DVD-RB Pro + CCE SP 2.70 guide for newbies or those that are interested

Discussion in 'DVD / BD-Rebuilder forum' started by alkohol, Nov 15, 2006.

  1. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    This guide has come in handy already gave the link to a few people. Its nice to finally have an updated version of a guide for new users to view.

    @AlBundy I have read on some sites of members having the same issue as you have had with the new CCESP 2.7 version. They said they added the below header to the rebuilder.ini file and it corrected the problem and they finally got CCE to correctly work.

    CCE_Trial_Header="; CCE SP Trial Version -- Encoder Control List"

    You can find the rebuilder.ini file in your programs folder under DVD-RB. Right click on the rebuilder.ini file and open it with notepad and then add the above line under [option] then save and maybe you will be good to go.

    Even jdobbs (Author of DVD Rebuilder says this in a similar thread...

    Last edited: Nov 23, 2006
  2. AlBundy

    AlBundy Regular member

    May 1, 2006
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    Thats great to know. I tryed using the HD Encoder last night to back up Ice Age 2 (bought it for $30 at Future Shop) while I was at work (dame night shifts). I saw the results (my TV at the moment is about a 30 inch no name brand) and was happy with the results. I was wondering if the picture quality will be better with CCE SP or ProCoder 2? If so which of the two (CCE SP ProCoder 2) would give me a better picture quality.
  3. AlBundy

    AlBundy Regular member

    May 1, 2006
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    Ok so now that I have tryed the Hd Coder thats built within DVD RB and also tryed the ProCoder 2 I will give your advice a try. I was just wondering from all the people here which of the coders does everyone think I should go with and why?
  4. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    I couldn't answer that because I haven't tried any of the other encoders. I have only used CCE. It has worked for me and love the results so I never went to another encoder.

    I have read allot of different discussions on what other members think is best. The threads I have read most either use ProCoder or CCE with CCE usually gaining a small edge due to being quicker. But again I do not know first hand due to only using CCE.
  5. carino

    carino Member

    Oct 5, 2006
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    Great guide, was very helpful today!
  6. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    very nice guide a bit complex but yea ... whats the diffrense between Cinema Craft Encoder SP (CCE) v2.70.02.06
    and pro coder 2 ???? or better yet whtas the best method for backing up a dvd9 to a dvd5 in conpression of course , i have anydvd as far as decryption from there i need someting better then clonedvd2 or dvd shrink lol ... and fianly is whaever software worth the wait or should i just buy dl disc????
  7. alkohol

    alkohol Regular member

    Apr 6, 2005
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    Both CCE SP 2.70 and Pro Coder 2 are definitely 2 of the best encoders out there, especially if your into "quality" like me.

    I haven't used Canopus Pro Coder 2 yet, so I can't really comment on the quality. I know some members have used it and said its quality is better than CCE SP, but some said they're (CCE SP and Pro Coder 2) the same. However, CCE SP is faster than Pro Coder 2, there's no doubt about it -- matter of fact, it (CCE SP) is the fastest encoder, in addition it will beat all others when it comes to speed.

    I have been using DVD-RB Pro + CCE SP and so far all of my backups looks awesome on my 55" Sony Widescreen HDTV. Perhaps, when I get a better rig in the future, I'll play/test with Canopus Pro Coder 2 and compare its "quality & speed) to CCE SP 2.70, otherwise I'm good with CCE SP 2.70 for now.
  8. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    well i have a xps 700 2 gb ram ddr2 at 533 mhz core 2 duo 6700 @ 2.66 ghz 500 gb hd raid 0 config nvidia 7800 gs so i can pretty much say my system is pretty savvy....

    how much time diffrense is between sp and pro coder 2 ? so theirs no better way of conpressing a dvd 9 to a dvd 5 then these guys??? i mean i'll wait the time for the quality but if it keeps on staying for a long time the eletricity bill will be more then buying DL disc lol .... any more thoughts alkohol ??? thanks
  9. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    Time will not be a problem with your pc. There is no better software available to the common joe than dvd-rebuilder and an encoder. You can always try the free encoder (hc encoder by hanks) that comes bundled with dvd rebuilder before buying a retail encoder. Hc encoder, cce and procoder are all ver comparable. HC encoder and procoder2 are about 1/3 again slower than cce. Since using dvd-rb/cce, the only time I use DL media is when I combine 2 episodic dvd's and then compress them down to fit on a dvd9.

    CCE BASIC $58
    PROCODER2 $500
    CCE SP $2,000
  10. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    i already bough dvd-rb and my cuzen gave me his CCE SP , im having issues installing dvd-rb :( hmm for the avg joe , can their be any better??? btw thanks to you and alkohol for the replys . can i do this with dvd rb like reduce the quality on the extras / special features make it like red metor quality and increase the yellow to green metor on the movie? as far as quality on language reduced secondary language to yellowish / red and make main language eng to yellow to green... is it possible?
  11. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    What problems are you having with the DVD-RB installation?

    As to lowering the quality of the Extras you can do this under the option of (STEAL SPACE FROM EXTRAS)

    You can get to this option by clicking OPTIONS and go down the list till you see (STEAL SPACE FROM EXTRAS)

    00% Default
    10% Slight Quality Drop
    25% Quality Drop
    33% Significant Quality Drop
    50% I Don't Care About Extra Quality

    Using this options does work but there are cases where you will not want to use this option. (Episodic DVDs will not work with this option) It will choose the longest main movie and decrees the quality of the rest. So if there are 4 Shows on the DVD 1 will be of great quality and the rest will be considered Extras and will be reduced.

    As to the audio question. I don't think you can lower the quality of 1 audio to gain quality for the other audio that you want. I have never tried this but do not think you can. The best advice I can give is to completely edit out the audio you do not want that way you can gain all that space that the unwanted audio is using. Do this by either checking a red X next to the audio that you do not want. Or by going into the audio options and have it only process the audio that you want to keep. That way all other audio should be taken out.

    All of the above is covered in the guide that alkohol has made so follow the guide closely and you should have no problems doing what you want to do.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2007
  12. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    thanks for clearifying that larrylje and everyone else that replied the issue was when im about to install it it ask for avic file or something that i might be missing i'll try it again if i can't get it to work i'll reply back but thx anyways i'll write back either way if i got future questions
  13. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    More then likely it is saying you do not have Avisynth installed. You can get this program and install it at the link below. It is free...


    I would download and install the 2.5.7 version.

    So install AviSYNTH and CCE and then install DVD-RB
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2007
  14. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    and what is that Avisynth for?
  15. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    I'ts a background program necessary for rebuilder to run. Install it and forget it.
  16. teflonmyk

    teflonmyk Regular member

    May 24, 2005
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    Yeah... Once you get DVDRebuilder set up, the rest is history.... You won't know how you ever lived without it... LOL

    I need to experiment with ProCoder2 times with my new rig... I know CCE with 2 passes takes 40 or so min. to encode these days...
  17. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    whats with the 2 passes or 3 passes or so foruth??? also is their a way i can set it up to be high prioryt usage or real time and close all my other apps when im dedicating to do just a movie?
  18. raspyry

    raspyry Member

    Nov 19, 2006
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    I also have problems. I did just like the instructions said. Now I dis my first backup but I only got nice picture but no sound. What should I do now?

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