DVD Flick - A Basic Guide

Discussion in 'User submitted guides' started by LOCOENG, Aug 23, 2007.


    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    DVD Flick: A Basic guide

    What is DVD Flick?

    Where do you get it?

    DVD Flick -> http://www.dvdflick.net/

    Download and open the setup wizard and follow the prompts to install DVD Flick on your PC.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Open DVD Flick and choose ADD TITLE, browse to the file(s) that you want to encode and burn onto a DVD.


    When the title has been imported into the queue double click it to edit general settings particular to this project. These settings are pretty straigh forward and self explanatory, but here is a breif walk through anyway.

    General Settings:

    Under the General settings tab you choose how you want DVD Flick to create chapter on your project as well as the aspect ratio of the film.


    Video Settings:

    Add more clips or remove unwanted clips under the Video Settings tab. You can also reorder clips if dealing with multiple files.


    Audio Settings

    Remove unwanted audio tracks here if there is more than one available.


    Subtitle Settings:

    Add, Edit and Remove subtitle files under the Subtitle tab.

    When you are satisfied with the changes you have made to your project, click Accept.

    Click the Project Settings radio button to access DVD Flick quality, audio, video and burn settings. Once altered these settings should become default. It is a good idea to go through them so that you can tweak the program the way you want it to operate.

    The General settings tab:


    Select the default project size you would like to use. In the drop down menu for "Target Size" there are several default options depending on what type of disc or file you are going to make. For this guide I will be encoding to a single layer DVD. I prefer a custom size of 4400MB, this will prevent me from burning too close to the edge of the DVD. In the drop down menu for target size choose "custom" and type in 4400 in the window below the drop down.

    You can also choose the priority of the encoding. Encoding is very CPU intensive and therefore multitasking isn't recommended, but if you need to set the priority to a lower level so that you can preform other basic taks while DVD Flick encodes your project you can make that assertion here.

    The Video tab:


    Target format - for the US is NTSC and for Europe is PAL. These are the different frame rates that are found around the globe. It is important to know what is used in the region that you live in or the video produced may not be viewable on a standalone player.

    Encoding profile - This is the speed setting for encoding. Faster = less accurate and slower = more accurate thus resulting in a higher quality output.

    Target Bitrate - Higher bitrate = higher quality and lower bitrate = lower quality.

    Click the Advanced button:


    These are additional quality settings that most average users will not use. If an explanation is needed please press the blue ï" and DVD Flick will give a brief explanation on these settings.



    Here you can select a default audio track...I prefer AC3 5.1 because it is widely accepted and is downmixable on most systems to 2 channel when not viewing in stereo. Leaving this set to Auto is just fine though.



    If you use Imgburn as your favorite burning application you will want to tick "Create ISO image" and DVD Flick will create an ISO for easy burning with Imgburn. If this box is left unticked, DVD Flick will produce a VIDEO_TS folder which can be burned using Imgburn via build mode or Nero or your favorite burning application.If you want DVD Flick to automatically open Imgburn when the encoding is finished tick the "burn project to disc" box. If you prefer to burn manually leave this option unticked.

    Disc Label will allow you to name your project.

    Drive: Choose the drive you want DVD Flick to open when the encoding is finished. The chosen drive will need to have a blank disc inserted before encoding is finished so that the file can be burned.

    If you are using RW discs tick the "Automatically erase disc if it is rewritable" option. This will erase any data that is found on the disc before writing the new files to it.

    "Delete ISO image after burning" - This option will delete the ISO image when the burn is complete to save room on HDD if needed. I prefer to delete my own files in case I want to make additional copies in the future.

    When you are satisfied with the settings and changes you have made click Accept.

    You should now be ready to begin encoding your project, so create a destination folder and click "Create DVD".


    ...Sit back and wait on your nice shiney new movie to pop out of the drive. Encoding times will vay based on your settings and the speed of your system as well as some other variables such as multitasking and internet usage.


    DanyPerez likes this.
  2. tripplite

    tripplite Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 29, 2007

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    Glad you like it tripplite...excellent program, I'm glad I found it.
  4. magnascii

    magnascii Member

    Sep 30, 2007
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    Thank you very much for your generous help

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    You are very welcome...enjoy.
  6. bbmayo

    bbmayo Active member

    Oct 31, 2004
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    Excellent guide LOCOENG!

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    Thanks...glad you like it.
  8. sweepe007

    sweepe007 Member

    Nov 15, 2007
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    hi just got dvd flick works ok a bit slow but great. the only thing I have a problem is with doing chapters, I have added 5 clips of videos that are avi format and burnes them to the disc when i go to the dvd in my stand alone player and hit the menue button there is nothing there. I can access the chapter through another way on the player but it would be nice if i could hit the menu button and go to a title page then chose my clip instead of through the info button. otherwise it is a great program.
  9. tripplite

    tripplite Guest

    more recent dvd players have fixed this dilemma by making a menu for you, for instance when i burn a dvd+R i don't add a menu, the dvd player will play a corny screen that displays all my chapters for me:)
  10. sweepe007

    sweepe007 Member

    Nov 15, 2007
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    thanks what i would like to find is a program that when I pop it in my dvd player i can hit the menue button and a page will pop up then thee will be a list of what titles are on the disc and i can chose which I want to view. in other words a episode disc of tv shows and I can chose which episode to view
  11. tripplite

    tripplite Guest

    your answer would be here
  12. minmin203

    minmin203 Member

    May 6, 2007
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    great guide thanks for the info mate!!
  13. Norm9

    Norm9 Guest

    Can i take you up on that request? as im having a little problem here i was having a search for the problem & came here, i hope im not in trouble for double posting here, as im not really sure what's going on?

