I decrypted a dvd with dvd decrypter and copied it with copy 2 cd, but it won't play in my dvd play. My dvd play is compatible with dvd-r. Can someone tell me what i'm doing wrong. I am dumbfounded over all of this. I'm not sure if i have to change some setting when i decrypt it or not. please help me....=(
sounds like it is a dvd5, in that case just use dvd decrypter in mode-iso-read, mode-iso-write to rip and burn. See if that works.
ok, now that you have solved that problem, i hope, haven't tried it yet. But it's a full movie am i going to have to burn it to two disks, the size of the movie is 7,702,315,008
Hmmm, so it turned out to be a DVD-9 instead of a DVD-5 (unfortunately we couldn't tell that from your original post). If all you originally did was rip it with DVD Decrypter, and the movie was really 7,702mb as you noted in your 16:11 post, then it wouldn't all fit on a DVD-R disc unless you compressed it. I'm not familiar with the program you mentioned, Copy2CD -- OK, silly question, but is that really Copy2DVD? Because of course if it's a CD you copied to, the movie definitely wouldn't have fit and you would have gotten only a partial copy. If Copy2CD really copies DVDs, AND it compresses them before it copies, then maybe your media was bad. You didn't say what you used so it's hard to tell. Could you please give us more details including system specs? Tell us step by step what you did -- e.g. in Decrypter did you rip to files and end up with a bunch of files with extensions like .vob & .bup, or did you get one large .iso file, or what? And then what, exactly, did you do next? The more details, the better.
silly me. Ok heres what i did. I decrypted the movie in file mode with dvd decrypter. I ended up with all the vob & bup files. Then I tried to burn it with copytodvd. It burned fine, but won't play in my dvd player. Next I tried to do the iso method as mentioned and got the error invalid field in cdb. I'm not sure what you mean about specs., but maybe this is what u wanted. AMD ATHLON (TM) XP3000+, 2.17 GHz, 448 MB OF RAM, LITE-ON DVDRW SOHW-8125. The medai I am using is Fuji Film DVD-R 4.7 GB. Hope this helps you a little better, sorry.
If something burns fine but won't play on a stand-alone DVD player, it might just be that the player doesn't play the kind of media you burned. I found this out the hard way when I burned a lot of back-ups to DVD+R discs only to find out that my CyberHome DVD player only plays DVD-R (although my Sony DVD player only plays DVD+R, go figure). So this could be the simple reason. One way to find out would be to burn the other type, DVD+R since you did DVD-R or vice versa. If that doesn't fix the problem -- have you tried to burn the .iso file with Decrypter? Don't know why that would be different, but it's something else to try. P.S. Hmmm, you wrote that you're sure your player plays DVD-R discs. Maybe your media is bad? Fuji doesn't have the best reputation. Do you have any other discs you could try? _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Karen H. -- Dell Optiplex GX240, P4 1.50ghz, 256mb RAM (yeah, I need more), Windows XP Pro w/Service Pack 1, Sony DDU1621/C1 DVD-ROM for ripping/encoding, Sony external DRX-530UL for burning, Shrink or Decrypter + RecordNow[/small]
I looked up my dvd player to see if it would play dvd-r and it say that it accepts them. I tried burning using iso but, when it was decrypted the size of the file is to big to fit on dvd-r, and i get an error saying invalid field in cdb
I'm not familiar with the message "invalid field in cdb" so I can't help you there. In Shrink you can make the compressed size smaller than the default -- just choose "custom size." I have mine set to 4,350mb -- I know some on this forum who have theirs set to 4,300 or 4,200 even. Makes the movie more compressed, but you're a bit less likely to get disc errors because it's not burning all the way to the edges.
