I need someone's expert advice...I'm new at copying DVD's but I did find out about dvd43 so my question is what software is compatible with dvd43? I've heard of dvd shrink and nero 6 ultra, in what order do I use these software programs? do I have to use dvd shrink and nero 6 ultra or either one? Please advise.
Howdy Johnny2K4, Welcome aboard - we're glad to have ya here Click on this link and drop down to the bottom of the page - Follow the directions to the letter and you’ll be going in no time http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/79846 BTW, DVD43 does a rip behind the scenes (make sure you don't have version 2.0 - that's a pay for program after 30-days :-( DVD Shrink does it for you too, and does a better job (that's a fact). Enjoy, Pete
Thanks for the response, Pete. Though it's a little confusing since I'm new to to this. My question to you is, is dvd decoder a similar program to dvd 43? I'm planning on buying a dual-layered dvd burner soon so do I still need to d/l dvd shrink?
Johnny, No, DVD Decrypter is an excellent ripper AND burner. In this case we're using it as the burner. DVD Shrink does it's own ripping - Using DVD43 just isn't necessary. Run it in the background - it's not helping but it's not hurting either ) DVD43 will rip allot but it won't do macrovision for instance - DVD43 is generally used for things like DVD2One, CloneDVD or Nero's recode2 that have no ripper at all though most pple who use those programs use DVD Decrypter as a ripper because it will rip about everything while DVD43 will not. cheers, Pete