Duplication of DVD. If done illegally, can the FBI find out through the web?

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by MYCKY, Jul 13, 2004.

  1. drchips

    drchips Active member

    Nov 29, 2003
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    A little bit of advice for ya..

    You will read a LOT of posts on just about every forum that are just plain guff, with no basis in fact/science/logic etc....

    ALWAYS treat any "advice" (including this !LOL!) with a healthy dose of suspicion.

    Read up on the "advice" offered.

    NEVER follow "advice" BLINDLY.

    If it sounds like common sense & logical, then INVESTIGATE FIRST (Google is your friend).

    If it sounds "too good to be true", then it probably is.

    Don't be too trusting, try to avoid the "victim mentality", the net is a dangerous place and the onus is on YOU to keep YOURSELF safe.

    If you rely on others to protect you from yourself/the big-bad-world, then you are fated for a world of hurt...

    Some examples of "Yeah, right!" memes floating around:

    Heat Flares on DVD's causing errors.
    Cheap'n'Nasty/No-Name media is just as good as Expensive/Big-Name media.
    A $59 DVD-Writer is just as good as a $129 DVD-Writer.
    Cheaper is better coz you can afford some coasters when it is "that cheap".
    JoeRandomLuser uses a Re-Brand, No-Name burner with cheap/no-name media & he has burned "hundreds" of copies with "NO ERRORS", and has been doing it for "years" - therefore he is doing it "right" and everyone else is "wrong".
    ASPI is the cure-all for everything.
    Flashing your drive is a cure-all for everything, and will magically let you write at 24x, will write dual-layer etc. etc.

    You can be sure of one thing, "The Man" IS constantly trying to monitor/control, that is his whole reason for existance.

    So, be suspicious, be safe, and don't rely on the fact that you are one of the "little people" and are anonymous/insignificant to protect you..

    Try to keep under the radar....

    By the way, in my ORIGINAL POST, I did say I was joking!!
    etc. etc. etc.

    Hope you have not been too upset..

    Have Fun...
  2. MYCKY

    MYCKY Member

    May 27, 2004
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    Don't feel bad.

    I've been reading stuff about ripping speed solutions on this site and all so far do not work. It might work for them but not for my computer.

    You say your joking but I believe that there is some truth to what you said. Just need to be careful.

    One last thing, I started using GQ DVD media (cheap if on sale at FRY's Electronics) and so far no errors.

  3. drchips

    drchips Active member

    Nov 29, 2003
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    Good on ya..
    The only GUARANTEED way is a fast DVD-ROM drive on its own channel (ASPI not needed, as Windows 2000 & XP use SPTI - flashing writer firmware etc is not as efficient as a dedicated ROM device).
    There IS some truth in it (you will just have to trust me on that, OK)

    Have Fun...
  4. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    I don't know about the government, but I just found out Labrat likes the Smashing Pumpkins. Right on!!!!!
  5. askyew

    askyew Regular member

    Jan 19, 2004
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    You mean all I need is an tinfoil hat. I guess I can take down the wall paper and make a hat out of it. Microsoft working WITH the FBI now thats scary, arent they usually trying to hide things from them?
  6. dragnlady

    dragnlady Guest

    Hi, guys!
    Maybe I finally have found something to do with that stack of trashed CDs and DVDs - a custom designer antialien/antiFBI/antinosyneighbor hat. What do you think? As long as I overlap them so the holes don't let in (out???) the snooper thought rays, it should be a go. Of course, I'd have to use glue that sets hard. Would hate to have my hair permanently attached to the lovely creation.

    Will have to remember to put it on when I click on DVD Decrypter. Otherwise, it might be TOO LATE!!!


    Pat <[8^D
  7. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    drchips, Have you been tell people to delete those commercial tracking files again labelled .com You have to be careful. Also you have to read the tone, I know MYCKY was joking. It all over you face man. Dam I have to turn that web cam monitor off.

    Anyone here of the virus that would see if you have a web cam and try to image you when you didn`t know? I heard some intresting internet porn came out from that one.
  8. askyew

    askyew Regular member

    Jan 19, 2004
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    HEARD OF IT? Thats what caught me with Paris Hilton prisoner.
  9. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    Paris Hilton? Who is he :p

    Fun stuff the tech worms, I like the ones that messup you mouse. Cause it to move all over the screen.

    The one virus that I picked up and was not discovered by Norton and made it through my firewall, was really irritating. This was a couple years ago and the reson why I alway turn off my speakers unconsiously. It would randomly (random number generator in it) would make a click noise. Harmless, but slowly drives you nuts.
  10. pas2mania

    pas2mania Regular member

    Jun 18, 2003
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    Dr.Chips have you been eating wood chips again lately?
  11. MYCKY

    MYCKY Member

    May 27, 2004
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    Virus? web cam? Are u for real or joking? It's possible to hack into people's comp with a web cam and see what's going on (I personally do not know how or I'm not a comp expert). Is there an anti-spyware software that is very good that you guys could recommend? I've been thinking of buying one for months. It bothers me that some a..hole is snooping around checking where I've surf.
  12. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    About the Webcam virus I am being serious. In Undergrad A Computer Engineer student, showed me how wide open the Waterloo Cable internet was. We read some files off an other Co-op student and could see his room from the webcam on and on top of his computer. Not much to see really, but is a way to get photos of naked girls.

    As for Spy ware, I would recomend Spybot search and destroy. Its free and its really good. There is a thread on this type of disscussion some where. Just do a quick search.

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