fer now - Keep Livin' La VidA Dumpster and Ciao Y'all !!!!!!
  2. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    He's Back !!!!!!- well I have a partial update gang For Tuesdays Weekly F0rage into Dumpsterlant !!! I have ended up with 315 Cases , 50movies in cases ( several copies of multiple titles and on the loose dvd's {no Cases ) I'm up to 206 and still counting !!!! - Still have almost a whole 100ct. empty spindle container full to count and add to my DVD profiler /database ? if they are'nt already in there ? So final count on the Loose dvd's may end up near 300 ? we'll see I suppose ? I ordered one of them Hard Plastic/Aluminum DJ style Cases from Supermediastore . 510 Capacity for $28.99 Shipped Not a bad deal when the 200 capacity one was selling for about $18.00-25.00 or so recently ? Figure I'll Put the Loose Dvd's in there & If I don't fill it up right Away Maybe Bring it along on Tuesdays so I can keep the Loose DVD rescues from Further Damage !!! - Thought About Buying Some Binder Pages and going that route already have two huge 3 ring binders courtesy of my friendly BLockbuster Dumpster!!! . But the Shipping was almost as much as the Binder Sheets so Screw That !!! Thought About Dvd Wallets too but those were nearly as expensive for the" biggun's "as Al {Two Shoes } bundy would Say "!!!! - so I'm going the Hard Case way and I think I'll Like it for that Purpose. Well well then? I'll get back with a Final Total on the Loose Disc once I'm Done Counting ! - Till Then Unpleasnt Dreams -Muha-Ha-HaHa!!!!!!

    Last edited: May 25, 2009
  3. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    http://www.supermediastore.com/cd-dvd-st...0-capacity.html- It's supposed to arrive friday ? & maybe I'll Be done counting & cataloging the Loose DVD's Courtesy OF BB { They're so Generous !!!!!} and I'll Let everyone { Or atleast anyone that cares ???} what the final count was and how I like or dislike the Case ? I may just Put part of My large CD collecti0n in that ? That would free up 1-2 Racks for more DVD's ?"s Decisions Decisions ?????!!!!!! - I could'nt make my weekly dive this time do too scheduling conflicts Grandson having wisdom teeth extracted Ect.... Now if they could only extract The Teeth and leave the wisdom that would be a Blessing !!!!!- He made out alrighty then though so that's good! Well Hopefully some of y'all will have sumfin' new to report soon ? Although I like hearing /seeing my own thoughts and words as much or maybe more then the next person ??? I feel Kinda like I'm hogging the thread !!So come on Gang Digg down deep and get some !!!!! Oh yeah & go Dumpster diving too !!!! LOL!!!! CiaO y'all !!!!!
    Last edited: May 28, 2009
  4. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    -206+82 =288 hooray!!!!!!!!!-+ 50movies in cases !!!!!- Yeah Baby ,Oh Behave !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Last edited: May 28, 2009
  5. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    okay!!!- My Supermediastore/linkyo DJ style hardcase CD/DVD storage came yesterday !!! I loaded my Loose Dumpster Rescued Dvd's into just a few inutes ago !!!! & unless I missed a few ? Possible & probable I suppose ? I have 380 safetly tucked away . Though I wish they were all seperate /different Titles = 380 different movies There are many duplicates of several titles !!! Still They were free as JVC says "FREE IS FREE !!!!" and I Did /do have some more In cases that I have to make room for + the ones I souveneired to the family - I suppose that I'll have to take some time off {Vacation so I can get some of My Jobs done !!!LOL{Sad But True !!!!} Between real work ,Honeydoo's and ,what you should do' s I seem to have no time for Need to Do's and wanna Do's ?????? also sad but true !!! Enough about my problems though ! My Opinions on the Hard case - Case construction seems Quality and solid enough for the intended use! Price was reasonable enough ! My only complaints are minor and baout the sleeves ! They appear to be very thin {read Cheap} and not all the perforations for the openings were perfed corectly but theese are fairly minor I suppose ? - If you are going to use this mainly for storage only { Not removing or reinserting disc alll the time then I think it's a Good thing Martha } If your going to do that I'd say get some thin jewel cases and use those with the case just don't overload it & break the jewel cases ? alternately I guess you could use paper or Tyvek sleeves instead ? Or if you are'nt cramped fer' space use real dvd cases !!! but being as The movies themselves were free -ala Dumpster-Rootah I can't complain much !!! Well gang start diving already will you ?????????? Peace Out !!!!!!!
    Last edited: May 29, 2009
  6. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    so you got MOVIES for sale BT69?? ;)
  7. ChrisC586

