Hi. I've been doing some research. I think it may be an Emprex drive regardless of how it was sold. Emprex = BTC for the most part. However, Emprex has a live update program that can be used. http://www.drvupdate.com/ link to Emprex page: http://www.emprex.com/03_support_02.php?pg_no=20&group=57&kind=1 Click on the drvupdate link. It's supposed to read the drive firmware and then locate any updated firmware available. Let me know how this turns out.
It appears the most current version is the one you have, version A091. Download the firmware file and reflash the firmware anyway. This is the link: http://www.emprex.com/var/download/IDE1016_A091_MCU.EXE?PHPSESSID=3dd10f26429425f666d7a585ddb06144 This is part of the problem buying off-brand hardware as the firmware never gets updated.
Hi. I'm running out of ideas that are relatively easy to implement. So reflashing the firmware didn't generate an error message, correct? Does the CD drive work? Let's try physically uninstalling the devices as well as the software. First, uninstall the software by running the Nero 7 Clean Tool: http://ww2.nero.com/nero7/enu/Nero7_CleanTool.html Next run the Nero 7 Driver Clean Tool: http://ww2.nero.com/nero7/enu/Driver_CleanTool_and_RegistryChecker.html Next power down the system. Unplug the IDE cables and the power cables from both the CD and DVD drives, not the HDD though -- just the CD and DVD that are on the same IDE cable. Restart the system. Power down. Restart the system. Power down. Replace the power cables and IDE cable to the DVD drive/burner only. Leave the CD drive completely uncabled. Restart the system. Is the drive recognized in MY Computer? Does it recognize and play back DVDs? If the DVD drive now works, power down and cable up the CD drive and then restart. Does everything still work? If all the above fails: Do you have access to another computer so that you could remove the drive from your system and install it in the other to see if it works. If it works in the other system, we know the problem is likely software/OS conflicts on your system. Solution in that case: save all the data, reformat the HD, and restore WinXP and the applications.
that did not work. I will try installing it on another computer if it still does not work does that mean its time for another dvd burner? cd burner still works. burned a cd with it. no errors with reflashing firmware.
Yes if it doesn't work installed in another computer, it's likely toast, which wouldn't be inconsistent with the bad burn you had which precipitated your post. I had a Lite-On burner I had used for about 2 months and all of a sudden I started getting poor quality burns. I did everything I could to try to get it to burn well again. One day I fired it up and that was it. It wouldn't recognize anything or burn anything. It was still under warranty so it was replaced. The replacement lasted about 6 months before giving up the ghost. I've got older NEC burners in desktops that still work after several years. Go figure. Hopefully it'll work in the other system and all you have to do is probably reformat and reinstall the OS in your system and all will be well again. I don't know where you live but new BenQ and NECs are selling for $35 here.