    If i run through that again seperate, i'll have to disable the burn to dvd? and if so how will i be able to burn it again if its not that file thats causing the problem, i could burn it with Nero Express as normal but i dont recognise that file format when its encoded by DVD FLICK!

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 29, 2007

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    Sounds like you have DVD Flick set up to create an ISO...you have two choices if you want to manually burn your movie.


    Untick both "create ISO image" and "burn project to disc"....you will now be creating a VIDEO_TS folder which Nero should recognize, Imgburn will also burn this file in build mode. Your other option would be to leave the ISO option ticked and burn the ISO manually with Imgburn.

    Your quote from attar is from another thread? Could we have a link?
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2007
  15. Norm9

    Norm9 Guest

    Apologies for the delay,

    Here's the link
    but its the same one i included in my post above,

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 2, 2007
  16. tripplite

    tripplite Guest

    for some reason my dvd flick is generating corrupted iso's, i reinstalled it with an up-to-date version and it still wouldn't work(downloaded a fresh setup)?, i go into the directory folder containing the iso and no iso program will acknowledge the file type?

    i have used recover software but still no luck?

    also it happens with any video type, mp4, avi,divx any!
  17. Norm9

    Norm9 Guest

    Sadly it didnt happen this time as you'll see the pic below (strange as it worked last week!)

    This might explain the 8hr delay as the timer keeps goin til you cancel the programme


    But one question has popped up! As DVD FLICK can convert many files & burn them to disc, has all the files (to be converted) have to be the same format?

    As that's not noted anywhere unless i missed it?

    1 of the 4 titles is an FLV FILE & the rest are DIVX.

    Im only mentioning this as maybe this might not have been noticed in this & the previous error log file below:

    Im gonna convert that FLV file & convert them all later, when i get the time, will post later.

    But if anyone has come across something like that, please do post.


    Hopefully thats a better job of editing this post, sorry bout that.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 7, 2007
  18. varnull

    varnull Guest

    It looks to me that there is something very wrong with the audio interleave in this file
    6:06:42 AM: Title 1, source 0

    6:06:42 AM: Source : c:\program files\divx\movies\the simpsons movie\the simpsons movie third trailer high-definition.divx

    that's what all the backspace errors are about... also there is a failure to fix an audio delay of 48000000ms with the same file...
    (to me that says that the first or last audio frame is missing.. not sure how you would go about repairing that)
    Does it play in any media players?

    From what I can see in the ffmpeg log dvd-flick doesn't care too much about media input format,
    though the issues with the particular file may be the 1280 x whatever it was overloading the encoder.

    Have a look at ffmpeg in more detail.. maybe you can set up flick to use mencoder?

    you can check files for errors with ffmpeg too...

    Using this command line:
    ffmpeg -i yourfile.avi -vcodec huffyuv -acodec pcm_u8 -f avi NUL (/dev/null on *nix)

    You'll see things like
    invalid new backstep 513 63245kB time=23.3 bitrate=22217.1kbits/s
    invalid new backstep 513
    overread, skip -5 enddists: -1 -1 time=28.4 bitrate=22249.9kbits/s
    invalid new backstep 516 166904kB time=61.8 bitrate=22124.3kbits/s
    if the mp3 audio is corrupt, or
    [mpeg4 @ 008F9D60]slice end not reached but screenspace end (1219 left 4BB6EE, score= -829)
    [mpeg4 @ 008F9D60]concealing 475 DC, 475 AC, 475 MV errors
    [mpeg4 @ 008F9D60]slice end not reached but screenspace end (17 left E9EFB5, score= -828)
    [mpeg4 @ 008F9D60]concealing 475 DC, 475 AC, 475 MV errors
    [mpeg4 @ 008F9D60]ac-tex damaged at 21 17
    [mpeg4 @ 008F9D60]Error at MB: 463
    [mpeg4 @ 008F9D60]marker does not match f_code
    [mpeg4 @ 008F9D60]ac-tex damaged at 10 2.6 bitrate=28286.8kbits/s
    [mpeg4 @ 008F9D60]Error at MB: 62
    [mpeg4 @ 008F9D60]marker does not match f_code
    if it's mpeg-4 video that's corrupt.
    Lots of variations on what can go wrong. If you want an error-concealed version,
    you can keep the output instead of dumping it to nul.

    It's surprisingly difficult to really visibly damage video, without dumping tens of bytes of junk into the file. ffmpeg has very good error concealment.

    BTW.. I still believe comments on the end of guides should be restricted to edits/suggestions about the guide.
    Not any other general "help I'm getting random errors with the program" questions..
    They should go in a separate thread rather than cluttering up the user guides section.

    oh.. and can somebody please fix the width of this page?
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 2, 2007
  19. Norm9

    Norm9 Guest

    Yeah they all play in the VLC PLAYER,

    I've never really meddled with command lines in case i mess it up, so i'd be lost there!

    It's surprisingly difficult to really visibly damage video, without dumping tens of bytes of junk into the file. ffmpeg has very good error concealment.

    Sorry bout that, as i searched for dvd flick and came here, but if the mods want to move it feel free,

    I've tried to edit the post as much as possible to change the width, as i didnt realise that would happen?
  20. varnull

    varnull Guest

    Hi.. have a play with ffmpeg and that file.. try the command line I posted and see what output you get..
    maybe even dump the result somewhere instead of NULL and try running it through flick again on it's own ;-)
    ffmpeg is pretty well behaved from the command line, it doesn't mess with any system related things.

    comments at the end were not directed at you.. heh heh heh.. I know loco very well, we are admins on another site,
    and the bit about the new thread for questions about the program/software use rather than the guide itself is a suggestion I have been hammering for a good long time.

    Also the width.. I'm sure our friendly mod who made the guide can sort it out..
    it's the dots

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