Hello folks, Ok I have a very annoying problem once again We are talking about a DVD burner that came with a Dell 4200 if that makes any difference, I am just trying to backup a few dvd's I have laying around the house. I am using "1click DVD Copy Pro" to rip and shrink the dvd's onto a single layer dvd. I use the movie only feature which takes out all the menu's and extra's, and then I switch DTS audio to AC3 2 channel so the movie dosent need to be compressed as much. Burning using TDK +R's at 12x, playing on the APEX $20 dvd player from wal-mart hehehe. For the most part, most of the dvd's I backup using this method work, but usually 1 out of 3 that I try to backup will not play on my dvd player, it will simply say loading on the dvd player, then say play, and lock up on a black screen. It is very annoying to wait the 40 mins it takes to backup a dvd, and then find out it dosent work. But a while back I owned a Sony 16x Dual layer burner, and I used Memorex -R's and can't really remember ever having a problem like this, all of my backups worked almost always. Do you think my TDK +R's would cause this? Its just funny that it only does this to certain DVD's, such as today I backed up End of Days and Stigmata, EOD worked perfect, but Stigmata wouldent play. Anyone got any idea's? It would greatly, greatly be appreciated!!!!!
Hi fz3r0 Yes it could be those TDK's - try slowing the burn speed down to 8x or lower. What's the rated burn speed on them? TDK uses different manufacturers - not all good. Your burner may need a firmware update also. What's the make, model and current firmare version. Also if your burner support booktyping you can booktype those +r's to increase compatability.
Im with binkie7 on this one, try better media, and it shouldn't be a crapshoot if they play on ur dvd player. also the firmware might help too. Best Media Taiyo Yuden Verbatims Sony(Made in Japan) Maxell(Made in Japan)
Thanks guys, Im thinkin of just pickin up 5 or so Memorex -R's tommorow and give it a try on a slow burn setting, since I never had any problems with em before on my player, only thing I could think of since the only thing different than these is that they are +R's, but we'll try it and see.
Please dont do it, they are horrible discs,purchase something from those listed by 300bowler Heres a bit about memorex http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/262544
Ok heres an update, I searched all over for Virbatrim but they are nowhere to be found in my town, SO, I went with the only other thing I could find on the list, Sony 1-8x DVD+R's made in Japan, hopefully these are better than what I got. I just got one question tho,I use the program 1click dvd copy pro, is there anyway to change it to booktype the disc as Dvd-rom? The computer is a dell, so I dont know if it will let me or not, I dont have the model of the drive off the top of my head. Thanks guys, I really appreciate the help =)
@fz3r0 Sounds like you bought the Taiyo Yuden made Sony's. One of the best besides Verbatim. Good choice. Now for the booktyping - need the make & model of your drive. Give us the firmware version too. You can find this info in device manager. Here's a pic that might help - the firmware version in this pic is 1.02:
Doesn't look like this drive will booktype. There is a update to your firmware - the latest is 104C. Here's a link: http://support.dell.com/support/dow...eid=R112489&formatcnt=1&libid=0&fileid=147149 How did the Sony's make out for you?
Update on the Sonys: Started over with Stigmata and CKY 4, and both turned out flawlessly! I can't believe what a difference that different brand dvd's would make, I mean they wouldent even play! I burned em at 4x if that makes a big difference or not...but hey, it works for me, im in no hurry Only minor problem I ran into was with Stigmata, I did a movie only copy, and I took off the 5.1 sound to AC3 - 2 channel audio, and when it was done I tested it out and it only played the directors commentary, DOH! I quickly found out that I had to use the 5.1 audio with that movie, the 2 channel was just the directors commentary, Oh well it was another thing I know to check now. Thanks for the help everyone, I guess my problem is solved now =)
Yes it can make a big difference Stick with the good stuff, keep your firmware up to date and a decent burn speed and you should be good to go! I usually only keep the 5.1 audio - bigger but the commentary is usually found in the AC3 - 2ch.