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dvd clone & any dvd

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by chicoz66, Mar 21, 2005.

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  1. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    No need for you to recommend it -

    Point of fact; AnyDVD is one of the best proggys available today for our type of work. Everyone with the slightest bit of experience will tell you that -

    When you achieve an attitude change, Stop back - there's a veritable mountain of material you have yet to learn


    Cheers Grasshopper, the world holds much for you should you devine to open your mind's eye to see it -

    (Been in the Hospital this last week or so - Boy did I miss the laughs to be had here)

    ScubaPete is back . . .
    Last edited: May 4, 2005
  2. bbmayo

    bbmayo Active member

    Oct 31, 2004
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    Pete welcome back I was wondering where you went..

  3. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Hey BB,

    I had an infection in my thigh bone whick needed a little whittling done - For the last 3 or 4 weeks I was there on and off - Now I'm praying we're past all that -

    Sea Ya, lots of posts to answer (Wheeew)

    I enjoyed the laughs to be had on this thread . . .

    One day, lessons will be learned - you on track ?

    Later . . .

  4. bbmayo

    bbmayo Active member

    Oct 31, 2004
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    I hope it all works out for you. You sound in good spirits anyway :)

    Hey Pete take a look at this sticky and give me some more to throw in there as I know you have some stuff to add :)

    Again glad to have you back!!! Now maybe I can take a break for a little while.. ;-)
  5. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Edited -
    Last edited: May 1, 2005
  6. Rotary

    Rotary Senior member

    Apr 10, 2003
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    plagiarize ?
  7. diabolus3

    diabolus3 Member

    Apr 16, 2005
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    Ok i have an update on my problem with anyDVD. Please read my previous posts to get the story. Anyway to make it short anydvd messed up my harddrive when i installed it. Since then i was looking for simular programs that will do the same thing and found a program called DVD reagion+ccs free. It seems to work just as well. I have not compared the price... but there is a free trial. So if your looking for a working substitute for anydvd try this one. by the way dvd43 did not work too well.

    here is a link http://www.dvdidle.com/support.htm
  8. diabolus3

    diabolus3 Member

    Apr 16, 2005
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    by the way ScubaPete (afterdawn addict). When i type fast i don't pay much attention to spelling. I am not gonna waste my time trying to insult you. The fact of the matter is, i used anyDVD for a few cd's and it worked fine. One day it asked me to update, so i did. After installation was complete it told me that it could not detect my burner. Following their instructions i uninstalled it and then reinstalled. After the installation was complete i restarted my computer and got an error while booting from my hard drive. So i tryed to restart again, hoping that this was a glitch. On the second restart i received a different error message that said that there was no boot drive available. So i checked the BIOS and everything was fine. I ran some diagnostics that were provided with my computer and i got some an error code for the drive. Sooo i called dell and told them about the error, their response was that the drive is damaged and they can only replace the drive. What else was i supposed to do? I'm on a timeline and i need to get some work done. SO i agreed. Before returning this drive to them i did try to use it as a slave while booting from my new drive, and was not successful. Since this problem happened right after i installed anyDVD naturally i blamed it.

    If you choose to reply to my post, prove to me your intelligent by suggesting something smart rather then spending your time checking my spelling or grammer for errors. by the way 256 video memory is good for not only gamers but designers.

  9. DaForce

    DaForce Member

    Mar 17, 2004
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    Video card memory makes little to no difference in anything other then 3d appz and games. So by designer, do you mean that you work in the 3D area?
    Or am i missing something?
  10. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    I suppose it has some importance to him in the world of DVD backups BUT it alludes me at the moment - He felt it was necessaey to inform us that he had a video card, ~ Kweel ~


    Believe it or not, We're all glad you found your problem.

    PLEASE, continue in your vain of, you're a "Rocket Scientist" and AnyDVD does things to your HD and to your DVD drive and you wouldn't recommend it to anyone. Your wealth of knowledge will teach us not to say anything to you . . . We would never try to be a "Big Shot" in your presence, not with your keen eye . . .

    Perhaps you'll mellow with time . . for your sake . . .

    Cheers and happy burning . . .

