DVD Profiler Question

Discussion in 'Video - Software discussion' started by Clinty76, Feb 27, 2004.

  1. AcidC0RE

    AcidC0RE Member

    Feb 29, 2004
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    Okay everybody no shoving matches...LOL Really, there is no way to be prepared for something like this when you maintain an offline database (meaning online and not on his own servers in his home). If the hosting service faulters then you can only hope for a speedy recovery. Machines break, thats a common fact, and when they do it takes time to fix. I believe that is the issue here now...TIME. So now lets take that time and do something constructive; maintain some other software on the computer, or defrag, or spend time with your children, etc., etc. You think of what else can be done in the meantime. Periodicly come back, check the service if it's fixed great, if not continue do something else. I can not believe that with the resources available with todays computers that DVD Profiler is the only piece of software on them. We are all frustrated but lets not take it out on others that are in the same boat. He will get it fixed! In the meantime do something else.

    So now everybodys cooled off and now we can be contructive...

    Later all, I hope that helped.

    P.S. I am editing Ken Coles telephone number from my earlier post so he does not get any more calls about this since he is already aware of our concerns.
  2. JohnNaps

    JohnNaps Member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    I have just spoken with the creators of DVD Profiler and they informed me that they know the server is down and they are workin feverishly to get it back up and running and they assure me that it will and just ask me to be patient. So lets al give them a little patientience and understanding and hoipe it's up soon. I think I have about 50 waiting to down load and growing. Hope this helps everybody, John
  3. R.Baylis

    R.Baylis Member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Hi, newbie here - drawn by a Google search trying to find info on the outage on DVDProfiler.

    It's a shame that this thread got a little heated. In a way I agree with both sides. Not having DVDProfiler for a week isn't life and death, but if you have a large collection then you are likely to be adding to it often enough that it would be a significant inconvenience.

    Add to the fact that there's been little information from Intervocative themselves (and let's face it , they are weak on the communication aspect of their business) and you can see why folks get jumpy and start talking about alternatives.

    As for me? Well, now I know that it's likely it will be back I'll happily wait. But I'll admit I was on the 'jumpy' side of the fence until I knew.

    My last thought is that Intervocative should use the next upgrade to widen the gap between functionaility of the 'free' and 'paid for' versions, and even consider an annual fee. After all, it's not like a piece of software they flog once and forget - there's the site hosting and ever growing database to support.

    Freeloaders and those who grumble about paying any more than they already have are perfectly entitled to that point of view. But I think it's a very selfish one. Consider this...

    Anybody who is buying enough DVDs to warrant using DVDProfiler shouldn't need to think twice about $10 a year to carry on using it if they find it that useful. I mean, what fraction of the cost of a single DVD is that?
  4. AcidC0RE

    AcidC0RE Member

    Feb 29, 2004
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    R.Baylis: I agree, that's a good idea. It might even help them to buy newer, faster and more efficient servers. Seeing how he only makes money from new subscribers this would be a logical step in future upgrades of not only software but the hardware that the software sits on.

    Later all.
  5. sambryan

    sambryan Member

    Mar 1, 2004
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    Finally this post turned into a more supportive post rather than people asking about alternatives and ditching DVDprofiler. And [bold]ock913[/bold] yeah the only reason I haven't gone up and knocked on the door was because deep down inside he might want his privacy and I respect that. I wouldn't want people over at my house begging and pleading me!!! I would be like pa kettle on the front porch with a double barrel shotgun! "Get back you heathens"