Hi Chile, Welcome to our Club - Fuji, Sony, TDK, Orange Pack and many Ritek and Verbatim discs aren’t suitable as a DVD backup media – that’s why we are specific in the type of media we recommend. 1. * Cheap media freezes, skips, pixelats and may refuse to be recognized :-( Besides "Freezing", "skips" and pixelations, many times you’ll get a “Cyclic Redundancy error” or an "I/O error". This message can mean that your discs are scratched or dirty, it can also mean that your burner won’t accept your “cheap” media :-( Another problem which “pops up” is a “*Power Calibration Error”. This can stop you right in your tracks and most often is caused by, Yep, you guessed it, inexpensive media. *A “Power Calibration Error” can also be attributed to the Optical Components of a DVD Writer, though this isn’t usually the case. Trying to shut down your software and ejecting your DVD then restarting your program and re-inserting the same media recently cleaned has been known to help. Inexpensive media or even average media is great for text, Data, Spreadsheets, .Jpg and .Gif pictures and is good even for MP3 music BUT for DVD backups - BLAaaaaaT! It SUCKTH in an extremely Big-th way ! 2. A good grade, Hi-quality media is needed for DVD reproduction ! “Branded” Ritek G04's or Branded Verbatim are what we’re looking for OR any media boasting “Advanced Metal AZO.” – BUT it MUST SAY “METAL” AZO !, this indicates a superior dye application, while they are sometimes a bit “pricey” they are acceptable. Prices online from Meritline.com have gotten Ritek G04 starting at about a 1/2 dollar($ .50 USD) a disc - Question - If you make coasters out of 3 cheap or even average discs and good copies from 3 Branded Verbatim discs or 3 “Branded” Ritek G04 discs - which ones then will you say are too expensive ? The 3 “Cheapo’s with no movie backup OR, the 3 recommended discs with a perfect backup on each disc ? Bear in mind, Memorex, Fuji, Sony, TDK, Orange Pack and others are quite good for your MP3 music, picture archives, Spread sheets, Data and your text backups and archives, they just don’t work well for DVD backups. Even DataSafe G04’s made by Ritek have been reported as an inferior quality media and are evoking that “Oh no, I shouldn’t have gotten those.” Remember, for DVD backups, purchasing inexpensive media or even average media is a gamble, some people win, the majority of people lose, varying amounts but, they still lose :-( Let's try the right media for the job - just buy a 5 pack of what we recommend that will settle it once and for all - Don’t cheat though, buy the EXACT media we recommended – Using good grade media can guarantee you one thing to an absolute certainty; it surely cannot hurt. BTW, In an effort to clear the air, when I speak of "Cheap" or "Inexpensive" media, I'm not referring to the price you pay at the counter - I'm referring to the type of composite some manufactures use, their method of dye application and the lack of OR the poor quality control used during manufacturing. when I say "Branded" that means that when you pick up a disc in your hand, it says "Ritek" or "Verbatim" on the disc itself. The monetary cost of the media we recommend many times is cheaper than that you are buying now. cheers, Pete PS FAIR WARNING. . . Using that "Cheap" media, your backups may not last all that long - One thing I haven't addressed is the life of a backup made on an "el cheapo" disc. We all know that data, music and video backups on CD's and DVD's will last forever, well, if not forever for at least 100 yrs or so - That's what we've read and that's why we backup our treasures to disc, so that they'll be safe. "BLAaaaT" (the bone chilling sound of an emergency air horn), Wrong, Dead Wrong ! Don't throw the originals away, you may very well need them. Your video camera tapes and family picture CD's and DVD's, may not be there the next time you want to look at them. "Point of fact," inferior discs have a tendency to "Break down]" in time. In a very short time, we're talking disc breakdown in less than a single year, in as little as 6 to 8 months. Important, please read - http://news.independent.co.uk/world/science_technology/story.jsp?story=513486
Chele, At the very beginning of our forum we have a couple of threads that are so packed with info we didn't want you to miss it - obviously you have - Go to the bottom of this page, read and do - http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/79846 cheers,
Thank you Scuba Pete!! But, i have done everything you said until i get to the part with Target device. Now I may just be having a brain fart and not seeing it, or it's really not there. I am sorry if I am bothering you but i am at my wits end with all the different info i am getting.
When you click "backup!" ... you'll see target device. If using Nero, select your burner. If using DVD Decrypter, select ISO Image File ... then check the box to Launch.