i didn't change the jumpers (that I know of), i just switched the IDE connections around, then got lost and tried to put them back the way they were to begin with. i got them partly right on my last go-round because the computer booted up. i guess i'll take the thing apart again tomorrow and see what happens. wish me luck! hehe
For what it's worth this link may clear up some confusion: http://www.helpwithpcs.com/upgrading/installing_cd_recorder.htm
Personally i would unplug both dvd/cd drives and the harddrive. Then i would clear the bios or reset it to defaults. The config i have always used because you dont want to mess around with the recorder. Primary IDE 0 - Set the Hardrive as master, and your cd/dvd reader as the slave. Secondary IDE 1 - Set the recorder as the master. I always let any recorder have its own cable this seems to stop coasters i have not had one in months After that nip into the bios and check that it all looks good. Hope this helps!
And i forgot to say the Green light on the floppy stays on because you have put the cable in wrong. It happened to me. One of the ends can go in either way so turn it around.