    Also I call unpaid users leechers because they want to use a great piece of software and server space and webspace and all that for free... That in my definition is a leecher. Just like someone that comes over to your house and eats all your food and drinks all your beer! Merriam Websters calls a leecher someone that depletes its resource... Actually I would then have to call that person a Freeloader. (((to impose upon another's generosity or hospitality without sharing in the cost or responsibility involved ))) I am also a Moocher, Leacher, freeloader, or whatever you call it to many other programs but not this one because I want it to stay up and get better. I reserve the right to say hey where did this go? What happened? People say "Yeah I pay the penalty by looking at those advertisements I am so downtrodden." I personally think the makers of dvdprofiler should make it more uncomfortable for unpaid users than those CONVIENIENTLY placed ads... Like Hmmm lets see... Example I used up my evaluation on ReGet Deluxe I still dont want to pay for it but instead I have to wait 255 seconds before I can click evaluate to use it. Why don't I pay... Well I hardly use it. If I used it more often I would be forced to pay up..
    However I think maybe one of the reasons it is easier to use the low end profiler is becasue that way people still can contribute dvd's and cover scans. Back when I was a leacher of dvd profiler I had contributed at least 10 dvd's to the cause...

    [bold]AcidC0RE, R.Baylis[/bold] Well spoken...

    [bold]JohnNaps[/bold] Thanks for the info....

    And once again I would like to reiterate... The comment on his house wasn't a bad one. I was just pointing out that he isn't living in the trump towers with a swimming pool full of gold deblumes paid for by dvdprofiler users! He is an average Joe like most of us..... Of course I never met him in person so who is to say he isnt wearing a Rolex :D

    I am Outta here! I have said my piece... Lets all hope for a speedy recovery!
  6. Gobar

    Gobar Member

    Mar 5, 2004
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    This has been circulating on one of our Belgian forums:
    (hope it isn't true, because that won't be good)

  7. TT626

    TT626 Guest

    Thanks for the Post: If this is true, IVS will need to find a way to put a hook into their program to download scans from one of the "free cover sites" out there. Their database of the program is great, love the cross referencing. This story just keeps getting better as time goes on ;D
  8. ock913

    ock913 Guest

    The Intervocative site has been updated wit hthe following notice:

    DVDProfiler.com is temporarily unavailable. We experienced a serious hardware failure and are working to resolve the issue.

    Our new servers are in place and in the process of configuration and restore. As portions are reinstated and tested, they will become available.

    Restore of full functionality is expected by end of day Monday.

    Thank you for your patience and concern. Please be assured we are taking the necessary steps to prevent future service interruptions.

  9. ock913

    ock913 Guest

    OK everyone, as I posted above, the Intervocative site info was updated. Based on it saying that "As portions are reinstated and tested, they will become available" I decided to see if anything was available yet. I had a hunch that they would not have posted the info on the website unless they were certain that all data was coming back online and things were running smoothly in the transfer process.

    Well, I am very happy to say that I had approx 20 DVD's waiting to be added to my database and when I tried it, just to see what would happen, I was very pleased with the results. It is not back up yet, don't get too excited, but I can report that they have obviously begun the process. The server responded almost immediately to the request and did not timeout as it did before. Out of the 20 DVD's it successfully downloaded 2 profiles. The others were unsuccessful, but the response was immediate, that was the good part. No images were successful either, but that is OK, the data tranfer is going to take time and I am very hopeful that all will be up and running very, very soon.

    Please note, I ONLY tested it because it appeared I was the first one to report this update. I don't think we should all attempt to try it while the system is rebuilding. Those with more knowledge than I in this process may be able to better comment if this would cause any problems.

    I just wanted to pass on the good news. So long for now.
  10. PlanoLogi

    PlanoLogi Member

    Mar 2, 2004
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    More good news at www.dvdprofiler.com
    "Restore of full functionality is expected by end of the day Monday."
    Guess it's true, you don't know what you have until it's been gone ;)
  11. R.Baylis

    R.Baylis Member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    If Gobar is still reading this thread, can you post here what organisation you believe is being referred to as the IDSA?

    Using Google the only organisations I can turn up references to that seem even remotely connected with protecting copyright of DVD covers are the Industrial Designers Society of America and the Interactive Digital Software Association (now called the Entertainment Software Association).

    Neither have news items on their site about this and it would be a stretch of the imagination to assume they had any interest anyway.