  11. diabolus3

    diabolus3 Member

    Apr 16, 2005
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    I am a Visual Arts student. I also do alot of work with photoshop, dream weaver and aftereffects. I guess it wasnt necessisary to mention my graphics card. The reason i stated my computer specs was no to get replyes that my computer is not suitable for Dvd burning. I never said I am an expert at this. I simply said that programs like DVD Shrink and Decripter are easy to learn and understand. There really isnt alot you can do wrong with them. Anyway scuba why do you insist on being an bumhole? Did you design anyDVD? I seem to be hitting a nerve with it. Calm down dude. I explained what happened and what i based "I dont recomend it to anyone" on. My last post was not to argue or prove im right but to state what happened and why i said what i did. I didnt start posting here to insult anyone or to say im better then you at this.

    be nice

  12. DaForce

    DaForce Member

    Mar 17, 2004
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    Ahh ok, thats kinda what i thought. Well FYI the graphics card wont make any difference in any of those Appz. As everything to do with those appz is solely dependant on your CPU and HDD speed.

    Anyway, it is damn strange what happened to you, but its great to hear that everything is up and running and that you have found a good alternative.
  13. diabolus3

    diabolus3 Member

    Apr 16, 2005
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  14. Jerry746

    Jerry746 Senior member

    Oct 23, 2003
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    @diabolus3, I'm glad you got your problem sorted out. I think you should have checked things out before you jumped any of us for HIGHLIGHTING terms in my reply to you. The forum is set up to do that automatically with any proper names of software. If you look at your replies you will see Anydvd is also HIGHLIGHTED there. You had 3 or 4 senior members trying to help you and you turned this thread into a hostile one by jumping off the deep end without checking the water. I don't need to defend ScubaPete because he is able to do that himself. He has helped more people on here than you can imagine. He has written several guides that many members use and link to. You posted on here asking for help then disreguard and bad mouth anything said by the senior members. We are not perfect but we don't make statements that haven't been tried and tested by many. Later.

    Last edited: May 4, 2005
  15. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Gee, I din't know I was one BUT if that's your opinion of me then I guess you don't wish help seeing as you know that software has the ability to ~

    I was quite grateful to learn that AnyDVD does something to your hardware to make it operate differently. The rest of aD will be interested in that also.

    Thanks for the education :)

    Hey Jerry,

    Good to see Ya, was wondering where you were -

    What do ya think Buddy, is there a software that could make my DVD tray warm up so I could make a grilled cheese here at the table ?
  16. diabolus3

    diabolus3 Member

    Apr 16, 2005
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    These are some of the bumhole thinks you said about me:

    Now you know why i called you an bumhole.

    When i said "I would imagine that what ever AnyDVD does to your dvd player in order to make it operate differently it did to my hard drive."

    I was not talking about the physical drive but drivers, registry entry's... And the part about opperating differently is simply that it alows you to skip the crc errors, regenal settings....

    Anyway Pete i do have respect for you, because of your knowledge and the fact you donated your time to make guides for people who are new at this. However insulting people, calling them stupid and uneducated is not nice behavior.

    I defend myself when i am insulted by anyone.

    All i wanted from posting my threads was someone to tell me an alternative to anydvd. The reason i posted what happened to me is because it did happen. I did not make this up.

    [bold]Pete i do not want to argue with you anymore, just understand that calling people stupid just because you don't agree with them is not a way of holding a peaceful discussion.[/bold]
  17. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    @ diabolus3,

    At no time did we accuse you of any such thing.

    I might suggest that you return and re-read your own posts and imagine how you portrayed your self to pple meeting you for the first time ?

    Ask yourself honestly, "What picture did I paint of myself to these pple ?"~

    Just lQQk at your opening ~

    Explaining your wording now shows that it wasn't clear at all from the beginning -

    You stated in your post that others have had the same problem, their HD ruined by AnyDVD. This says nothing about drivers - This says, "No boot drive detected", and you continue, "I lost all my files on that HD."There's nothing anywhere about your registry OR regional settings. In addition, CRC errors, as any "Rocket Scientist" knows deals with media and burners not with a HD that cannot be detected. So for your current explanation, - sorry, it doesn't deal at all with what you wrote says, not even close -


    At no time did I refer to you as "stupid" or as "uneducated", not close . . complain about what I said, DO NOT EVER make something up OR lie about a confrontation. That is childish and vindictive. Making up an occurrence casts doubt about what you say now and what you have said. As I said in the beginning, no one ever said you made something up BUT we have to revise that now don't we . . . . the words "stupid" and "uneducated" came from somewhere . . .

    This conversation is futile and beneath me at least, - if you had ever been thinking of receiving an apology, I do not apologize for slanderous untruths - my end of this conversation is over . . .

    Sea Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,

    This sort of nonsense doesn't belong aD, much less in an open thread -
    Attn: Mods, Please terminate this thread, Thank you
    Last edited: May 4, 2005
  18. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    @ diabolus3

    Spirited arguments are all well and good but you were the first to call names and that's not cool. Next time you have a problem give me or any other mod a pm before we resort to name calling.
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