    ChrisC586 Regular member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    Oh Lordy been down in the dumpsters lately with 2 cases to show for it.Sooo depressed and went to the shed to dig out the lawnmower for community garage sale,[gotta have the grass looking nice]found 2 boxes marked Christmas with 300+ movies and cases didn't remember having so hope fully tomorrow can sell them and a couple of thousand empty cases.Damn more work digging out the lawnmower than cutting the grass.Still got that vein jumping waiting for a fix of a good dumpster dive I haven't had in a long time.BT69 adventures are only thing consoling me now!
  8. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    ChrisC586- Yup unless it's watching Greensman fall head first into a Dumpster it's really not a Spectator Sport !!! Like Golf or Bowling it's boring unless your doing it yourself ! The Spectator part well you might'nt find a few Speckled Tater's here & there depending on your dumpsters location????? - And you know that like Tater chips, & peanuts once you start it's hard to stop !!!!! and it's enviormentally friendly too !!!! We can all help Uncle Al save the planet Cause The Earth has a Fever ??????? Me thinks Uncle Al's been on One too many ManBearPig hunts Between you and me ? The important thing is be safe have fun and Dive Well _ ciaO y'all !!!!!!
  9. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    - Sleaux -Goings in Dumpsterville this week !!!!! Managed to only find about 5 cases and one empty 50ct. spindle after hitting three locations !!!! Still with the luck I've had recently I cant complain !!! - So Be Proud Go Coombah !!!!! Dive Well & Dive Often Ciao Y'all
  10. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    Always Looking ??????????????

    Well I know y'all are probably getting Tired of me by Now ? But I'm Keeping the Dream alive & trying to keep the post active !!!!!!- Help Me , Help Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Sorry Bad Movie Flashback either that or Better Living Through Chemicals ??? - Anyhow I Was Near by a Alternative ( Not one of my regular stops ) Blockbuster ! I had a support group meeting about a mile away on the same highway !!! So I swung past The Old Dumpster-A-rooni for a little Lookie -Loo action !!! Well The Pickle is hot !!!!! Found 90 Cases Most were in a Box already so my job was so much easier ! They Had a few more but this was during bussiness hours and a high traffic area So I got most of them anyways !!! - Besides It's feeding time at the Zoo and it's Fish LIps and Rice SO it must be WED LOL!!!!! - Come on Gang hop to it Or To quote Richard Basehart " DIVE,DIVE,DIVE,DIVE,!!!!!" - Ciao & Peace !!!!
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2009
  11. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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  12. odie241

    odie241 Member

    Apr 9, 2006
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    ZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZ =)=)=)=)=)=) I Cant beleive this thread is still so active,and going like it is,how long has this thing been going,haha,i never looked before i posted this,and im still getting emails everytime its updated
  13. odie241

    odie241 Member

    Apr 9, 2006
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    and after all this time of being a member and posting in this thread here,I'm still a newbie,lmao
  14. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    odie241- all things come to he or she who waits ! - I would'nt worry about being new !!! You'll be old one day trust me !!!! - Besides Labels don'y necessarily mean Much ? I've learned lot's from Quote " So called Newbies as well as Old hat's and everyone inbetween ! - Iy's a community So your being New is just like you moving to a new neighborhood ? Your gonna be The new Guy on the Block for awhile That's all !!!! But title changes will come with time ! Just be respectful of others as you would want them to be to you, keep an open mind about things and people !!!.Try and help others when you can ? and keep a sense of Humor about you Cause we all need to laugh now and then !!! You'll find that 99.9999999999 to the Infinite decimal place % of members are Great people and will go out of their way to help if they can So Live And Be well my friend and have fun with your Techno-HobbY Good luck & happy Burning & Diving
  15. 21Q

    21Q Regular member

    Jun 23, 2006
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    No updates really. Macs stopped falling out of the sky =/ it's like people stopped throwing away their stuff lately lol.
  16. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    thats the understatement of the year...times are tough and people are trying ot take of there things better,repair there things the best they can. but thats no excuse for BlockBuster to stop tossing cases..ive came up dry my last 10-15 dives.nothing at all. that includes 3 different dives. its 7:18am here, the boys are out of school and we are going to the river to do a little fishing this morning and might hit a coupple new BB's. if no cases are there i will come back with a fishing story...lol

    hope everyone is doing well and being good. i know its hard for me to keep up as much as i did before. LIFE HAPPENS...lol
  17. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    cincyrob- Hey Bud Glad your still Skulking around lolJ/k !!!! - Went this morning My old faithful & regular producer Had about 30 or 40 That I could get & Both Dumpsters were full'O metal /wire Rack shelving ? which made my Job a lil' bit mo' difficult !!! But I got As many as I could !!! there . On to my second Stop About 100-110 Maybe ? loose I got 'em all Just Like Poke'mon ? I bagged and counted a total of 144 for this trip not great but not bad ???? for a few minutes of work !!! Good luck And Happy Father's day in advance !!! Ciao Y'all
  18. blivetNC

    blivetNC Regular member

    Nov 8, 2005
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    Rob, glad you have some time for the family bonding, (Fishing) Some things are more important than BB diving, but seriously went on a nice family trip to Atlanta, saw the aquarium then visited the Coke museum, saw something definitely not from a dumpster you might appreciate (Well, envy is a better word).


    Sorry, couldn't resist, the urge got the better of me.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2009
  19. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Eat your heart out Rob. Blivet that was evil and sheer delight! LMAO
  20. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    garmoon-BLIVET says That's Dr. EVIL to You !!!! " I did'nt go to 8 years of Evil Medical School to be callrd Mr. Evil " LOL!!!! Go Easy on our Boy {CincYRob } He's Trying !!!!!- Good Luck & Good Hunting, Fishing < Diving or Whatever Float's yer BOAT !!!!Ciao!!!!

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