    Without any corroboration I'm inclined to treat this with a HUGE pinch of salt, especially as Intervocative have updated their message to indicate a possible return of service by close of play on Monday.

    Of course, I'll eat an equally HUGE piece of humble pie if it turns out to be true and Intervocative were not telling us about this problem, but I'm inclined for now to believe them.
  12. Kev0192

    Kev0192 Guest

    Good News, I tried today to add about 10 more DVDs and the profiles downloaded ok. The cover shots aren't up yet but so far so good. If you check the link to the main page from the program itself, there is a explanation of what's going on and they hope to have everything back up by Mon 3/8/04

  13. Gobar

    Gobar Member

    Mar 5, 2004
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    ok..here's the story from the people of intervocative software:

    so... things should be ok soon.
  14. PlanoLogi

    PlanoLogi Member

    Mar 2, 2004
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    The DVDProfiler links are back up (for premium users)! Feels faster than ever.
    Life is good.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2004
  15. ock913

    ock913 Guest

    OK, it has been a while now and the service, although working, is far from back to normal. There have been no new posts here, but I know ya'll have got to notice it. I recently tried to add some older movies, ones I know would have to be in the database, and nothing, they are not there. C'mon, Girl Interrupted, that is over a year old. Forget new titles, they are hit and miss as well. Plenty of time has passed to get this system back up and running. Anyone have any idea what the status is. The web page is STILL saying the same thing and it is old news.
    You would think that someone, in the intersest of customer service, would take a minute to let the customers know what is going on. THis is just poor business practice now. Someone please lift my hopes in this issue, cause I am starting to serirously consider paying for Movie Collector.
  16. AcidC0RE

    AcidC0RE Member

    Feb 29, 2004
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    You know I don't know how you're trying to look up titles but I found 'Girl, Interrupted' just fine. By doing a search and by UPC it came up just fine. As for the website it hasn't said that temporarily out of service thing in a while. The website has been back up and everything for quite a while now. If you decide to go with Movie Collector, that's a good choice. I have it as well as CATVids, DVD Collector, and Movie Library and a few others. I use all of them because if one goes down then I have the others to fall back on. Besides They all have something different to offer.

    DVD Profiler - http://www.dvdprofiler.com/dvdpro/index.html
    Movie Collector - http://www.collectorz.com/movie/
    Movie Library - http://www.wensoftware.com/MovieLibrary/
    CATVids - http://www.fnprg.com/catvids/catvids.html
    DVD Collector - http://www.crunchymedia.com/products.html
    Movie DB - http://www.mypersonalsoftware.com/Movie_DB/
    CD Storage Master - http://www.cdstorager.com/cd-catalog/purchase.htm
    A link to a whole lot more is here - http://www.digital-digest.com/dvd/downloads/showcategory.php?cid=17

    God luck!

  17. LDLDL

    LDLDL Member

    Jan 13, 2004
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    When you did your search for Girl, Interrupted, you probably didn't use the comma. You can only do a search for a movie the way it's listed.
    Try it again, it's there!!!
  18. AcidC0RE

    AcidC0RE Member

    Feb 29, 2004
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    Yeah it's there. I don't see what the problem is. That title is 'Girl, Interrupted', if you search for it without the comma you won't find it because that's not how the title is. If you have any doubts then look here http://www.dvdempire.com/exec/v4_item.asp?item_id=12312 In order for your searches to return any results you must spell the title correctly including any punctuation. If you are wanting to spell it any other way then you must download it and then edit it for your custom needs, but do not share it with the community with your custom edits. This is clearly stated in the agreement for DVD Profiler. If you are having problems with anything you might want to post on DVD Profilers forum instead of this one. Just a suggestion. http://www.dvdprofiler.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi

    Good luck!



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    Last edited: Mar 24, 2004
  19. PaulHot

    PaulHot Member

    Apr 21, 2004
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    I use CD Storage Master 3.07 (http://www.cdstorager.com), it is a featured software, it can analyse DVD movies chapters, channel, durations, etc.

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