why wouldnt multiple menus with backgrounds sounds worth just as well...I seperated an .ifo file that carries the image and windows media player wouldnt play it. But together with the .vob, ifo, etc files that muxman created it will play them. Still stuck again.
I discovered the music dvd problem, actually doesnt exist, techincally....I played on another (my son's) pc's dvd player, tv dvd player and playstation 2 dvd player...ALL 3 played music full versions. But I have a portable dvd player and it delayed the music as in skipping lyrics 3-5 seconds in. I gave music dvd to a friend, couple days ago, just texted him, he didnt get around to playing 3rd disc. Waiting for his conformation music is intact (plays full version). My pc also has a problem playing 2nd and 3rd discs of 3(plays 1st fine)...But 2nd disc plays fine in sons pc and my portable....I guess its just my pc and dvd player, ugh! I wasted nearly 10 dvds trying to fix this and there was actually nothing ever wrong, ugh!
MP3 in a DVD movie isn't allowed. Yes they are. All you do for the video is use a still or animated image for it, with the mp3 as the background audio, this is done on YouTube all the time.
I generally go a different way round.. but the theory is the same.. this only makes 10 frames.. you get the idea.. if you have imagemagik and ffmpeg installed (most windows machines actually do.. one tends to come with printer drivers and the other with codec packs) working in a "temp" directory where everything is... convert temp/*.JPG -delay 10 -morph 10 temp/%05d.jpg ffmpeg -r 25 -qscale 2 -i temp/%05d.jpg output.mp4 (where it says 10 you can add a huge number.. it's "frames" for your video.. my example is from stop motion animation project using stills.. 10 is about 1/2 second) then I usually dump the resulting video file in avidemux and add the audio file (append) and auto build dvd compliant mpeg2 files..